"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD." (Isaiah 11:2 NKJV)
In Isaiah 11:2, the Holy Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of counsel and might. In this verse, the term "might" is derived from the Hebrew root word gibbor, which has several meanings, including "champion," "strong," "mighty," and "excel." Interestingly enough, this term is also associated with one of the names of God, "El Gibbor," which translates to "the Mighty God."
In these end times I see a mighty army arising that will do great damage to the enemy's camp. The spiritual forces of darkness have tried to hinder those on the front lines, but there is no time to rest on the field. God is giving out fresh marching orders to those who have ears to hear. I see the Spirit of power and might coming upon His remnant Bride again. They have hands of war ready for battle.
In my article today we will highlight women in ministry, as I believe they are a huge part of God's plan unfolding today. We will look at some powerful women of the past to trace His mighty hand, and then see what the Lord is doing with powerful warriors that wear combat boots today—His daughters, His Bride.
Maria Woodworth-Etter
Maria Woodworth-Etter, born in 1844, was a pioneering, healing evangelist who helped spark the Pentecostal movement. When she was very young, Maria had a dramatic spiritual awakening at a Methodist camp meeting, setting her on the path to becoming a preacher, despite stiff opposition against women ministers in her day.
Maria married and had six children, yet still felt God calling her to share the gospel. She began leading lively revival meetings, channeling her zeal into fiery sermons. Maria soon discovered she also had exceptional gifts of healing and discernment. She would supernaturally discern people's illnesses, then facilitate healings through prayer.
Maria's popularity exploded as testimonies of her healing miracles spread. The supernatural trances and speaking in tongues that was happening in her meetings drew criticism from skeptics, but Maria was undeterred, committed to preaching repentance and Christ's power.
Maria would preach for hours on end, sometimes from morning till midnight. In the days that followed her revivals, it was reported that people would be struck down by God's power in homes and even on roadways. Hundreds converted in weeks of meetings, up to 500 souls saved in a single week! (Photo via Rawpixel)
One day, fifteen doctors came to scrutinize the manifestations that occurred under Maria's ministry. A skeptical doctor among them was called to another room where, astonishingly, he found his own son at the alter, asking if he would pray for him, but the doctor was unable to pray. Then the Lord began to speak to the doctor, and he broke down and prayed to God.
Suddenly, the doctor fell into a trance and saw the horrors of Hell before him. After a violent spiritual struggle, the Lord dramatically saved him. The humbled doctor then zealously worked to win lost souls, sharing his testimony with thousands.
In the course of Maria's ministry, countless souls gave their lives to Christ. Beyond physical healings, she emphasized personal holiness and each person's need for salvation through faith in Jesus. Through her books, Maria documented the remarkable revival happenings.
Maria Woodworth-Etter passed away in 1924 after decades of ministry. She paved the way for others who would continue to champion faith healing, such as Aimee Semple McPherson and Kathryn Kuhlman. Her passion for sharing Christ made Sister Woodworth-Etter a true pioneer in divine healing and supernatural ministry at a pivotal time in history.
The Duncan Sisters
The "Duncan" sisters (Elizabeth V. Baker, Susan A. Duncan, Hattie M. Duncan, Mary E. Work, and Nellie A. Fell) were remarkable women who played a significant role in the birth of the classical Pentecostal movement. Despite facing personal hardships and challenges within their family, these sisters remained steadfast in their faith and dedicated their lives to serving God and spreading His message.
In 1895, the Duncan sisters opened the Elim Faith Home in Rochester, New York, providing a place for healing and refreshment. They later established Elim Publishing House and the Trust magazine in 1902, sharing their teachings on healing, the Holy Spirit, end times, and world evangelization. Their ministry was greatly influenced by the news of the Welsh Revival (1904-1905), and the Azusa Revival (1906), which led them to seek a similar spiritual awakening in their own community.
The sisters' unwavering faith and commitment to prayer resulted in a Pentecostal revival breaking out during a convention they held in 1907. They went on to construct Elim Tabernacle, establish Rochester Bible Training School, and train missionaries who carried the gospel message around the world.
The Duncan sisters served as powerful examples of women wholly devoted to God and His purposes, even in the face of opposing societal norms and expectations. Their legacy continues to inspire generations of women to answer God's call and step into leadership roles within the church and ministry.
Christine Gibson
Christine Gibson, the founder of Zion Bible Institute, was a remarkable woman of faith who left a lasting impact on Spirit-filled Bible education. Born in 1879, Christine felt called to ministry at a young age. Despite facing challenges and opposition, she pursued her holy calling with unwavering determination.
In 1924, Christine established Zion Bible Institute in East Providence, Rhode Island. Her vision was to create a place where men and women could receive sound biblical training and be equipped for ministry without the burden of tuition or fees. Zion Bible Institute was founded as a faith school, relying on God's provision and the generosity of supporters to operate. Christine believed that financial constraints should not hinder anyone from answering God's call to ministry.
The school started small, but under Christine's leadership, it grew steadily over the years. Christine's passion for God's Word and her commitment to excellence in education attracted students worldwide.
Christine Gibson's unwavering faith, visionary leadership, and commitment to providing tuition-free Christian education continues to inspire and impact lives to this day. Her life serves as a testament to the power of a woman wholly devoted to God and His purposes, and her faith-based approach to biblical education has set a powerful example for many institutions that followed. (Photo via Unsplash)
Christine's legacy lives on through the countless lives she touched, and the generations of ministers and leaders who were trained at Zion Bible Institute. Among those students were my paternal grandparents. At the age of forty-two, my grandmother, Laura Porter, accepted the call of God and went to Zion for four years. She left the school ordained by the Lord and started teaching in Bible schools in Pennsylvania. One of those schools was in Conneaut Lake, a special school started by Bob Mumford.
Because Zion did not charge tuition, my grandparents were awarded a Bible school education, and at the age of fifteen, my dad was saved at the school, filled with the Holy Spirit, danced in the Spirit, and was called into the ministry. Now, three generations later, my sister and I are both in full-time ministry. My wife and I are launching a Bible training center this month, which is also faith based, and opening the doors to whoever will come.
The Here and Now
In conclusion, the lives of these remarkable women—Maria Woodworth-Etter, the Duncan sisters, and Christine Gibson—stand as shining examples of the power of faith, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to God's call. These women faced numerous challenges and obstacles in their time, yet they remained steadfast in their devotion to spreading the gospel, ministering to the sick, and equipping the next generation of leaders.
Today, God continues to call women to step into their divine purpose and make a profound impact on the world. The stories of these pioneering women serve as a powerful reminder that no matter the circumstances or opposition, God can use anyone who is willing to answer His call and step out in faith.
To the women of today, I issue this challenge: Embrace your God-given calling and purpose. Do not let fear, doubt, or societal expectations hinder you from pursuing the path God has laid before you. Just as Maria Woodworth-Etter, the Duncan sisters, and Christine Gibson faced their challenges head-on, trusting in God's provision and guidance, you too can overcome any obstacle through faith and perseverance.
Remember, you are part of a long lineage of powerful women who have made a lasting impact on the world for God's glory. You have been equipped with unique gifts, talents, and experiences that God wants to use to advance His Kingdom. Whether you are called to ministry, leadership, education, or any other sphere of influence, know that your obedience and willingness to serve can transform lives and leave a legacy that will impact generations to come.
So, rise up, women of God! Put on your spiritual armor and step into your call. Be bold, be courageous, and be willing to follow where He leads... one step at a time. Together, let us continue the work that these remarkable women began, spreading the gospel, ministering to those in need, and building up the Body of Christ. The world is waiting for you to run your race, and with God's strength and guidance, there is no limit to what you can achieve for His glory.
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Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries
Email:Â G524walk@yahoo.com
Website:Â www.findrefuge.tv
Steve and Diane Porter have dedicated their lives to helping others experience a deeper relationship with God. Through their work with Refuge Ministries and Deeper Life Press, they have created resources that touch lives all over the globe. Steve has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, and his books, articles, and videos have helped people draw closer to God. The Porters live near Rochester, NY, and their greatest joy is to share the incredible love of their wonderful Lord.
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