March is almost over, but these last few days are important. I believe March into early April is a season of God-breathed transition for many. There is a transition happening within our hearts and around us; it's like a wheel within a wheel, a turning within a turning. The internal transitions will prepare us for the external transitions.
God Is Breaking off False Alignments
It's going to take courage and hard work to face these false alignments and to make some internal transitions so that the external transitions can come. It is a time to be strong and to march forward. The transitions that happen now are going to set the stage for greater things in the future. The Lord is inviting many to face their fears and move past their comfort levels. The need for comfort will cause many to want to retreat backwards, but the Lord is inviting us to be courageous and strong and march forward into transition.
This transition must happen in the heart first, because if it only happens externally, those false alignments of the heart will be reconnected. The Lord is delivering people from cycles where there have been patterns of the same struggles repeating themselves over and over again.
Great Deliverance for Us and Confusion for Our Enemies
Judge Deborah was a mighty prophetess in Israel, and she led the Israelites into a powerful deliverance with Barak. After the victory was won, Deborah and Barak sang a song of praise. In it, they asked why the others had not joined the forces. Ruben had stayed among the sheepfolds. Gilead stayed by the Jordan, and Dan lingered by the ships of distraction. Asher stayed in his safe coves. But the people of Zebulun and Naphtali came forward and fought the battle. They were strong and they took courage (see Judges 5:15–18). (Photo via Pexels)
We are invited by the Lord to leave our places of comfort and small thinking—for us, our children, and for our nation. He's asking us to not hide and retreat in fear, because that is where false alignments are made. We align ourselves with the wrong people, the wrong future, and the wrong places because it's comfortable. But it's never comfortable to be courageous and move forward in life. Deborah sang these words that we must sing over ourselves: "...March on, my soul; be strong!" (Judges 5:21).
Transitions must happen internally so that external transitions can be sustainable. God is not asking us to make these internal transitions of the mind and heart on our own; He is inviting us to join Him in the battle that He is fighting for us. He has gone before us, just as He went before Deborah and Barak. He invited them to engage in a battle where He was waiting to confuse their enemies and bring about a great deliverance for His people. The Lord released angelic forces to help Deborah and Barak.
You are not alone as you march forward, for the Lord has released His army to help you. Those who choose to transition internally and march forward are not alone. As we align with God and His partnership, He will confuse our demonic enemies.
Overcoming a Retreating Spirit
God is inviting us into a battle of internal transition. He is going after a retreating spirit that is empowered by the fear of pain, confrontation, shame, and the fear of people. Our own will and heart cannot give up now; we must march on into this battle. He will fight for us and cause the external transition, but we have to agree to it. Deborah agreed to the battle, as did Barak; and even though Barak was apprehensive, he still marched forward, and God fought for him.
See the Finish Line and Catch the Wind
These final days of March and early April are the end of a marathon for many of us. The Lord is urging us not to give up, though the work is tiring. The final part of any race is the most difficult part, but if we can see the finish line with eyes of faith, we will catch another wind that will bring us over the finish line.
We must be patient and persevere. Just as a farmer waits for the autumn and spring rains to water his work, we must be patient (see James 5:7). Patience means persevering, even if we see no fruit for our work, because as we keep planting even when we see nothing, we are storing up a harvest. Then when God sends the rain, our seed will suddenly emerge! (Photo via PickPik)
When God sends the rain, the rain itself doesn't contain the harvest; it's the seed that it falls upon that comes to harvest through the rain. If we fail to persevere in the planting season, then even when the rain falls, our harvest will be less than desired.
The Month of March and Early April
The spring rains have begun to fall in many parts of the nation, but its still time to march on. Transition is coming and has already begun for many this month. Remember that even after the rains fall, there is a waiting period before they do their work to germinate the seed, but soon afterwards, suddenly everything shifts and turns green! We will experience the spring harvest, great deliverances, promotions, breakthroughs, and celebrations. Many of us will be surprised by seed we had planted and forgotten about suddenly sprouting up into a harvest.
As you persevere with patience, make sure that you stay in the rest and peace of the Lord. Remember, this is not by your might or power, but by His Spirit. But don't be afraid to work hard; you're almost at the finish line. Let's declare over our souls with Deborah, "March on, my soul; be strong!"
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Mandy Adendorff
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Mandy Adendorff has passionately released the Kingdom at home and abroad for over 30 years. She has planted an equipping supernatural school in Connecticut, teaches and ministers prophetically, and authors numerous books. Mandy is an artist at her core, creating art that impacts the human spirit. When she was fifteen years old she encountered Jesus, but because she is Jewish, she hid her faith until the fire inside couldn't be contained anymore and she has been ministering ever since. Mandy, her husband Stuart and their two daughters immigrated to the US from South Africa and are based in New England, USA.
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