One of the descriptions of Jesus in the Bible is that He is the Door (John 10:9). He is the Door that brings us into a place of pasture and fruitfulness. The Lord gave me several dreams for Believers who have been on an arduous journey of life that I believe will encourage them to enter into the desired haven He has for them. I believe there are some key areas the Lord would have me bring as a message to the Body of Christ through this series of three prophetic dreams.
1. Dream of an Open Gate for Dead-End Situations
On January 26, 2023, the Lord gave me a dream where I was with many Believers. We were on a journey to a location where we needed a bus to get there. We were glad to see a bus that was taking people to the same place we needed to get to. However, the bus driver told us that his bus was full, and therefore he could not take us to where we needed to be. We had no choice but to start walking to our destination.
When we finally arrived at our destination, we saw gate barriers that made it impossible for us to get in. We were told by security officers at the gate that in order for us get in, we needed to show them our tickets, tickets that were only given to those who had come on the bus that we had not been able to get on!
When it seemed like there was no way to get in, suddenly the gate barriers swung open without any human effort, and we were able to go through. It was clear, even in the dream, that the Lord was our divine Helper who allowed the closed gates to open for us.
Dream Interpretation
I woke up with these words from the Lord ringing in my heart: "He is the helper of the helpless." Throughout Scripture, God came through for those who seemed to have no help, and He won't stop now.
I have this encouraging word for you: If the Lord has revealed the path of your destiny to you, start walking by faith, because in due time, God, the Door-opener, will cause the gates to swing wide open for you! For in this season of open gates, multiple doors will open unexpectedly.
I hear in my spirit that divine orchestrations are being set in motion. Even when it seems like the Lord is silent, or the road too arduous or difficult, expect the suddenlies of God and miraculous shifts that give you entrance into all the Lord has for you. (Photo via Creative Commons)
For example, I have been seeing and hearing testimonies of healing from many who had been believing for their healing for decades before the Lord had me or others pray for them. I believe there will be many more open doors into miraculous provisions and breakthroughs.
I specifically sense this dream is also for the Josephs who have suffered rejections and setbacks. In the hearts of these Josephs, there is a faithful desire to continue their paths of obedience, despite setbacks. I believe the set timing of the word of the Lord will cause these Josephs to be loosed from chains of setback situations so they can enter into the appointed destiny prepared for them. Psalm 105:19–20 is such a good promise from Scripture for this:
"Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him. The king sent and released him, the ruler of the people let him go free."
The required tickets needed to enter the gate barriers in my dream represent man-made requirements that sets boundaries and qualifications for our opportunities in life. The bus we tried to enter in the dream represents missed opportunities that some of us have encountered in our life's journey.
I hear this encouragement from the Lord for you: Fear not if you are in this category, for He (the Lord) qualifies those whose hearts are open to Him, where He sees their faithfulness. Man-made requirements will not stop you from entering into your desired haven (God's destiny for you), because the Lord is the one who qualifies those who walk in obedience before Him. The reward for your diligence will be the swinging open of the long-awaited, unexpected door by He (Jesus) who holds the Isaiah 22:22 key, who opens doors that no man can shut.
2. Dream of an Open Door into Nations
On January 29, 2024, I had a dream where I saw a door being opened into a nation through visa approval.
In my dream, I saw a person who had done all they could to get into a particular nation (including getting the necessary documents needed), but the visa approval officer was hostile and seemed unwilling to give the visa.
Suddenly, there was a turnaround and a shift in the heart of the visa officer. Unexpectedly, he gave visa approval to the person who seemed shocked but happy at the turnaround. The visa approval was for an open door into the United Kingdom.
Dream Interpretation
I believe we are in an Isaiah 22:22 season where the "Door Opener," Jesus, is opening doors no man can shut for His will and purpose in the nations. I believe this particular dream is for those who have a mandate from God to minister in the nations, and for those who are being led to relocate or make their abode in certain countries.
In my dream, I saw a stamp of approval for the United Kingdom. Although I believe the United Kingdom is primed to see a move of glory as never before, I believe many nations in similar situations are about to experience an increase of the glory of God and a time of great harvest. Many Believers who have certain nations on their hearts will receive visitations displaying the mercy and the favor of God as these doors open for them. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The visa approval I saw represents Heaven's stamp of approval to supernaturally release people into the nations God has put on their hearts. For example, in my personal life, before the Lord started to open multiple doors of ministry for me to go to the USA, I was having recurring dreams of receiving a stamp of approval on my visa to enter the USA. The more I had those dreams, the more doors of favor and opportunities opened for me to minister in the USA, and I truly thank the Lord for these opportunities.
In Psalm 2:8, the Lord says, "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession." This is the season to ask, for the Lord desires to open doors into the nations that need to receive His glory. There will be an increase of a supernatural release of favor for a great harvest in the nations of the earth. Bureaucracies and ungodly barriers in certain nations will ultimately be removed because of this move of God's favor.
3. Dream of a Doorway into the River of God
A while back, the Lord gave me a dream where I was in a room inside a house. The room was dry, and in front of me was a door which I opened. As I opened it, I entered another room that was full of the waters of a river. The waters were so massive and deep that I could not touch the height, depth, or width of them. I felt waves come under my feet as I soared in these waters all night. In this room, I also heard heavenly music all night. I woke up from the dream feeling the power and tangible presence of the Lord.
Dream Interpretation
The waters in the room represent the anointing of the Holy Spirit that we are meant to be immersed in daily. The dry room is symbolic of being in a dry area devoid of the presence of God. The door I opened is Jesus. The Lord does not want us to live lives devoid of His power and presence, but He wants us to have a daily communion with His Son Jesus who, through our communion with Him, will release us into a lifestyle of His glory, anointing, and presence that will overflow through us, causing us to live a supernatural lifestyle where we release His life to those who need Him the most.
I believe the three dreams are related. The Lord is on course to open doors and gates for those in dead-end situations. Some of these doors will be gates into nations that need a move of God's Spirit. Jesus Himself is the divine connector of our divinely orchestrated places. As we arrive at our destination, He wants us to live actively immersed in His presence so we can remain fruitful in Him.
I pray for our hearts to be positioned in faith to enter fully into the gates and doors the Lord is opening in this season which lead to our divine inheritance, purpose, and destiny.
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Ella Onakoya
Harvest of the Nations
Ella Onakoya is a lover of Jesus and the founding leader of Harvest of the Nations. She ministers in the UK, America, Europe, Africa and Asia. She is an evangelist, a prophetess, a prophetic watchman, and an apostle to the nations. She is also a teacher and an author. God moves powerfully through her ministry to revive, heal, equip, and release the Body of Christ as she speaks in various conferences, churches, ministries, and equipping schools. She is also the director of Harvest of the Nations School of Ministry. She writes prophetic articles for the Elijah List, and her articles have also been published by Charisma Magazine and Spirit Fuel. For further information about her ministry, please visit
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