An Encounter with a Mysterious King
"This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means 'king of righteousness'; then also, 'king of Salem' means 'king of peace.'" (Hebrews 7:1–2)
"[W]here our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek." (Hebrews 6:20)
We all face times of hardship and loss. When our best-laid plans unravel, our strength fails us, and defeat seems imminent. When we find ourselves in such low places, we grasp for encouragement, desperate to regain our footing.
Abraham knew this feeling all too well after attempting to rescue his nephew Lot. Though successful, some of his men perished in battle. Exhausted and needing a rest, Abraham stumbled upon an oasis – and an encounter with the mysterious priestly king, Melchizedek.
This king's very name echoed the blessings Abraham desperately needed to hear. Melchizedek means "king of righteousness." As ruler over Salem, meaning "peace," his title was "king of peace."
I imagine Melchizedek ministered to Abraham with perfect understanding. He offered bread and wine to nourish Abraham's body. Then Melchizedek bestowed God's blessing – a blessing of righteousness and peace. (Photo via Flickr)
Destined for Priestly Service
As a forerunner of Christ, I believe Melchizedek discerned Abraham's deepest needs and met them with both physical and spiritual nourishment. Just as Jesus later broke bread and shared the cup at the Last Supper, Melchizedek administered a life-giving meal, sealing a covenant of divine care between Abraham and God Most High. This covenant established Abraham's descendants as destined for priestly service, something no one else had ever done.
Centuries later, Jesus fulfilled this priestly calling as the ultimate High Priest. By sacrificing His body and Blood for us, He became our bread and wine of everlasting life. Jesus mastered the art of ministering to human pain. Our Lord's time on Earth gave Him firsthand experience as "the man of sorrows," allowing Him to fully empathize with our human sufferings (Isaiah 53:3).
In crisis, you can turn to Christ your compassionate High Priest. Through His Spirit, He ministers the Father's blessings specially designed just for you. Plead Jesus' promises in prayer as a balm to your painful wounds. Seek His living Word as daily bread for your inner man. Discover afresh the wine of Jesus' enduring comfort and joy. Allow Christ to uplift you with reminders of your righteousness in Him. Let His supernatural peace reign in your inner being.
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one Body you were called to peace. And be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)
Here Awaits God's Melchizedek
Just as Melchizedek supplied what Abraham needed in that moment, Jesus will minister to your deepest needs today. With outstretched arms, the nails that pinned Him to the Cross beckon you to draw near. Here awaits God's Melchizedek, your High Priest, granting blessings of righteousness, peace, rest, and nourishment for the road ahead as your El Shaddai, so that nothing is missing or broken.
In your darkest night, call on Jesus who understands better than anyone the crushing weight of affliction. Allow Him to break open your soul to receive His bread and wine once more. As you partake anew of Christ's sustaining comforts, know that you join that ancient fellowship between Abraham, Melchizedek and all others who found solace beneath His wings. (Photo via Pexels)
Though battles leave God's children scarred and weathered, we cling to this hope: The anchor of Jesus' eternal priesthood stands firm and secure, tethering our souls when storms attack from every side. The cords of God's blessing cannot break, for He upholds and strengthens the righteous – you and me. Take courage and believe that breakthrough will surely come as you abide in the shadow of your High Priest.
Righteousness cannot waver, though accusations fly on every side. Peace guards the heart and mind though wars rage around them. His strength is made perfect through human weakness. Comfort from the God of all comfort wipes away every tear. Grace upon grace become daily bread and living water for the inner man.
Fix Your Gaze Ahead
Where defeat threatens, I declare victory. Where wounds fester, I speak healing this day. As this covenant meal renews your spirit, go forth renewed in courage. The banner of the Lord Most High goes before you. No enemy can stand against the hosts of Heaven who attend you. Fix your gaze ahead, where victory awaits!
Hebrews 6:19 says it so well: "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure..." It's in Jesus Christ, who will never fail to meet every need. In the darkest of nights and the fiercest of battles, remember the legacy of Melchizedek and the eternal priesthood of Jesus. For in Him, we find not just a story of old but a living promise, a beacon of hope that guides us through tempests to harbors of peace and righteousness. Embrace this covenant, hold fast to this anchor of your soul, and let the blessings of the Most High carry you forward – restored, renewed, and resolute in faith, as heirs to an unshakable Kingdom where every tear is wiped away and every heart finds its home in His everlasting embrace.
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Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries
Steve and Diane Porter have dedicated their lives to helping others experience a deeper relationship with God. Through their work with Refuge Ministries and Deeper Life Press, they have created resources that touch lives all over the globe. Steve has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, and his books, articles, and videos have helped people draw closer to God. The Porters live near Rochester, NY, and their greatest joy is to share the incredible love of their wonderful Lord.
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