I want to pray over those who feel spiritually blind right now, people who have crossed over into 2024 just feeling lost and still battling the swirl and confusion that have been following them for some time now. I know many of you have been thinking, Nothing has changed for me. My circumstances still look impossible. But the greatest problem is that YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE HEADED.
It's felt like the unknown season you have been in has now turned into a wilderness fortress, and you have lost hope that you'll ever leave this place. Somehow, temporary displacement and pause have felt like your permanent campsite. The season of "process and preparation" now feels like a nightmare merry-go-round, and you want to get off! You have been frustrated and agitated with hope-filled promises of entering the promise, because in your mind, it just doesn't seem like it's going it happen. Am I right?
I'll say what few are saying right now: Many of you are done hearing prophetic news headlines that don't seem to be taking place for you.
You ask, "Did I fail? Did I do something wrong?"
No, you have an enemy that wants you frustrated and mad at God.
"Am I invisible to God? Has He abandoned me?"
No, you have an adversary that wants to keep you isolated so he can make you bitter.
"Did I not fight and hold onto my promises long enough?"
No, you have been battling the spirit of delay and hope deferred that wants you to eventually give up on this tug of war.
Mid-Flight Crisis
I had a dream in early January where I was flying a small passenger plane over the ocean when a storm arose and sucked me into its core and spun me around. I thought I was going to crash, but instead I seemed to be suspended within the storm. I was safe but stuck, unable to get out of the "swirl" of it. I remember feeling frustrated that no matter what I did, I couldn't get out of it to see ahead.
When I woke up, I knew this wasn't a dream about me, but about many who are feeling stuck right now in that swirl. The words that came to me were "flying blind" and "mid-flight crisis." I felt that many have been feeling spiritually blind, either just in direction and purpose, or on a deeper level where they have been feeling spiritually disconnected, discouraged, and disillusioned. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Right now, many Believers are in a mid-flight crisis, where their faith is at an all time low, and they are questioning their beliefs, promises, and the path behind them.
Let me say this, I know the road has been hard and nothing makes sense. I know the road has been long, and you have held on beyond the realm of hope. But, the battle for your destiny has never been greater than at this moment. You feel like this because the enemy wants you to not only give up, but to abandon the ship of faith. He isn't just after your purpose, but your very connection to God. He wants you to doubt God and choose the life you can provide for yourself in your own strength.
The battle is real, and if we are honest about it, we can all attest to this wrestle. It's the tension of extremes – extreme conviction to fight and extreme hopelessness and doubt.
As I was praying that morning, I began to see a spiritual entity that I want to break off of many of you right now. I believe it's the spirit of double-mindedness that is keeping you in that tension. "He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8).
I rebuke that spirit of double mindedness that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of hopelessness and defeat, in Jesus' name! I pray for your mind to be clear and that your heart will be able to discern truth in the swirl.
I break off extreme hope deferred that has placed a callus around your heart, in Jesus' name. Lord, bring the trees of life (Proverbs 13:12)!
A Season of Air Supremacy
That whole day after that dream, I was in intercession, praying for people who felt this way, and this is what I sensed:
This is not the season that many are seeing it to be. It's the midnight before the sudden sunrise. It's the dark night before the dawn. The battle of battles before the breaking of a new day.
"Lord, show them the clearing!" I kept praying.
Then the Lord spoke: "This is not a season of blindness, but of renewed SIGHT. This is not a stalemate, but a season of clear and directed steps. This is not a season of spiritual impairment, but of greater sensitivity to My plans. This is not a season of being stuck, but of movement and breaking new ground. This is a season of taking to the skies and air supremacy!"
Then it hit me... I had been seeing my dream incorrectly. I was focused on the swirl in the storm, but I hadn't recognized our PLACEMENT. God has taken us higher in this season to a new level and posture of reigning, but we have been sideswiped by the conditions! (Photo via PickPik)
What if we are adjusting to a new altitude, and have been given the role of clearing the skies and breaking through the assignments of witchcraft and fog we have been dealing with endlessly? What if we are simply learning to ASCEND and go up higher?
The next night I woke up at exactly 2:28 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep, feeling like the same intercession was overtaking me. Then these "2:28" Scriptures came to me:
"And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." (Joel 2:28)
"... but there is a God in Heaven who reveals mysteries..." (Daniel 2:28)
"You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand." (Acts 2:28)
I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost all over me as I write these words: THIS IS NOT YOUR FLYING BLIND SEASON BUT YOUR FLYING HIGH SEASON! This is your "RAW" before your ROAR. This is your "SORE" before your "SOAR." You are coming out of the clouds right now, in Jesus' name. Whatever "swirl" you have been battling is no match for God's sovereign plan for your life.
Let me pray this simple prayer over you:
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Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email:Â everydayrevivalists@gmail.com
Website:Â nateandchristy.co
Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school "Everyday Revivalists," he leads people from the basics of the Gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Colorado Springs, CO.
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