[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Andrew Whalen shared from during a recent interview on Elijah Streams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]
Texas Is Rising!
When God called us to move from Colorado to Texas, I began to have dreams about the state of Texas, and specifically about relocating near Dallas. Kelly (my wife) and I told no one that God was calling us to move, or that He was highlighting Dallas. Within a couple of days, a man from Illinois, whom we hadn't talked to in several years, reached out to us. He said he had an open vision and saw God sending us to live in the Dallas region.
In March of 2021, we took a trip to look for potential houses in Texas. That first night in our hotel, I had a dream. In the dream, an angelic being showed me a cowboy hat. I saw an antenna rise up from the top of the hat, and the Spirit of the Lord spoke in the dream and said, "The cowboy hat now has the greatest ability to tune into the prophetic voice of the Lord for the nation."
End of dream.
I woke up and knew God was saying that Texas and Dallas (represented by the cowboy hat) would bring me into a new prophetic grace for America. I discovered, after that encounter, that Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets called Texas the "prophetic state" in their book, Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation.
A Prototype for Revival in America
I had this dream the first night we moved to Texas (on August 30, 2021). In the dream, I was sitting next to Lou Engle, who happened to be holding the prophet Bob Jones on his lap. (This didn't seem unusual in the dream.) Together, Lou, Bob, and I were discussing which city in America was on God's heart to target through prayer, worship, warfare, etc., in order to remove the demonic powers over that region and clear the way for an outpouring of Holy Spirit revival. Specifically, we discussed that whatever city we determined was being targeted by God would become the PROTOTYPE FOR REVIVAL IN AMERICA.
In the dream, while we were discussing things, I looked at Bob Jones and said, "I just moved to Waxahachie, Texas." Bob looked at me and said, "I have always loved Dallas!"
The moment Bob said these words, Lou and I erupted with excitement, faith, and revelation. We knew instantly that Bob had just been sent by God to give us the word of the Lord—that, specifically, it was Dallas, Texas that God was targeting to become a prototype for revival in America.
Lastly in the dream, Lou pulled me close, hugged me, and said, "Andrew, now I will be seeing you much more." He continued and said, "Upper Room Dallas must know about this word."
End of dream.
Here are a few brief thoughts:
1. Bob on Lou's lap is a picture of how Lou Engle has carried many of Bob Jones' prophetic words for America in the place of intercession for many years. This dream is releasing another word over America that Lou and the prophetic, intercessory Church will carry and pray into.
2. Dallas is not the only city in America that will receive major revival and outpouring, but it is being marked by Heaven to become a prototype (a pattern/model of sorts for others to follow) and, specifically, to remove territorial spirits and strongholds.
3. The attention given to Upper Room Dallas is likely identifying that they are literally being invited and commissioned to help "open" the heavens over Dallas. This ministry carries the ark of God's presence and has a Judah-type calling to go first in praise, worship, and intercession.
4. The upper room may also symbolize the call on the Church to be a modern-day upper room of worship, waiting, prayer, and unity for the outpouring of God's Spirit.
5. Finally, we should be encouraged in America in these days. Though we are in the midst of great shakings, God is still directing Heaven to bring revival not just to one city, but to all the cities and regions of America. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Can a nation be saved in a day?
Praying at the Origins of Roe v. Wade
On March 28, 2022, Lou Engle invited me to attend a prayer meeting in Dallas. What is interesting is that, unknown to me, the Roe vs. Wade case had its origins in the old federal courthouse in Downtown Dallas. This courthouse is now used as a catering/events venue. This was the courthouse where we met for prayer. While at the meeting, in the very courtroom where the legalized bloodshed of babies began its roots in our nation, we prayed that it would now be overturned. We all struck a gavel on the bench in that very courtroom. We also prayed that a new Esther movement would arise to save the lives of future unborn children, as well as this present generation that the enemy is targeting for destruction.
Top Gun Maverick and the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
A couple months after this prayer meeting, Lou was scheduled to fly back to Dallas, and he asked if I would pick him up and host him. We were scheduled to meet on June 24, 2022.
On June 23, 2022, I had a dream that I was with Lou Engle and a couple other intercessors watching the recent movie, Top Gun Maverick.
End of dream.
The very next day (on June 24, 2022), upon picking up Lou Engle from the airport, the news came out that Roe v. Wade had been overturned in the Supreme Court! We knew God was saying that from the place where it began (Dallas, Texas), it was now being reversed, and God brought us together on that day in the place it started to celebrate the victory! We went to the movie Top Gun Maverick and knew God was saying He was going to raise up the "prayer force" intercessors to gain spiritual air superiority and demolish strongholds in cities and nations!
The Boundary Line of Texas
In my dream (on May 8, 2023), I was given a view from above the border wall along Texas. Then, I was somehow taken to the past to see the battle at the Alamo. (As a side note, I don't have a thorough knowledge of Texas history, or the full consequences and outcomes of the Alamo and subsequent battles.) In the dream, though, I somehow knew, during that historic time frame, that God Himself had placed a boundary line for Texas. I knew by revelation, from that moment on, that satan himself sought to weaken, breach, and tear down this boundary wall. I knew in the dream that this wall was not just a natural barrier to keep people out, but it represented a spiritual protection and barrier from satan himself. That may sound outrageous, but it's what I saw and knew.
Next in the dream, I saw myself soaring above the wall and pointing out weak spots to reinforce. Then, I pointed to areas that needed to be repaired and areas that needed armed guards. As I continued to point, I saw the repairing, reinforcement, and restoration of the wall. I saw the enemy cloaked by human forces, seeking to gain entrance for harmful and destructive purposes, but now that the wall was being restored, they were incapable of penetrating it.
End of dream.
I believe this dream carries significant prayer intel for America. Intercessors and prayer warriors need to pray for the wall. I believe the state of Texas is hotly contested by satan right now because it represents an anchor of security and protection. This is beyond just a political issue of illegal immigration. God is allowing us to understand the spiritual consequences when boundary lines are moved, broken, and destroyed. I believe God is going to establish the spiritual wall of protection for America, and Texas is a key for this to happen!
"Do not move an ancient boundary stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless, for their Redeemer is strong; He will take up their case against you." (Proverbs 23:10-11)
Texas Rising and the "March" for America
In my dream (on March 31, 2023), I was in a prayer/prophetic meeting with several prayer warriors and another young prophet. (I have been shown, whenever this prophet is in my dreams, that we are standing in a spiritual place called "The War Room for the Nation.") In the dream, this other prophet was facilitating a time for those of us gathered to wait upon the Lord for the Spirit of prophecy.
Suddenly, the Spirit of prophecy came upon me, and I began to weep with intense passion over the state of Texas. I found myself prophesying the following: "Texas, this is your time to rise. The Lord says, 'My people in Texas shall rise with wings as eagles, and they will help rescue America. For now it shall be said that "Texas is rising," and you will soar to save a nation.'"
In the dream, I paused, bowed, and wept, knowing that the Spirit of the Lord was truly speaking out. Then I stood up and declared, "I just heard two things twice: 'STARS AND STRIPES, STARS AND STRIPES.'" I knew by revelation that "Stars and Stripes" was a song, and that Texas must sing this song as a prophetic declaration over America!
End of dream.
Let me capture a couple of things from this prophetic dream. First, in the well-known book by Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce mentioned above—The Prophetic Destiny of a Nation—Texas was declared the "prophetic state." I believe God is calling His Kingdom people of Texas into alignment with His Word and to rise up, by His Spirit, as an EAGLE of prophetic deliverance and justice for a nation.
After this dream, I found out that there is a TV show called "Texas Rising," which is about the historical roots of the Texas Rangers (who were known as fearsome servants of justice). Secondly, I discovered that there is a song known as "Stars and Stripes Forever," which is actually the national march of the United States of America. (Photo via PickPik)
Here are some of the lyrics (written by John Philip Sousa):
Let martial note in triumph float
And liberty extend its mighty hand
A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers,
The banner of the western land.
The emblem of the brave and true
Its folds protect no tyrant crew;
The red and white and starry blue
Is freedom's shield and hope...
Let eagle shriek from lofty peak
The never-ending watchword of our land;
Let summer breeze waft through the trees
The echo of the chorus grand.
Sing out for liberty and light,
Sing out for freedom and the right.
Sing out for Union and its might,
O patriotic sons...
In early March, I had a dream in which I was told that at the very end of March 2023 we would begin to see certain control systems of the deep state begin to unravel, and that the end of March would mark the beginning of a new day of jubilee. I find it no coincidence then that on the last day of March 2023, God was decreeing "Stars and Stripes Forever," the national MARCH of the United States. Specifically, this song is a "war march" declaring justice against tyrants and liberty for those for whom the flag waves.
Texas, God has a prophetic war march for you to help bring forth freedom for the sons of liberty and justice to those who operate in tyranny.
A Line Drawn in the Sand: I Heard the Lord Say, "Release This Word!"
[Editor's note: Below is a word Andrew didn't get to share on his recent interview, but we wanted to include it here for our readers and viewers to enjoy for themselves!]
In early April of 2023, I was on a mini family vacation in Corpus Christi, Texas. For a whole week prior to our trip, I heard the Spirit say several times, "A line is being drawn in the sand." Afterward, while sitting on the beach during our vacation, I heard the Lord say, "Where are you at, Andrew?" I said, "Corpus Christi, Lord." I realized God didn't ask me because He didn't know, but because I didn't. So, I googled the name Corpus Christi, and didn't even realize that the name literally means "Body of Christ." Then it hit me, and I heard the Lord say, "Stand up and draw a line in the sand, for this is what I'm now doing in My Body." I then drew a line in the sand and announced what I heard under my breath.
That very night in Corpus Christi (the Body of Christ), I had a dream in which I saw two things. First, I saw that the Body of Christ was frequenting the palace of Jezebel. They were walking in and out, feasting on her seductions and witchcrafts. In the dream, I drove into the parking lot of Jezebel's palace, and it was like a dullness came over my heart. I knew it was wrong, but it was so accessible and available, that I was almost willing to tolerate it and go inside. All of a sudden, I came out of this cloud of witchcraft and I said, "NO!" In the dream, I heard the Lord say, "I'm giving My Body, especially the leaders, one more chance to say NO!"
The second thing I saw in my dream was a messenger who approached me. I knew it was a messenger sent by God. He looked at me and said, "The systems of demonic compromise are coming under judgment, and they will unravel; this will be a sign of jubilee for the Kingdom."
At the end of our trip on the way back home, we passed through San Antonio, Texas to visit the Alamo. While doing a bit of historical research, I saw that it was at the Alamo that the proverbial phrase "Draw a line in the sand" was made famous in the United States. God gave me several "witnesses" to confirm that He was drawing a line in the sand!
There is a bloodline in the sand for us right now! Mercy and freedom are available, but not without repentance! Both individually and corporately, we need to heed the warning that God is coming to judge that which shares space with Jezebel. More than ever, we must recover the fear of the Lord! We must depart from the heart-numbing witchcraft of perversion in our day. Leaders especially—we must recover submission to Christ's Lordship! We must flee youthful lusts and despise every toleration and hint of immorality. The line is being drawn. Churches, systems, and structures found on the side of compromise and toleration in these days will see their fields devoured and their influence destroyed. To those that cross over, it will be a jubilee!
(To purchase Andrew Whalen's e-book that was mentioned on his interview, Dreams to Save a Nation: 30 days of prophetic revelation to fuel intercession for America, click here.)
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Andrew Whalen
Vanquish – Prophetic Warriors
Email:Â wordonfire11@gmail.com
Website:Â www.vanquishpw.com
Andrew Whalen is an emerging leader and prophetic voice to a generation. He functions as a prophetic warrior to advance the Kingdom of God in all spheres of society. Andrew is uniquely called to raise up spiritual special forces, equipped to achieve spiritual breakthroughs against regional and national level, demonic resistance. Andrew and his wife Kelly have pioneered and led various ministry initiatives, while also engaging in the marketplace, for over 15 years. In the last 4 years, they have served as core prophetic leaders with Lou Engle ministries. Today, Andrew and Kelly, along with their three children, Peoria, Illinois, where they lead VANQUISH – PROPHETIC WARRIORS, and are also working to establish an apostolic training center, The Unapologetic Dreamers. Andrew's heart burns to see a generation take hold of everything that Christ has provided for us through His victory.
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