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Crystal G.H. Lowery: "Shut Down the Spirit of Fear!"

Crystal G.H. Lowery
Oct 21, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

This is a much needed word for the hour we are in...and we appreciate the revelation that Crystal Lowery shares in her recent word, such as this:

Friends, if you are suffering from fear or any relative of fear, like anxiety, you don't have to live under that curse. You can live free. It could be something as simple as fear creeping in by way of an email, a work situation, a health diagnosis, a financial crisis, the political situation, the economy or a pandemic, but fear is fear. Don't allow it into your life. Remember, we are commanded NOT TO FEAR...

As fear is running rampant right now, remember this Scripture from 2 Timothy 1:7: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Steve ShultzWith that in mind, read this word from Crystal Lowery and let God embolden you with Faith as you shut down the enemy's agenda of fear! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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The other morning, I opened my inbox and within the first 30 seconds of seeing the subject lines, three separate emails caught my attention. They tried to induce fear by loudly insisting that I open each email to find out if the bank I use was on the list they provided. The language in the emails was urgent, almost making me feel like if I didn't act RIGHT THEN, my entire financial life would probably be hanging in the balance, and I could lose everything I had worked for if I bank with any of the institutions on their list.

Do you see how fear tried to creep into my life and spirit when I did something as "innocent" as checking my inbox? These emails were designed to be attention-getters, and in order for me to open them, I would basically need to be so afraid that if I didn't, I could lose everything.

This is just one example of how the enemy uses people. Through the guise of being informed, responsible, and even being a good steward, people can allow the spirit of fear to enter in and go through the crack in the door.

We often think that fear is outright or overt, like watching horror movies or going to haunted houses, but covert fear is fear just the same. It is very subtle. You know it is trying to enter your life because it doesn't give you peace. When I opened my inbox, I could feel my heart race just a bit. I had to shut it down immediately. (Photo via Pxhere)

Dwelling on Fear vs. Dwelling on Love

We have to be on our guard and alert to discern when there is a spirit of fear ready to push its way into our lives. Fear is such an important topic in the Bible. You will find the command NOT TO FEAR written many times.

I've often thought of dwelling on fear as meditating on the promises of the enemy. Love is meditating on the promises of God. Fear and love are not just opposites. They don't "equalize" each other out like polar opposites. Love is so much more powerful than fear. God is love; that is, God = love. He is the purest love there is – the very absolute essence of love. When we have love, there is an absence of fear.

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

A real eye-opener is 1 John 4:18. It says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love" (NKJV). So, if we begin to fear, we need to call out to love – God Himself. God is perfect love! He is absolute love, so there can't be even the tiniest, smallest, most minute particle of fear in Him. It is not possible, because that wouldn't be absolute and perfect love.

Perfect love casts out fear. This reminds me of how Jesus, through what He did for us with His death and victorious resurrection, cast our sin from us as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). It will never ever be attached to us again. It is cast as far away from us as supernaturally possible, for all eternity. This is what love does to fear.

Bought and Paid for by the Blood of Jesus

When I think of an image of torment, I think of horrible and miserable pain, suffering, darkness, and wailing in a deep pit or dungeon. How horrible. That is what we deserve because of our sin. But...when we accept Jesus as our Savior, we don't get the torment or punishment we deserve for our sin. In fact, Jesus suffered ALL of that torment for us when He went to the deep, dark pit of Hell. He took on the sin that all of us have committed and actually OVERPAID the price for us, once and for all.

Isn't it so beautiful how our Jesus loved us so much that even though He NEVER committed a sin (not even a teeny, tiny one), He chose to go to the Cross for all of us and pay the price that we could never come close to paying? (Photo via Pixabay)

If we are suffering from fear, we have not been freed from the chains of torment. We somehow think we must suffer and be tormented, when we have been redeemed and we have been bought and paid for by the Blood of Jesus.

Don't Fear the Rest of the Year!

Friends, if you are suffering from fear or any relative of fear, like anxiety, you don't have to live under that curse. You can live free. It could be something as simple as fear creeping in by way of an email, a work situation, a health diagnosis, a financial crisis, the political situation, the economy or a pandemic, but fear is fear. Don't allow it into your life. Remember, we are commanded NOT TO FEAR. Renew your minds with this, and purposefully ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern when fear is trying to elbow its way into your door.

As I was driving recently, I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say, "DON'T FEAR THE REST OF THE YEAR!" Don't do it. Focus on Jesus. Keep your eyes on Him. When you meditate on the promises of the enemy, you will have fear. Instead, look to the promises in the Word of God for your life, your family, and every situation. When you meditate on the promises of God, you will have love.

Choose to meditate on, walk in, live in, and have a relationship with LOVE! This is not a season to fear, but a season to love!

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Crystal G.H. Lowery
Based On Faith

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Crystal G.H. Lowery is a Christian estate planning attorney and is the owner and founding attorney of Law Office of Crystal G.H. Lowery, LLC. Crystal is also an author as well as the founder of Based on Faith, an organization whose vision is to become an international resource that increases biblical knowledge of faith within the Body of Christ through comprehensive teaching, discussion of law, and the prophetic.

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