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Demontae Edmonds: "Reformers and Revivalists Arise Together"

Demontae Edmonds
Oct 7, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzDemontae Edmonds is a friend of ours...and has released very good prophetic words to us personally.

We just had him on Elijah Streams for a recent interview with us, which you can watch right here.

We've already posted a portion of the revelation he shared on the Elijah List and wanted to release this now word below that he also shared on our show... Here's just a portion:

God showed me that there would be a greater synergy between reformers and revivalists in this next great awakening and outpouring of the Holy Spirit in America. The two would not see themselves as separate streams of activity and ministry, but rather as congruent co-laborers...

Steve ShultzWe're in this together, and we all need each other... Amen!

Read these powerful words from Demontae and make sure to watch his interview with us as well. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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"Reformers and Revivalists Arise Together"

Demontae Edmonds, Atlanta, GA

Below is a word Demontae Edmonds shared during his recent interview on Elijah Streams. He also shared a powerful word about the enemy's wicked agendas, which was posted on the Elijah List, and you can read that one right here.

What God Showed Me in a Dream

In a dream I saw two children, both young boys, pointing the finger at one another. There was a blue ball in between them and they were fussing over it. In the dream, the shirts of both of the little boys were highlighted to me. One shirt said "REVIVAL" and the other said "REFORM."

The two boys argued more aggressively over the ball that was between them, and their countenances seemed more frustrated. Suddenly, both boys began to grow taller and their arms longer. I saw their fingers touch, and in an instant, the two boys became one grown man. On his shirt the words now said, "Revival and Reform."

When I awoke, I inquired of the Lord about the significance of the dream. I already had an idea of what God was trying to say, but the Holy Spirit elaborated more during prayer.

Revival and Reform in America

America has experienced several great revivals within its history. Some of these include the Azusa Street Revival, the Cane Ridge Revival, the Voice of Healing, the Asbury Revival, Brownsville Revival, and several others. Each revival has its own distinct anointing, grace, purpose and manifestations. Also, there have been several periods of reformation within the Body of Christ in America.

The Lord showed me that in times past, there were vessels and groups who focused primarily on revival, with the emphasis on mass soul winning, healing and deliverance. Simultaneously, there were other vessels and groups that focused primarily on reformation. At times, the revivalists would get so caught up in the fire of what God was doing that they would neglect the reformers who carried the reformation that God desired to bring within the Body of Christ and nation. The reformers would focus on doctrine, Kingdom mindsets, organizational issues, as well as other issues, but diminish the work of the revivalists by writing it off as being of lesser importance.

A Greater Synergy

God showed me that there would be a greater synergy between reformers and revivalists in this next great awakening and outpouring of the Holy Spirit in America. The two would not see themselves as separate streams of activity and ministry, but rather as congruent co-laborers.

The reformers will realize that the strength of their message, call to action, and defense of "present truth" (2 Peter 1:12) will only reach their full potential of transforming souls and communities when coupled with the flame, fire and fervency of the revivalist spirit. The revivalists will realize that the apostolic and prophetic reformers are needed to ensure that the harvest is not lost, that they mature as Kingdom disciples, and are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). (Photo via Pexels)

A Dual-Hat Anointing

Lastly, the Lord showed me that some will wear a dual-hat anointing, operating in both the revivalist and the reformer anointing. Some ministry gifts will function stronger under a revivalist anointing in one season, and later they will function stronger under a reformer anointing, or vice versa. This is all according to the will and divine design of God. WE NEED BOTH to prepare for the end-time harvest of souls, and for God to build "a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:27).

My Prayer for Revivalists and Reformers

My prayer for the REVIVALISTS is that God would anoint them with His fresh fire and wind of the Spirit, coupled with signs, wonders and miracles that reveal Jesus to the lost. My prayer for the REFORMERS is that God would give them a deep well of fresh revelation concerning the heart of God—concerning truth that changes hearts, communities and nations. May both revivalists and reformers ARISE TOGETHER, in Jesus' name!

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Demontae Edmonds
Freedom 4 the Nations


Demontae Edmonds is the founder of Freedom 4 the Nations, host of "This is Freedom" podcast on Charisma Podcast Network, and host of Atlanta's "Highways" TV program. He travels the nations preaching the Gospel with notable signs, wonders, and miracles. His heart is to share the reality of Jesus Christ with the world through demonstrations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence. He has authored the books "Grab Hold of Your Miracle," "Discerning of Spirits: 7 Dimensions of Revelation," and "The Supernatural Gift of Faith."

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