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Alane Haynes: "A New Sound of Deliverance in the Earth"

Alane Haynes
Oct 5, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

We serve an amazing God who wants His people to be set free in every way needed.

This recent word from Alane Haynes will remind you of this as she shares this word of the Lord:

The Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me words for the broken and hurting, those in need of deliverance. He said, "I am rejoicing over you with singing; songs of deliverance are your portion. Even now hear, resounding from My throne: You are not abandoned, and you are not alone. Come closer; do not be afraid. Enter Steve Shultzthrough the open door, for what I have for you is so much more."

Now that's good news! Read the rest of this word from Alane and know that God is bringing His sound of deliverance your way! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Recently I had a dream that is significant for deliverance ministers, as well as those needing deliverance.

A Song of Deliverance

In the dream, I was talking with a friend of mine who is a deliverance minister, and the Lord gave me a word for her. He said, "I am putting songs of deliverance in your heart. As you minister to people, I will sing songs of remembrance to them through you, and the sound will stir up My Spirit in them and what I have put in them from before the world was formed. There will be a quick work as they awaken to My voice and My words. They will restructure and realign with what I spoke to them before time."

When I woke up, I had a new song in my heart! I often awaken with a song in my heart, but it is a song I already know. This was a new song!

When I shared this word with my friend, she confirmed that it was what He had been revealing to her. I believe in the dream my friend represented deliverance ministers in the Body of Christ. This is often how the Holy Spirit reveals things He intends for ministries, which are represented by specific individuals in dreams. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

"He has put a new song in my mouth – praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the LORD." (Psalm 40:3 NKJV)

A Shift in Perception

The word "see" in Strong's Concordance also means "perceive" and "discern." This new song the Lord will bring shall be one that will cause a shift in perception. There will be a discerning of times and seasons, of God's purposes and plans. It will bring deliverance from lies and strongholds that have held people captive and blinded them from seeing the truth of God's goodness and love! They will awaken!

For the Hurting and Broken

As I meditated on these things, the Lord led me to Zephaniah 3:17: "The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV)

The Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me words for the broken and hurting, those in need of deliverance. He said, "I am rejoicing over you with singing; songs of deliverance are your portion. Even now hear, resounding from My throne: You are not abandoned, and you are not alone. Come closer; do not be afraid. Enter through the open door, for what I have for you is so much more.

"Incline your ear, hear, and you will see. It is the sound of My voice that will set you free, as I declare what was written from eternity (Psalm 139:16).

"I have paid the price for your sin, and I will heal the pain and heartache you hold within. I have redeemed you and you are Mine. I formed you for My love before I sent you into time. (Photo via Pexels)

"I am washing you with the water of My words (Ephesians 5:26). A fountain of blessing is pouring out upon you now to remove the dust of the old way you have viewed yourself and your life. I am immersing you in My river of life. Now receive a fresh vision that will reframe all that you have been through.

"You will see the path that brought you to this place is positioning you to stand in My presence and walk in My purpose. You will know that I was with you from the start, and My joy will flood every empty place in your heart.

"I have wrought a great deliverance from your bondage and your shame, and now I declare you My beloved – receive this new name. No longer forsaken, shattered and broken, now you shall be what I have spoken. You are redeemed; I declare you forgiven, fully released from the tormentor's prison. Now rise to new life, even as I have risen. You are Mine and in you I delight. Engraved on the palms of My hands, you are always in My sight. You shall no longer hide, as in darkness of night. I declare you are loved, now walk in My light (Isaiah 43:1, 49:16, 62:4; Luke 4:18)."

"You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah." (Psalm 32:7 NKJV)

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Alane Haynes
Eternal Truth Now Ministry

Alane Haynes was radically saved in 1981, when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to her. She immediately received salvation, deliverance and a supernatural healing of her body and mind. An apostolic and prophetic teacher and speaker, Alane has authored four books. The first, "Moses – Shocked in the Desert," was birthed from a prophetic dream and many nights of Holy Spirit waking her to "Write what I tell you." She podcasts through Charisma Podcast Network; "Stirring of the Waters" is her show. Alane and her husband Kerry are co-founders of "Eternal Truth Now Ministry," and are broadcasters on Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network ( They are passionate about the power of God's word, and desire to see people fulfill their God-given destinies and bring His Kingdom to the earth. When they are not ministering, Alane and Kerry enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren, and outdoors enjoying the beauty of God's creation.

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