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Daniel Pontious: "Under the Magnifying Glass"

Daniel Pontious
Oct 1, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve ShultzGod is magnifying many things in this season that will become clearer and be brought to light.

Daniel Pontious writes a very encouraging word about this as he says:

There are things which are obscured from the view of other people in the natural realm that are about to be exposed by the magnifying glass of the Spirit of God! Some of those things which are being hidden by men and women in the darkness are about to be exposed by the light and put underneath the magnifying glasses of many.

We are very encouraged by this and can't wait for it to come to fruition. God IS magnifying many circumstances over our nation and personal lives that need to be be dealt with and come to light.

Let the rest of this word from Daniel Pontious sink in... God is exposing the darkness for what it really is...a counterfeit of Him and what He wants to give to His children.

Steve ShultzNow that brings great healing and restoration that is active right now. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Enjoy, as God is magnifying you!

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"Under the Magnifying Glass"

Daniel Pontious, Sonora, CA

Recently, the Holy Spirit showed me a magnifying glass in the spirit realm. Then He told me that the magnifying glass I was seeing had a twofold purpose in the season that we are entering into.

In the natural realm, we use a magnifying glass to see things more clearly than normal. We also use it to see things that are so small, we normally wouldn't be able to perceive them with our regular eyesight. But through magnification, those things become visible to us.

To magnify something is to make it appear larger than it is, or to enhance its appearance. It also means to glorify something or someone.

An Exposure of Darkness and a Magnification of Truth

There are things which are obscured from the view of other people in the natural realm that are about to be exposed by the magnifying glass of the Spirit of God! Some of those things which are being hidden by men and women in the darkness are about to be exposed by the light and put underneath the magnifying glasses of many.

In a similar way, the magnifying glass of the Word of God is about to become much clearer for many people, as the Holy Spirit continues to unveil deeper truths and understanding of His Kingdom to their hearts and minds! Those who are deeply seeking Him (and His face) are going to experience a greater grace and a greater glory than they ever have previously. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

"For now WE SEE THROUGH A GLASS, DARKLY; BUT THEN FACE TO FACE: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." (1 Corinthians 13:12, emphasis mine)

The Unveiling Is Coming!

This magnifying glass of the Spirit is going to expose things hidden in the natural realm as well as in the spiritual realm, and we will continue to see things that have been hidden in darkness exposed by the light of God's presence and power!

"It was the Lord's pleasure for His righteousness' sake [in accordance with a steadfast and consistent purpose] TO MAGNIFY INSTRUCTION AND REVELATION AND GLORIFY THEM." (Isaiah 42:21, emphasis mine)

God is about to magnify truth in the natural and spirit realms in an incredible fashion, exposing everything that has been hidden from our view. So don't be surprised when you start seeing things that you've never expected to see before, because the unveiling is coming!

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