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Donna Rigney: "My Glory Will Invade and Overtake This World"

Donna Rigney
Aug 31, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

We sure enjoyed our recent interview with Donna Rigney on Elijah Streams, and as always...the revelation she released was incredible.

Below are the notes Donna read from, and here's an excerpt she shared from the Lord:

"The overturning that is coming won't just be in the elections that were fraudulent, but there will be an overturning of wickedness to righteousness. Watch and see as My glory invades the land and floods it with Our goodness. My glory and goodness will chase away evil and evil doers! Watch and see, for the time is at hand for a great overturning to hit this land and spread worldwide. The Just Judge of all the earth is coming to bring just judgments!"

Steve ShultzAmen and Amen, over and over... We sure need the Just Judge to come on the scene in our nation in this hour.

Be encouraged by many more life-giving words from Donna Rigney... Our God is on the move! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


A Mass Exodus and a Word About Hawaii

On Friday, August 11, 2023, Father declared, "There is going to be a great overturning in the days ahead. When eyes are fully open to the damage and destruction that the deep state and their minions are doing, there will be a mass exodus from their camp to the camp of the righteous.

"Watch and see as the veil is ripped off the eyes of the deluded masses. What has happened in Hawaii is but the beginning of a massive wake up of those who were lulled to sleep with false hopes and by lying lips. The citizens of New York City have been awakened to the horror of the ways of their liberal leaders, as they have lost so much at their hands. State after state is suffering great loss.

"As their people turn – or return to Us and to Our ways – they will find redemption and restoration, but this will only come to those who truly turn wholeheartedly from wickedness to righteousness. The compromise with goodness that brought them to this place of destruction cannot remain. There can no longer be an acceptance of wicked philosophies and an adherence to liberal values – even in the Church – if there is to be restoration of all they lost."

On August 14, 2023, Father spoke to me about Hawaii: "Hawaii will turn around and run from the evil that they have allowed to infiltrate and even lead their land. What appeared to be good is being seen for what it is and will be rejected and scorned. 'Scorched Earth' doesn't even come close to describing what has happened in that once beautiful state.

"To destroy it and rebuild it their way won't happen! These schemes will be exposed, rejected, and judgment – not injustice – will come forth. I have heard the cries of My children, and the blood of the martyrs cries out to Us for justice. We are not deaf, nor are We blind to what has happened; We know everything!

"When the door opens and allows the enemy entrance, he always comes in and brings destruction, death and great loss. What you have seen is not My work of judgment, but it is foul play from the forever loser."

Confirming Scripture: Ezekiel 36:1-12.

Because of the terrible destruction we have seen Maui suffer, Father spoke a word of comfort to His faithful remnant:

"Don't fear that what you see the enemy is doing to others will happen to you or to yours. It won't, because We are a wall of fire about you and yours. Our fire is within you and upon you. This fire will bring passion for Us, will birth miracles, and chase demons far from you and yours! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

"Those you minister to will receive the byproduct of Our fire that is on you and pouring from you. They will be delivered, healed and set ablaze with a fiery passion for Us. Protected by Us will everyone be who has Our fire on them, just as you and yours are.

"Watch for Our fire to fall; instantly you will see many miracles! When Our fire fell at Pentecost, thousands were saved, many were delivered and healed, and a great revival broke out that forever changed the world. This will happen again as Our fire falls!

"Unlike the fires the enemy sends, Our fire only destroys evil – but it brings great blessings to those who long for Us and live for Us!"

A Vision of the Barking, Chained Dog

On August 29, 2023, while in prayer, I saw a vision of a very large, vicious, barking dog. The people in the neighborhood (where the dog lived), were paralyzed with fear; they stayed locked in their homes. What they forgot was that the dog was chained to a large tree by a very thick chain. The people were so focused on his loud, threatening barking and ferocious lunging that they forgot he was chained.

Father explained: "My children must remember who I am so that the barking dog, satan, doesn't paralyze them in fear. I am the one who created the universe; hung the sun, moon, and stars in the sky; fashioned the earth, and created men in My image. Satan can't create anything out of nothing. He is a master of deception and loves to paralyze My people with his fear-filled threats. Remember who I am and fear won't come near you. Remind yourself that I am for you and that I will never leave you or forsake you.

"Believe in Me and in My power. Don't believe the lies and threats of the defeated foe – the barking, chained dog, satan. I say: 'Come out of hiding. Speak the truth and assert your authority. Don't be intimidated into silent retreat. This is the hour to arise! Silence the wicked and hold them accountable for their wicked deeds.'

"Boldness and courage are being released to My children [who] ask for it. Remember that My Son put a chain on that barking, vicious dog, satan, when He rose from the dead. All authority was given to Him. Assert His authority, because you are one with Him!"

Confirming Scripture: Psalm 24.

God's Glory Will Invade the Land!

On July 12, 2023, Father declared: "My glory will invade and overtake this world with My goodness and love. Healing will be the byproduct of this outpouring of My glory worldwide. As My Son brought healing with Him wherever He went, so will My children who carry My glory. My Spirit flowing through them will heal all kinds of illnesses and drive demons far from the oppressed.

"I will recreate this world so that it reflects My image. In this makeover, I will have many true sons and daughters that are My own; they will all resemble My Son and be filled with My Holy Spirit. No matter where they have come from or what they have done, as they turn to Us, they will all be accepted and embraced into My family!" (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

On August 10, 2023, Father continued to tell me what was coming during this outpouring of His glory: "The overturning that is coming won't just be in the elections that were fraudulent, but there will be an overturning of wickedness to righteousness. Watch and see as My glory invades the land and floods it with Our goodness. My glory and goodness will chase away evil and evil doers! Watch and see, for the time is at hand for a great overturning to hit this land and spread worldwide. The Just Judge of all the earth is coming to bring just judgments!"

God's United Army Will Be Undefeatable!

On July 15, 2023, while in the spirit praying, I heard over and over, "The enemies of my enemies are my friends." Then the Lord spoke to me: "Unite with those who are against satan and his comrades. Don't let petty differences separate you. It is time to unite as brothers and sisters in arms do, and fight these wicked forces until they are totally defeated.

"Don't let silly arguments and minor differences continue to divide you. This has been the war tactic of the foe – to divide, and then, because you are weakened, conquer you. Find your common ground – your hatred of satan and the evil he promotes; then join together. Pray together; march in peaceful demonstration; worship as one in and outside the Church. This united army will be undefeatable!

"The enemy has used jealousy, envy, competition, pride, racism, and so many other wicked, fleshly devices to divide My children. Let the refrain of the song 'We are one' be sung and acted upon, and then great victory will be won over wickedness. This will certainly take a killing of your flesh. It is well worth the sacrifice in the denial of your flesh! Encourage Our children to be one. Together with Us and Our help, My children will be more than conquerors.

"My grace is being made easily accessible in this hour. My grace to unite and join together as one, and to conquer the wickedness that is attempting to overtake you and your world, is yours."

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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.


Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int. in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Donna Rigney's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

Friday Night Services at 6:00 PM
Meeting Location: Church on the Rock
2200 N State St (US Hwy 1), Bunnell, FL

September 24 - October 1, 2023
Encountering the Glory: 7 Day Caribbean Conference Cruise
With Donna Rigney and Manuel and Sheva Johnson
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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