A NEW MOVEMENT HAS BEGUN! And yet a lot of people keep looking for the new instead of living in the new!
We must learn to shift when the Lord shifts, and not insist on picking and choosing how and when we want to move. Although we may not understand everything the movement entails, we can live and walk with the Lord as if He has already gotten us to our new "there" of activation and demonstration.
As we experienced on Sunday, July 23, sound creates movement – and sometimes we need to get louder than the atmosphere around us to move with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
I declare you are liberated to jump in and shout, "I'm getting in a new movement!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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From Chuck D. Pierce: We are moving in a new way! As we submit our time and place to the Lord, He is well able to meet us and activate His word of release.
Here is a portion of the prophetic revelation that came forth on July 23, including a word that Lisa Lyons shared with me after the service. Never limit His movement of miracles to "need," but choose to believe beyond your present understanding.
I Have Come to Reboot Your Clock
Word of the Lord: "If you will line up with the rhythm of Heaven, everyone around you will line up with the rhythm of Heaven! Let it ring out from your feet and from your voice and from your heart! Let it ring out from everything you are.
"I have come to reboot your clock. My children have gotten out of My timing and placement, but I have come to reboot and reset your clock. This will be a time when you see, hear, and understand My timing and My placement, that I may increase you, prosper you, and release over you as you are rebooted.
I Am the God of More Than Enough
"There is excess that I am getting ready to release from you. Now is the time for the excess to be ignited and released in the atmosphere. You are not where you were, and all that you thought did not exist has been building up pressure inside that well, and now the excess is about to be ignited by My Spirit.
"There is a release – get ready to burn with the fire of God in a new way! I am the God of more than enough, and there is more than enough on the inside of you – more than enough to do everything I have called you to do.
"I am breaking off limited mindsets. Now is the time for all that excess that has been building up on the inside of you to be ignited. There is more than enough to do all I've called you to do! More than enough to heal the sick! More than enough to open resources for finances! More than enough to restore broken relationships! I am releasing and igniting the more-than-enough anointing through you! (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)
Believe Me for the "Just Because" Miracles
"You are pressing in for the supernatural, pressing in for miracles, but right now you are envisioning the miraculous according to the needs that you see around you. My miracles and your expectation for My miracles cannot be framed merely by what 'needs to be.'
"There are things I want to do – things I need to do – in the earth that your mind doesn't have a paradigm for yet. Believe Me for some irrational things! Believe Me for things beyond the pale of your human reasoning! Believe Me to do things just because I want or need to do them, even if you don't understand or see a place or a reason for them.
"Do not allow human boundaries to blueprint your faith for miracles, but believe Me for the 'just because' miracles beyond your natural perceptions!" (Word of the Lord from Maggie Wallace, Keith Pierce, Barbara Wentroble and Lisa Lyons.)
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Chuck D. Pierce and Team
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Email: click here
Website: gloryofzion.org
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshiping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including The Passover Prophecies: How God Is Realigning Hearts and Nations in Crisis and best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil. He's also co-written: Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness, The Apostolic Church Arising and Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation.
Chuck D. Pierce's Itinerary:
(Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.)
August 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
First Fruits
7801 S. Interstate 35E, Corinth, TX 76210
August 27, 2023 at 9:00 AM CDT
Sunday Celebration
7801 S. Interstate 35E, Corinth, TX 76210
(For more itinerary information click here)
September 3, 2023 at 9:00 AM CDT
Sunday Celebration
7801 S. Interstate 35E, Corinth, TX 76210
(For more itinerary information click here)
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