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Donna Rigney: "Darkness Will Be Expelled and Chased Far Away!"

Donna Rigney
May 16, 2023

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

We always look forward to what Prophet Donna Rigney has to share from the Lord.

She spends hours with the Lord in prayer, in the secret place, and He pours out His heart to her about what He wants to reveal to the Body of Christ.

We recently had Donna Rigney on our Elijah Streams broadcast, and she shared some of these encounters below; however, we didn't get to all of them! These encounters are so, so good that we wanted to send them off to you, our viewers and readers, so you can read them all for yourselves. It's all very good, and here's a snippet that will really get you hope-filled and excited:

"There will be great rejoicing when My glory arrives because mankind is learning to recognize evil and hate it as well! Worldwide will this great outpouring of My glory be, because worldwide has the outpouring of wickedness been. I will overcome evil with an abundance of My goodness! I will chase evil far from My children; I will chase it back to Hell, where it came from to invade the earth."

Steve ShultzWe say: YES AND AMEN, LORD!

There is much more in this grab a cup of coffee and dive into the rest of these encounters filled with words from the Lord to encourage you in this hour. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)


Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


In September 2019, the Lord told me that a great war was coming to our land. In shock, I asked Him what He wanted me to do. He declared twice, "Mobilize the troops. Mobilize the troops, daughter!"

Since then, I have organized a Friday night prayer meeting and service. The majority of the people come as a result of seeing me on Elijah Streams. We open the night with powerful testimonies and pray for the nation, Donald Trump, and this world for at least two hours. We share the Word, worship, and release the glory on each person, then marinate in the glory!

Opening Portals and Releasing God's Glory

Lately, I have felt that the Lord has wanted more than for us to just have prayer meetings as a war strategy to win this battle for the soul of our nation. The Lord explained that He had given me two important, strategic assignments. One was to open portals throughout the nation, and the other assignment was to release His glory whenever I minister. I have come to realize, through the things He has told me, that part of mobilizing the troops isn't just hosting a prayer meeting, but also gathering His people together to worship, open portals, and release His glory in different regions.

I have been doing this in conjunction with Dennis and Delora O'Briens' The Gathering, and Dr. Brett and Marianne Watsons' Glory in America, as well as through other ministries that have invited me to come and open portals and release the glory. I've gone to many states and opened portals and released the glory this past year.

While in these different regions, I have seen in the spirit what God is doing. This past weekend in Houston, Texas, while opening a portal and releasing the glory, I saw a large cement edifice completely covering the heavens above the region. There was a tiny pinhole, but the rest of this horizontal wall of cement was solid. I realized that the enemy was furious that we were there to destroy that cement wall and open up the heavens above Houston. I saw large angels above the thick, cement, horizontal wall. Each angel had a very large sledgehammer, and, as we worshiped and danced before the Lord, the angels were hitting this structure. Each blow caused cracks to form throughout it.

While I was watching this happen, I saw Jesus standing tall before us, and I asked Him why He didn't just destroy this cement wall. He explained that because people had partnered with satan and his demons in that region to build that wall of evil, which was disallowing God's access, people needed to partner with His angels and with God to destroy it. The Lord told me it was going to take sound waves to destroy this wicked structure.

As the worship intensified and the sound increased in volume, I saw an explosion that looked like a volcano erupting, and I heard a loud declaration, "It's open!" The Lord told me that Houston was a very significant city!

Once the portal was opened, the next day, during the two services, many people were delivered and healed. It was amazing to see how easily people were being blessed and transformed. There was no hindrance to their receiving what God was sending from Heaven to them!

A month ago, I was sent by the Lord to Bend, Oregon to open a portal there with the members of The Gathering. While we were worshiping, I saw a horizontal wall of bricks that were all cemented together, lying above the region. As the worship team prayed, declared and worshiped, this wall was destroyed. The explosion was so great and so forceful that not even particles of dust from the brick wall came back down upon the land below.

After this portal was opened, people began to receive freedom and healing; the glory was so intense that many could not stay standing and were laying on the floor, laughing in delight!

While ministering in Hunt, Texas a month ago, I saw the opened portal over a Glory Gathering at a regional Aglow meeting. An angel was standing and leaning against the side of the portal, and as that angel leaned against the wall, the wall fell over and the angel laughed and laughed. God was showing me that there were no limitations to removing obstacles when He has a group of people who love Him with all their hearts, minds, souls and strength, and are gathered together, worshiping before Him.

After the meeting, many reported that they were delivered from depression, anxiety attacks, fear and headaches; they just vanished! Also, those who attended were equipped to carry and release the glory, and have testified that their ministries have become much more powerful, and that they have deeper revelations too! (Photo via Unsplash)

Each and every time the Lord sends me forth to open portals, I see His angels working alongside the people who are gathered to worship and serve the Lord. Every time portals are opened, His glory is released on all gathered and lives are changed! The testimonies include financial blessings, healings, deliverance, restoration of families, the return of prodigals, and salvation of loved ones.

Besides opening portals, these gatherings are a strategy from the Lord to equip His saints with His glory and send them forth like pillars of fire throughout the land, bringing His glory to their homes, neighborhoods, cities and workplaces. God is determined to overcome evil with an abundance of His goodness.

God's Prerequisites to Carrying His Glory

On April 11, 2023, the Lord began to speak to me about a very significant Scripture:

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6)

He explained that those who value and appreciate His glory – who hunger for Him – it is upon them that He will be pouring forth His glory. Since the world has not hungered and thirsted for His righteousness, He has withheld His glory until now. Because of the suffering that we have endured the past few years, we now hunger and thirst for Him and for His righteousness, so He will be pouring His glory on mankind.

He declared that we would value His glory and not trample it under foot. The truly hungry ones will be given far more of His glory and will be used to disperse His glory to others. Glory carriers are empty of the desire for the things of this world and are very hungry for His glory.

The following morning, on April 12, 2023, the Lord declared: "Glory and honor walk together! When My glory is poured fourth, I am honored by all! Those who are chosen by Us to carry Our glory are given special honor by Us – and by those about them."

On April 15, 2023, the Lord continued to speak to me about His glory and about honor: "You are going to see Us pour Our glory on all flesh. Those We use to spread Our glory will be given the honor that is due those who are Our friends. Glory and honor will walk together, hand in hand. As My glory is poured out, much more honor will be given to Us by Our children. A deep, abiding sense of Our nearness will draw them into a place of devotion from which honor flows. I am all this world needs! I bring health, freedom, joy, purpose, success and fulfillment."

On April 16, during our Sunday service, I saw the face of Jesus looking with great love at me and all who were gathered before Him. He declared, "This is the hour that many will see My face and fall in love with Me! I will display who I am through My children who absorb My presence and who demonstrate who I am. To allow My love to pour forth from them is the greatest calling My children have!"

The Importance of Holiness

On April 20, 2023, Father spoke to me about the importance of holiness: "Daughter, it is all about holiness. Holiness brings wholeness to My children. Without holiness, they are divided into pieces: a piece of their heart is Mine and the rest they distribute to their idols or false gods. People can take Our place in their minds and hearts and dominate them, if they are not 100 percent Ours. Many other things will take Our place as well!

"To live a surrendered life is the only way to walk a holy walk. My Holy Spirit is allowed free rein to lead each surrendered one in My footsteps, and He will lead them in the way of holiness and wholeness.

"Holiness is so important, My daughter. It allows My children continual access to Us and keeps their enemies far from them. Holiness is a bubble about My children – a bubble of My glory that insulates them and only allows My goodness near them.

"To be holy is a choice all make. 'Yes, I will truly follow You and live my life led by Your Spirit; I am Yours' is the declaration each one makes in order to walk the path of holiness. Those who refuse to surrender all and choose to do things their way walk the way of a foolish person. Fools know great folly and do not have My glory as a protective bubble, insulating them from the schemes of the enemy.

Confirming Scripture: Isaiah 51:1-16 declares God's promises to those who pursue holiness.

Portals Explained

On April 21, 2023, Father spoke to me about assignments that He has given to some of His children regarding opening and closing portals. (Photo via Pixabay)

"Many portals will be opened (for I will have My way) to invade the land with My glory and My goodness. Evil will be chased away; darkness will no longer hide evil from My children's sight. My glory – My light – will chase darkness away, and all that was hidden will be exposed. Heavenly portals are being opened, and meanwhile, We have assigned mighty warriors to close evil portals. This is one of the ways your land will become Mine again!"

On April 22, 2023, Father continued to speak to me about opening portals: "A select few of My children are on assignment! With Our help, and the help of the host assigned to them, large glory portals will be opened to allow Us easy access and Our beloved ones access to Us. All the good things that We have planned to pour out from Heaven to Earth will not be delayed or stopped wherever there are open portals. These places will be known for the many miracles, signs and wonders that are done there.

"The days ahead for your nation, and even this world, will be filled with My signs and wonders, and that will chase away depression and discouragement of all kinds. It's coming quicker than you think! Where the enemy has attacked My people and nations, there will be a great reversal."

Opened Portals and His Glory Are His Battle Strategies!

On April 29, 2023, I heard Father say, "Yes, this is Our battle strategy to win this war over the soul of your nation. To allow Me and My angelic hosts easy access to your world, and to cut off the access of the demonic realm, will bring a long-lasting victory to this land – to the world. Yes, worldwide will Our goodness and glory spread. Evil shall be overtaken by Our goodness.

"Our children will love Our goodness and, at the same time, unify behind rejecting evil. As one they will arise, and with disgust they will chase evil and evil doers from their places of influence, replaced by Our goodness. Godly rules and godly rulers will be put in place."

On April 27, 2023, Father declared, "Light has shined in the darkness many times. This is one of those times that a great light will shine worldwide, and that light of revelation of truth will expel and expose." (Instinctively, I knew Father was referring to Jesus' birth and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost as times when light shined in the darkness.)

"Yes, darkness will be expelled and chased far away, and at the same time, My light, My glory, My truth will expose all that was hidden in the darkness.

"When light comes into a room or a building, those cockroaches and rats that were pillaging in the darkness scurry away, so that they won't meet their demise. All the running and hiding that these wicked ones attempt to do will be to no avail. Not only will they be found, but their droppings – the wicked deeds they have done – will be swept up and disposed of quickly. By the droppings, or by their fruit, you will know them. Look at the deeds, words and results of those the enemy has been using, and you will know the truth.

"A great change is coming, and My glorious light will bring it about!"

Confirming Scripture: John 1:1-18.

Dramatic Worldwide Changes Are Coming!

On May 1, 2023, Father spoke a very encouraging word to me about the time we are living in: "These are days like no other – days of fighting the forces of darkness that are attempting to overrun the world, and days where Our great glory is going to cover this world and chase that darkness away.

"There will be great rejoicing when My glory arrives because mankind is learning to recognize evil and hate it as well! Worldwide will this great outpouring of My glory be, because worldwide has the outpouring of wickedness been. I will overcome evil with an abundance of My goodness! I will chase evil far from My children; I will chase it back to Hell, where it came from to invade the earth." (Photo via Wikipedia)

The Lord showed me that what happens worldwide also gets on individuals, like pollen gets on everything in springtime. The pollen of evil gets on us and brings misery and suffering to us, while when the glory is poured out, it will chase that evil way and bring happiness, peace, healing, deliverance and all that is good into our lives as individuals. Many miracles will happen.

Judges Will Be Removed

On May 2, 2023, once again, Father spoke to me about His plan for the world: "The days ahead will be awesome for My faithful children, but for the wicked, they will be dreadful. My justice shall be seen; even among those who sat on judgment seats in the courts will My justice fall.

"None will be exempt from the retaliation of a God, who has been mocked by His creation, and who has watched as My innocent ones have been slaughtered, tortured, abused, misled and deceived. The trickery that they heaped upon My children will be exposed, and all they will reap is shame and dread for the wickedness they sowed."

Your Sin Will Find You Out

On May 3, 2023, during my time of prayer, Father declared: "You are living in the hour with the adage 'Your sin will find you out' will be fulfilled. This is a time when secret sins are being exposed, so that those who are sinning will repent or be removed so that their sinful actions will no longer bring destruction and harm My children. This will happen on all levels of society.

"Pray that many repent and turn from their unrighteousness to Us! Pray that the harm their sinful deeds caused will be undone quickly.

"Yes, Our heart is for quick restoration of all – the sinners back to us and the victims totally restored and refreshed. Much harm has been done by satan and his horde of demons manipulating My people. This revival will bring about miraculous restoration and great healing and deliverance like no other in the past. By the outpouring of My glory, this will happen quickly. Suddenly, lives will be restored and rebuild a new foundation.

"The Solid Rock will undergird lives, churches, institutions – the seven mountains of society! You will see this happen as people outwardly and unashamedly profess faith in My Son! Gratitude for forgiveness and for My grace to overcome will be expressed worldwide, openly. You have seen instances of this happening already, as a precursor of what is to come!"

When Father said this, I thought of the sports broadcasters and newscasters that have prayed openly in the name of Jesus. Football teams knelt in public during a nationally televised game to pray for a wounded player.

Confirming Scriptures:

"But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out." (Numbers: 32:23)

"'...Assyria's pride will be brought down and Egypt's scepter will pass away. I will strengthen them in the LORD and in His name they will live securely,' declares the LORD." (Zechariah 10:11-12) (Assyria and Egypt represent oppressors and those who enslave God's children. God's people will be restored and strengthened.)

"It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your face, for You loved them. You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob.

"Through You we push back our enemies; through Your name we trample our foes. I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever." (Psalm 44:3-8)

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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.


Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.

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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Donna Rigney's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

Friday Night Services at 6:00 PM
Meeting Location: Church on the Rock
2200 N State St (US Hwy 1), Bunnell, FL

May 19-20, 2023
Healing, Deliverance & Miracles
With Donna Rigney, Dr. Manuel Johnson and Timothy Dixon
Free event at St. Cloud Rivers Edge Conference Center
10 4th Ave S, St. Cloud, MN

May 26-27, 2023
Tent of Miracles
With Donna Rigney, Myles Kilby and Robin D. Bullock
4743 US HWY 17, Brunswick, GA 31525
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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