Over 20 years ago, the Lord divinely connected me to my dear friend, Dr. Mark Van Gundy! He's a seasoned apostle and prophet who's planted churches and ministered in missions work for over 40 years. He has always brought a weighty and accurate word, both to me, personally, and wherever we've ministered together around the world.
Recently, we were together for a roundtable that I convene annually, and Dr. Mark Van Gundy shared a word that I felt would bring encouragement to our friends at the Elijah List. Let this prophetic word about heavy rain stir your faith! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Recently, I heard this in my spirit: "Heavy rain is coming." This phrase was spoken by Elijah after he had just seen a great victory over the the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, which we see in 1 Kings 18.
The Former Rain and the Latter Rain
I believe we are in this time, now, where the greatest outpouring of the Spirit is upon us. Joel prophesied this; he called it the "former rain" and the "latter rain."
"Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month." (Joel 2:23)
The former rain is the autumn rain; it is for planting crops. The latter rain is the spring rain that helps ripen the crops for harvest. The former rain was prophetically about the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:16-21. The latter rain is all the outpourings we have experienced since Pentecost. The neat thing is, we not only have the latter outpouring, but also the former outpouring, all at once! This means it's a combination of all the past revivals and awakenings since Pentecost. We have all the moves of God at once, even up to the Welsh Revival, Topeka, Kansas City, Azusa Street, the Voice of Healing, Charismatic, Word of Faith, Prayer and Presence—even the recent Asbury Revival, and more!
If you have the former rain (autumn rain) and the latter rain (spring rain) in one month, that would be six months of rain in one month! That would be a flood.
Double Harvest Glory
Didn't the prophet Habakkuk prophesy that the earth would be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (see Habakkuk 2:14)? I believe this will be all the revivals, anointings and outpourings happening all at once. (Photo via Wikipedia)
Haggai the prophet prophesied this: "...The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former..." (Haggai 2:9). This will be the greatest outpouring of all time—with signs, wonders, miracles, healings, dreams, visions and more (see Joel 2:28-32)! What for? For the greatest harvest ever seen.
Joel talked about the harvest in Joel 2:24, saying, "The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil." It is all about the harvest of souls.
The Lord spoke to me back in 2020 that in the next 20 years, there would be the greatest harvest we have ever seen. He called it the "Double Harvest Glory."
A Cloud the Size of a Man's Hand
Now back to Elijah. He tells Ahab to go eat and drink, and then Elijah goes to pray. He then sends his servant off to see if he sees anything. He sends him off again seven times. On the seventh time, his servant says, "There is a cloud as small as a man's hand..." (1 Kings 18:44). (In the Hebrew, the word "small" is qatan. It means "insignificant" or "unimportant.")
So Elijah sends Ahab off to go before the storm hits. The Bible says that "...the sky became black with clouds and wind, and there was a heavy rain..." (1 Kings 18:45). I believe we are in a time that the Church has prayed for for years. The bowls are filling up for revival/awakening in the nations all over the world.
The Greatest Global Outpouring and a Time of Acceleration
The apostle Peter prophesied these words from God: "...I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh..." (Acts 2:17). Beloved, the greatest outpouring is upon us now. This is a global outpouring. It may look like a cloud as small as a man's hand, but get ready, for the heavy rain is coming!
Elijah out ran Ahab's chariot—that was an acceleration. I believe we are in a great time of acceleration, where the plowman is overtaking the reaper (see Amos 9:13)! (Photo via Public Domain Pictures)
Get ready for more. We need to position ourselves in prayer as Elijah did, and keep looking and expecting the glory clouds to come; for there is heavy rain coming.
It Is Time for Heavy Rain!
At the end of February, I attended a roundtable/conference of ministers with the hosts, Dr. Joshua and Lisa Fowler of Awake the World, Dallas, Texas. We encountered a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
When I went, I was suffering from pneumonia, but I was healed while I was there. I hadn't been able to sleep through the night before attending, but I did every night while I was there. The Lord had said to me, "As you go, you will be healed."
I really encountered a mighty impartation and went to a new level in ministry. I believe I experienced the "cloud the size of a man's hand" there, for there is always more! I believe it is time for heavy rain!
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Dr. Mark R. Van Gundy
Principal KSM President Kingdom Legacy Network
Revival n' Nations
Email: fireschoolofrevival@gmail.com
Dr. Mark Van Gundy was born and raised in Florida, USA. He was born again in 1964 and in 1975, he encountered the Holy Spirit and his life was changed. He answered the call to ministry in 1976 and graduated from Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas in 1978. Mark then worked in England for a couple of years helping to establish a Bible school in 1978-1980. In 1980 he married Mary, who is English, and they ministered in the USA. Two years later, they answered the call to go back to England. He was the Dean of a large Bible school in London from 1988-1995. In 1995 they started Church of Destiny in Tottenham, London, England. They have a vision to see people encounter God and come into their God-given destiny. They have helped ministers and missionaries launch their ministries into the great global harvest. In the autumn of 2018, Revival n' Nations was launched in the USA and and Europe. The vision is to serve, train and send Believers into the harvest field, into the marketplace and into the community. He has a father's heart in raising up sons and daughters to fulfill their destiny. He also has an apostolic and prophetic healing ministry to the Body of Christ. Dr. Mark and Mary are carriers of revival and awakenings for our churches, streets, cities and nations!
Dr. Mark R. Van Gundy's Itinerary:
(Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.)
May 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM BST
Fire School of Revival (Zoom)
June 2-4, 2023 at 7:00-9:30 PM BST
The London Outpouring Greenwich
July 15, 2023
FSR Commissioning service 7 (Zoom)
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