Don't Settle for Turmoil – Put a Stop to the Disruption
On October 28, 2022, as soon as I entered the spirit, my Lord met me and eagerly invited me to walk with Him saying, "I have so much to talk with you about, My friend. Turmoil – yes, great turmoil is coming to your land, and it is not initiated by Me, the Prince of Peace. Don't settle for this turmoil, but fight it and its authors in the spirit. Yes, lead My troops to put a sudden, severe stop to this disruption – even before it is launched.
"I am letting you know what the enemy is planning; you can put a stop to it because you have My full authority to do just that! Declare, decree, bind, loose and worship, and what he planned will fall dead at his feet! We have loosed Our hosts to work with you and with Our faith-filled warriors. They will quickly implement your prayers, and you will see peace, prosperity and righteousness restored to your land.
"Great days are just on the horizon; launch out in faith, boldness and great determination, and no delays will stop Us from implementing the fullness of Our will: the outpouring of Our glory on the world! Once My glory falls, then you will see the immediate answers to your prayers. Just as you are encountering a foretaste of My glory and seeing your prayers answered, this will happen suddenly – worldwide – in My glory!"
The Enemy Didn't Win! My Kingdom Is Being Populated
On November 22, 2022, I heard Father say, "Trust Me with the timing for the things I am planning on doing in the days (not years) ahead. Yes, you won't have to wait years to see My arm of justice fall on the wicked and bring forth justice for My faithful ones.
"Many who had their lives cut short are now living in Heaven. They are not sad! There were those who didn't know Me, but before they died, I made sure that they did. The enemy didn't win! I am a good Father, full of mercy and compassion. My arm is not too short to save and to bless.
"Those who are depopulating the world have been populating My Kingdom. Great celebrations are going on as so many of My children are coming home and being greeted by those who preceded them. Laughter abounds here.
"I know how to get My children's attention. Look at what We did at Pentecost and how We transformed Saul. Yes, many turned to Us before the enemy struck them down and shortened their lives."
The Chariot of Fire
"He rode a chariot of thunderclouds amidst thick darkness; His steed was a cherub, soaring on outstretched wings of Spirit-Wind." (Psalm 18:10)
On October 30, 2022, during Sunday's service, I saw Father, in the spirit, driving His chariot of fire over the church. He was circling above us, high in the heavens, and gathering the sweet incense of our worship. His vast approval was evident!
As I saw this sight, I thought of the story of Elijah when the chariot of fire came to pick him up and take him to Heaven – just like in this vision where I saw Father come to pick up our worship and take it to Heaven with Him.
On October 31, 2022, Father explained that what was coming was like the time when Elijah's mantle was released to Elisha, giving him double what Elijah had: "This will be the time when We release double-portion mantles to Our faithful, humble servants who have allowed themselves to be trained and discipled. These precious ones will have authority over the elements, just as Elisha did when he struck the Jordan River and it parted.
"Death couldn't touch Elijah; he was brought home with no 'sting of death' on him. My chosen ones will not be taken by death to Heaven, but I will summon them when their missions are completed. There will be no premature deaths amongst them! (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
"Just as I did send fire from Heaven on Elijah's sacrifice on Mount Carmel, and on the 120 in the upper room at Pentecost, I will send the fire of My approval to fall on the sacrifices My faithful ones bring to Me. The fire of My Holy Spirit – My great glory – will fall on their gatherings, and on all that they lay on My altar of sacrifice."
Confirming Scripture: "...He is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit" (John 1:33).
Dancing with Jesus on the USA!
On November 7, 2022, I looked into the spirit, and in this vision, I saw myself dancing with Jesus on an enormous, shining, gold ballroom floor. As I looked closer, I realized that the ballroom was the USA, and I represented the Bride of Christ.
Then I heard Father declare that He had given the USA to Jesus as a wedding present! I knew that the world was His, but the USA held a special significance and belonged to Jesus in a wonderful way. Instantly, I knew that He would use the USA to bless the nations of the world through His love pouring forth from our nation.
The day before this visitation, I saw Father riding high in the sky over the USA in His chariot of fire. From this place high above us, He was showering fireballs – His glory, His awesome Holy Spirit – down on our land.
The week before, during our Sunday service, I saw Father riding in His chariot over our church while we worshiped Him in Flagler County, Florida. The following Friday, the glory increased enormously during our service! Seeing Him riding over the USA, I knew He was showing me that He is going to increase the glory on our nation, and cause His goodness to be seen and felt by the masses.
While Jesus and I were dancing on the USA, Father explained, "Yes, what we did through Elisha, We will be doing in this hour through Our faithful, obedient children. Crowned with humility, forged in the fire of adversity, they will persevere until My will is done on Earth. Great miracles will happen as My 'little ones' step out in faith, declare My words and My promises, and let My glory pour forth from them. Glory carriers will be used mightily by Me in this hour. All My children need is in My glory."
While Jesus and I danced together, I saw His heart and my heart join and become one. What He loved, I loved with His love. This merger of our hearts was going to make it easier for me to love my enemies with Jesus' love. In the glory, His Bride would love as He loves!
As we danced together, Jesus said, "Daughter, I will do things My way, and no one will be able to deny it is Me performing My words when I act! Place your full trust in Me and fear nothing, for your land is truly My land, and no one shall take it from Me. I will dance with My Bride on your land, from shore to shore, and My love for My Bride will be poured forth all over your land."
Confirming Scripture: "And a voice from the cloud said, 'This is My Son, My chosen One; listen to Him'" (Luke 9:35).
A Bride on Fire
On November 3, 2022, I heard Father say, "Much will be done in the days, weeks, months and years ahead to reverse the evil that has overtaken your land. All the seven mountains will come down and be rebuilt on righteousness." (The seven mountains are media, government, education, economy, religion, arts/entertainment, and family.)
"Yes, governments will topple and be replaced by godly rule, and godly rules will be implemented as the ungodly laws and rules are overturned in the sight of all.
"By My glory this will be done! Yes, We will pour Our glory forth like flames of fire. My glory will ignite cold hearts and turn stony ones into hearts of flesh. Fiery bombs from Heaven will fall on the land and burn the chaff while igniting the masses with a fiery passion for Us and for souls to be saved. No longer will a spirit of lukewarmness rule over My children.
"'On fire' will My Bride be! As I did send fire to consume Elijah's sacrifice on Mount Carmel, I am sending My holy fire from Heaven to consume the sacrifices My children have laid upon My altars throughout the world. I have heard and do approve of the prayers, worship, fasting and sacrificial giving of My children. I am the same yesterday, today and forever, and what I did on Mount Carmel as Elijah's sacrifice was presented to Us, I will do again. (Photo via Unsplash)
"Like the fire that fell in the upper room at Pentecost that ignited hearts into a mighty blaze for us, so will this fire We are releasing from Heaven be in these last days. The world will be set on fire for Us, and for souls to be saved, set free, healed and delivered. Many miracles will happen as My fire falls!"
As the Lord spoke this word to me, I remembered seeing Him riding in the chariot of fire, tossing fireballs down onto the earth below. As we worshiped Him, He poured His glory down upon us.
My Glory Will Transform This World
On November 17, 2022, while sitting alone with Father, I heard, "My glory will transform – even re-create – this world into what We intended it to be. As those who sit and absorb My glory and soak in My presence are transformed into the image of My Son, so will this world be when I pour My Spirit out on all mankind. The power to change – to re-create – is in My glory! Like looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of My Son will those be who willingly receive My glory.
"The love, courage, holiness, goodness, peace, wisdom and power of My Son will be smeared all over My children. This will be the hour We fulfill the Word: the first born of many sons and daughters (see Romans 8:29)! I will have many true sons and daughters by the power of My glory pouring forth from Heaven to Earth."
Confirming Scripture: "...And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into His very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18).
The next morning, November 18, 2022, Father reminded me that after the Holy Spirit fell on the 120 who were assembled and praying together in the upper room at Pentecost, conviction fell on the thousands gathered outside in the street below (some of whom were responsible for killing Jesus), and they repented, were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Three thousand were saved and added to the Church that day. Later, Saul was converted on the road to Damascus by the glory falling on him. This is what is coming with a great increase, because the latter rain will be greater than the former rain (see Joel 2:23). His glory will transform the multitudes!
Father declared, "Fire from Heaven will fall in this hour! Greater glory is on its way. This will bring the lasting change so many have cried out for. Trust and believe that I will perform My promise in Joel 2 – to pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Transformation is soon coming. Let not your hearts grow weary in waiting for My 'grand rescue event'! Trust and believe, for your great faith shall be rewarded by the outpouring of My glory worldwide!
Confirming Scripture: "...All that's required is that you really believe and have no doubt" (Mark 11:23; see also Mark 11:22-25).
On November 21, 2022, Father exclaimed, "My glory will change everything! Everyone who allows Us to touch them will be changed. Many sons and daughters will be brought into My Kingdom, and My heart will be well satisfied!"
On November 23, 2022, Father spoke a very encouraging word to me: "This is the hour that you are living in: My fire will fall, and the 'raining down' of My Spirit will cover the land! In My presence there will be multiplied miracles and many healings. Just as there were when My Son walked the earth, there will be many miracles as My Spirit invades the earth and chases darkness and evil away.
"My children will fall in love with My goodness! For far too long, I have been misrepresented by the world and by the Church. Now I will reveal who I am, and My children will love Me because I am good! When you truly love someone, it is easy to do those things that please them. My children will delight in pleasing Me by following My Son and letting My Spirit lead them step-by-step."
Confirming Scripture: "...Jesus said to them, 'You are truly My disciples if you live as I tell you to, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free'" (John 8:31-32).
Uncommon Favor Will Pour Out on the Faithful
On November 2, 2022, I heard Father say, "All Heaven's best is going to pour forth on those who love and serve Us. Yes, when My people truly love Us, it will make itself known through obedient service. To live fully surrendered to Us is a true proof of one's love and devotion. To declare one's love and refuse to obey proves that that love is not true and sincere. When We look upon Our faithful ones, We see true love and true devotion, because obedience has become a way of life for them.
"Now, with a far greater increase, We will be showering much more of Our signs of Our love on them. If We would bless returning prodigals with so much affluence, what will we do for those who remain steadfast in their devotion? As the father of the prodigal son declared that all that he had belonged to his faithful elder son, We say, 'All that We have is yours! Free access to the wonders of Heaven and receiving all you asked for is just one of the benefits of living a life of devotion.' Look at all We promised those who live in and for Us in Psalm 91."
Confirming Scripture: Psalm 91.
Obedience in the Church
On November 24, 2022, the Lord spoke an impacting word to me about worship:
"Worship without obedience is a stench to Our nostrils! Worship that pleases Us is worship that is led by Holy Spirit – 'worship in spirit, and in truth'! Worship that flows directly from a devoted heart ascends to My throne and delights Us, and it brings Our glory from Heaven to the earth!" (Photo via Unsplash)
The following day, November 25, 2022, the Lord continued to speak to me about the obedience of the Church: "Just as 2,000 years ago I had churches that followed Me closely, and many that went their own way, that is very true in this hour. It saddens Us that so many have left their post and dropped their heavenly assignments to follow their own desires.
"Yes, when Our glory is poured forth, many of those who left our courts will return, but those who remained faithful will shine like brilliant stars. They will not lose their rewards! Their place will be an exalted one in My Kingdom, because they passed all the tests that they went through. Their rewards will be great! And the fruit they have borne will stand forever!"
Confirming Scripture: "...I know all that you do, and I know that you have a reputation for being really 'alive,' but you're actually dead!... Yet there are still a few in Sardis, who have remained pure, and they will walk in fellowship with Me in brilliant light, for they are worthy..." (Revelation 3:1, 4; see also Revelation 3:5-19).
The Glory Has Increased!
Saturday morning, November 26, 2022, while sitting alone with Father, I was reflecting on the great outpouring of His glory that had happened the night before at our service. I asked Father why there was such a great increase, and He explained to me that He had told me that there would be an increase in His glory, and He was performing His Word:
"This is the hour when We perform Our Word, answer prayers, and show up – very quickly! When you have an open Heaven, nothing can stop Us from showering down Our best on Our friends and Our devoted children. Lavishly, We will be blessing Ours!
"My children have suffered at the hands of the very wicked for far too long. Just as My children were held captive in Egypt for over 400 years, and desperately they cried out for My help, in this hour, My children have cried out for My deliverance. I have heard them, and the way has been made clear for My justice, truth, love and freedom to reach them.
"Through open portals, the enemy has easy access to My children, and through open glory portals, My hosts will easily bring all My children need to them. Because of their devotion, I will fulfill the desires of their hearts easily, and quickly!
"So many of My mighty ones have fought long and hard in prayer, and My hosts have partnered with them to close wicked portals. This will continue. At the same time, an army of My devoted warriors is warring and worshiping and, with My hosts, have opened many glory portals.
"I sent a deliverer – Moses – to My people caught in slavery, but in this hour, I am raising up an army of deliverers! All are well equipped to accomplish their assignment – to set the captives free. Many champions are ready and being released to lead My troops to battle!"
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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.
Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.
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