The Time of Reaping
On October 7, 2022, while sitting alone with Father, as I listened intently, He spoke a very solemn word to me: "Daughter, judgment is going to fall on the wicked and the very wicked. None will escape My just judgment and the punishment for their sins. The only way of escape is through true repentance!
"At the same time that the wicked, or those who have done the bidding of the wicked, reap what they have sown, My faithful ones will reap their great rewards. The hour is upon you now that the seeds sown are going to be reaped. There will be much sorrow, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and at the same time, great rejoicing and dancing in the streets. My justice demands it to be so!"
On October 9, 2022, Father continued speaking to me about His coming judgments: "I have heard My children's cries! I will not only send a deliverer, but I will heap vengeance on the heads of those who have deliberately brought so much suffering and destruction to My people. Watch and see My arm of justice fall, for I will not endure any more of their wickedness. They have been given plenty of time to repent and turn, but instead they have dug in their heels in a stubborn refusal to stop their wicked deeds. Going into the area they destroyed and boasting and gloating over the havoc they created was the last straw!
"Watch and see Me show Myself mighty as I take down these bullies. Pharaoh was no match for Us, nor will these workers of iniquity be."
Confirming Scripture: John 2:13-23 (This is the account of Jesus cleansing His Father's temple of evil and dishonesty and of those taking advantage of His people. The wrath of God is evident, as Jesus chases the rebellious people and money changers out of the temple.)
The Just Judge Is Coming to the Earth
Once again, on October 10, 2022, Father showed me that His judgment is coming on the wicked. In a startling vision during worship, I beheld Father in His long, black judge's robe in Heaven's court. He was very tall – enormous. He stood up and walked forward, then He stepped down on the earth below. While standing and looking all about Him, many people greeted Him, just like little children would run and hug their father. They laid at His feet; some grabbed onto His ankles and held Him close to them.
As this large crowd gathered, Father began commanding His angel armies to go to different regions to do His bidding. His judgments were being loosed by His hosts to turn this world from wickedness and evil back to Him. No longer was He going to allow wickedness to rule over His land and His people. He was coming as the just Judge of all the earth to bring justice and judgment, and just rewards to the faithful.
Father explained: "Yes, My friend, this is the hour and the season where justice will triumph over injustice...where the oppressed and downtrodden ones will dance, leap and sing for joy over their release from captivity and tribulation. Those who unjustly persecuted and opposed My servants – who were chosen by Me to lead My children – will become like dogs walking on the outskirts looking for scraps to stay alive."
The next day, on October 11, 2022, Father continued to speak to me about His justice: "Yes, you have seen correctly; I am coming as the just Judge of all the earth, to bring My justice and truth and to deal with the gross injustice that has been inundating this world. Judgment will fall on the wicked and the perpetrators of injustice; it must – My justice demands it! (Photo via Flickr)
"Rejoice when you see Us expose evil! Sing of My goodness and My faithfulness to My precious, faithful children. During this time, all will also see the great transfer of wealth that I promised through My prophets. Evil will be exposed and prosecuted, and righteousness will be rewarded and honored.
"It is through My remnant Bride that I will issue decrees of judgment and justice. Just as Deborah brought My justice forth with her words, so too will My Bride in this hour. Together, we will turn this world around – away from evil and back to its Creator and true God."
Then in the spirit, once again, I saw Father standing regally as the just Judge in His long, black robe with His people surrounding Him. Then, one by one, they came and stood in front of Father with their backs leaning against His chest. It appeared that they had become one with Him. Then, in a powerful stance, they issued commands with the Father to the hosts to stop the enemies of God, to abort their wicked schemes and to go rescue His children.
It was evident that they were one with the Father! His authority was being used by His faithful ones! Seeing this vision enhanced my understanding of the position we have in Him to make prophetic decrees and how effective they are.
His Goodness Will Permeate Our Land
On September 29, 2022, as Hurricane Ian was wreaking havoc on Florida, my home state, the Lord brought me in the spirit to the third Heaven. Looking down, I saw the hurricane overshadowing Florida, pouring out destructive wind and torrential rain and flooding the land.
The Lord said: "See what damage it does to your land when the enemy gets a foothold? He looses his destruction from the second heaven to your world. But because I do have a faithful remnant (a Gideon army who loves and serves Me), I will loose from the third Heaven My blessings – My glory! Yes, My goodness will permeate your land, and it will chase away the evil that has soaked this world.
"When you visit the third Heaven, you never see storms or feel chaos. All is at peace here, and Our land is filled with goodness and love. In the days ahead, We will be pouring this goodness, love and great mercy down to the earth. Then, what you encounter on your visits to Heaven you will 'live in' in the natural realm as well.
"The sun is always shining here, and there is no darkness, no sorrow, no pain, no suffering – just love and acceptance; peace and joy abound here. This is going to be poured out on your world very soon!
"There is order here in My homeland. This order that you see, hear, feel and encounter is going to pour out on your land. When We pour out Our glory from Heaven to the earth below, disorder and chaos will flee! Fear and dread will no longer rule over My children – peace and great faith will!"
Under the Shelter of the Almighty
A few weeks later, on October 14, 2022, I heard Father declare: "Few know Us or walk under Our shadow, and that is why you see so much suffering and lack. My children's enemies have free access to their lives and their land. Only abiding in Us, only walking in Our shadow, affords the protection and provision each one needs for a full, satisfying life. Encourage My children to do just that – to abide in Us and walk in Our ways. Our delight is to bless, to protect and to provide all Our children need for a full, happy life!" (Photo via Pexels)
Encouraging me to help His children get to know Him, He said: "We will help you to do this – to bring awareness of Us and Our love to Our children. Not only will Our love and glory pour forth from you, but an anointing to facilitate intimacy with Us is yours. I would not ask you to do anything without first equipping you with all you need to bring it about. Easily will My children receive the anointing for intimacy with Us when you minister in any format."
I knew the Father was not only releasing me but also equipping me to help His children become more intimate with Him.
Confirming Scripture:
"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'
"Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
"If you say, 'The LORD is my refuge,' and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." (Psalm 91:1-11)
Trust Him in the Midst of the Storm
On October 1, 2022, the Lord gave me a powerful word for His children about fear and faith: "Fear has no place in your lives. As you live your lives and encounter trials and obstacles, and as you watch Us remove them and carry you through each trial, your faith is strengthened and built very strong, while at the same time, fear is diminished and even demolished! Imagine the level of faith the three Hebrew men had after they walked out of the fiery furnace unscathed! They took on their new positions with great courage and steel-like faith. Determination filled them and chased all reluctance away!
"Reminisce and ponder on those things We have done for and through you, during those times that you placed your trust in Us. Think about those things We did for you, and your faith will rise to that same level! Giants are taken out by this level of faith!"
Alone with the Lord during my prayer time on October 6, 2022, I heard: "Though life has its challenges, and it may appear that the enemies about you are winning the war for your land and your lives, don't be disheartened. Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. Yes, My resurrection power will be released, and the glory of the dawning of a new day is just on the horizon.
"Keep discouragement far from you by recounting how many times We have appeared and rescued you, and Our children, since the beginning of time. When all seemed lost, I appeared to Daniel in the lions' den; the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace; David when Israel was threatened with extinction by Goliath; Paul and Silas as they awaited death while in chains in prison; My children when they faced death at the Red Sea. I never let My children down who placed their trust in Me!
"This is why We say, 'Don't allow discouraging thoughts to capture your mind.' Praise Me in the midst of the storm, when the attack is raging, when all seems lost, and then watch Us rescue you!" (The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are the greatest examples of a grand rescue after what appeared to be a great defeat!)
Forgive as He Forgives
On October 5, 2022, the Father began to speak to me about forgiveness: "To reach out and give someone a helping hand up, when they are knocked down, is a good thing; but to reach out and give someone a helping hand up, when they have been used by the enemy to knock you down in the past, is not just a good or a great thing, but a 'divine' thing to do! Remember, the very ones who crucified My Son were the ones that He reached out to and lifted off the path to Hell that they were on. Continue to follow My Son and your lives will be marked by the divine touch of your God! To do it because you truly love Us, and love those who harmed you, makes you true followers of Ours!" (Photo via Unsplash)
On October 15, 2022, once again, the Father gave me wise instruction about the importance of forgiveness: "My children are being called and gathered into My arms and into My Kingdom. As prodigals return, receive each one, even if they caused you great harm. That is not the way the prodigal's brother received him. Do not imitate his hostile behavior but be like the father who received him with open arms and an open heart.
"Remember, people have demonic spirits on them, and many are greatly influenced by their flesh, which causes them to sin against Us and against their brothers and sisters. This is why I say, 'Don't judge one another, lest you will be judged' (see Matthew 7:1). Leave it to Me to judge My children, for I am the just Judge of all the earth! You just forgive as each prodigal returns home."
As the Father instructed me in His way of forgiving, I realized that the elder brother had suffered injustice at the hands of his younger brother. He was left to carry out all the responsibilities on his own, and also had to console his broken-hearted father while his younger brother was out having a great time. I understood his reluctance to go in and celebrate when his brother returned. May we always forgive like the father in this parable, and avoid the pitfall of bitterness that the elder brother fell into.
Confirming Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 (the parable of the prodigal son and his elder brother).
The Seven Mountains Will Be His
On October 16, 2022, while at church during our time of worship, I saw in the spirit a wonderful sight: Jesus, the Commander-in-Chief of Heaven's armies, was riding on His white horse. He was not alone; His army of saints were also riding behind Him on white horses. Led by Jesus, they quickly rode to the top of a very tall mountain that was among seven other mountains. As I looked closely, I realized that these saints were both the armies in Heaven and also those on the earth. They had joined forces and were being led by the Holy Spirit to pray for the seven mountains of influence to be restored to Jesus, the true King of the earth.
As this majestic army rode forward, I saw all seven mountains begin to shake violently, right to their foundations. It looked like a massive earthquake was hitting these towering mountains. In an instant, I knew that everything that was not built on the solid rock of faith in Jesus was coming down. As the mountains crumbled, their corrupt foundations were being destroyed and new foundations, built on Christ, were being assembled.
A time of great shaking was happening before my eyes. Jesus and His mighty army were taking back the seven mountains and reforming them back to His original intent. Family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business and government would be established on the solid Rock and restored to the magnificent mountains they were ordained to be. While watching this vision unfold, I heard the song "On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand" playing over and over in my mind.
Confirming Scripture:
"Now I saw Heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in Heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:
"KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." (Revelation 19:11-16)
An Amazing Ride on the Butterfly of Change
On October 21, 2022, while in the spirit, I saw the butterfly of change before me. In an instant, I climbed aboard the butterfly and heard: "We will restore prosperity and peace to your land. United you will stand. We will deal with the spirits of division! Every lying spirit will be exposed and truth will reign supreme in My glory. People will assemble peacefully, in love and in unity, to worship Us and to enjoy one another's company. Celebrations that are happening now in Heaven will be released to the earth. In My glory, everything will be restored! Change is coming."
Looking below, I saw families gathered at the beach and in parks. They were having so much fun that I could hear squeals of laughter rising in the air. People weren't restricted by poverty or sickness, or by the mandates of wicked men and governments. His glory brought freedom back! Prosperity, unity and enjoyment of life and health were everywhere. (Photo via Pixabay)
As I looked down from my ride on this glorious butterfly, I saw scenes on the earth that were very similar to those that I had seen when I visited Heaven months previously. The atmosphere of Heaven had invaded the earth; glory, love, joy, peace, unity, prosperity and wonderful fellowship with God were evident.
The Holy Spirit, revealing what was on the heart of the Father, continued: "This is what We are sending to the earth when My glory is poured out, worldwide! It is already beginning in select places that have open portals where My children have caught My attention and eagerly sought after Me. Once this outpouring begins to spread, no one and nothing will or can stop it!"
Continuing to fly and look below, I saw a man in a wheelchair. I felt the compassion of those around him pour on this infirm man; then he just stood up and walked, leapt and danced like the man in Acts 3:1-11, whom Peter and John healed in the name of Jesus.
Feeling amazed at seeing this miracle, I heard the Holy Spirit explain, "Why shouldn't I do again what I did many years ago in the former rain during this latter rain? Even greater will those things be that We do through Our compassionate people! You will see it manifest very soon, and it will bring you and My children great joy!"
A Great Overturning Is Coming
On October 23, 2022, while riding home on Route 95 southbound, we began to go at a very slow pace. The traffic was three lanes deep; there appeared to be no accident ahead, but the going was very slow. After about 20 minutes, we saw what was causing this delay: a very bad accident had occurred in the northbound lane of the highway. They were local police cars (one of which was smashed) and many state police cars assembled around the wreckage of a group of cars involved in the crash (one of which was overturned and lying upside down on the center median). The traffic on the northbound side of 95 was at a complete standstill for at least five miles. Once our side of the highway passed the accident, we resumed the normal speed and the delay ended for us.
As I looked upon the overturned car, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about the significance of this catastrophic accident: "Yes, daughter, a great overturning is coming to your land. Though it will greatly affect those who are close to and following the perpetrators of injustice and corruption, it will not affect you. Though it will cause some delays and minor inconvenience, it will not devastate you, nor those like you who are following Me and My ways. You will only observe with your eyes the devastation of the camp of the enemy, but it will not come near you or yours.
"This overturning will bring to a sudden standstill all the ways and schemes of the enemies of yours and Mine, but it will not stop My children from advancing to their destinies. All will see exactly what has been going on behind closed doors. Those in the Justice Department that have been complicit with the corrupt will meet their demise, as will the leaders of wickedness.
"The military (represented by the state police cars) that is not under the control of the deep state will come to implement judgment and exact justice. None will escape! During this overturning, while all the deceived are inconveniently brought to a sudden stop, eyes will be opened."
I knew, when I saw the many mile-long lines of stopped traffic, that many in these vehicles were feeling very upset and fearful that they would run out of gas, etc. A sudden stop was made to the arrival of their destinations as planned.
The Holy Spirit continued to explain, "The plans of the wicked will be thwarted and laid bare for all to see quickly during this great overturning. It is coming very suddenly and unexpectedly, like that accident came suddenly and unexpectedly!"
Confirming Scripture: "You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked." (Psalm 91:8)
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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.
Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.
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