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Nate Johnston: "In the Next Two Months, Watch and See What God Will Do!"

Nate Johnston
Aug 23, 2022

From the Desks of Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith:

Steve Shultz

This is year is far, far from over! There is so much happening right now...and everything that can be shaken IS being shaken.

I so appreciate the prophetic voices of the Lord and this rising generation of prophetic voices that God is raising up in this hour!

Nate Johnston shares some profound, and we mean PROFOUND, words from the Lord in this hour...such as this below, and what is happening over the next two months:

"For the next two months, watch and see as I pour out revelation, as I open up the flood gates of Heaven over your life and I show you the plans and the future that I have for you," says the Lord.

Steve ShultzThat is just a piece of this very rich word from the Lord...through Nate. We encourage you to read through this slowly, taking in all that God is doing in our lives across the globe. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

In Christ,

Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors
Elijah List Publications

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This Is the Hour

In a dream the other night, I was sitting with the Lord. In front of me, I could see a horizon, except there was this thick layer of fog in front of me that was stopping me from being able to see ahead.

The Lord said to me, "It is now time for the scales to be removed from your eyes and from your heart and from your soul. And this is an hour that I am clearing out every bit of debris and every blockage and every hindrance to you seeing clearly the road ahead that I have for you."

He said, "This is an hour that I'm giving you fresh vision. This is an hour that I'm giving you eyes to see the future that I have planned for you; the future that the enemy has tried to stop you from seeing; the future that the enemy has wanted you disconnected from so that you would lose hope and you would crumble on the battlefield that you were in – so that you would give up in the middle of what looks like a wilderness, but it's only moments and steps away from fruitfulness and advancing.

"And this is an hour [that] I'm giving you back your joy," says the Lord. "I'm giving you back your hope and I'm giving you back your ability to connect with My vision again for your life. For the enemy has tried to keep you in a place of limitation; he's tried to keep you in a place of continual warfare and contending without seeing any fruit, but I am going to reconnect you again with the very manifestation of My presence. My power is going to break through every obstacle like a hammer breaks rocks into pieces. I'm going to break through every single hindrance that has been at your feet," says the Lord.

Confronting the Enemy in Your Life

"And this is an hour," says the Lord, "that I'm going to confront the areas that the enemy has been trying to keep you tangled and imprisoned.

"This is an hour," says the Lord, "that I'm coming after the areas that have been trying to keep your heart encased in hard rock. But right now I'm turning hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Again, this is an hour that I'm removing the casings of disappointment and discouragement and despondency.

"This is an hour that I'm coming against disbelief that has come and settled. This is an hour that I'm coming to break apathy and complacency; and I'm going to cause your heart to come alive again so that you will be in sync with My vision for your life.

"The very attack that has come against your soul is right now being judged, for I've seen the dark night that you've been in, and now the court is in session.

"I've seen that the night has gone on for a very, very long time, without any ability to see the new sunrise or the new day dawning. But this is an hour that I am coming to bring life to your soul again. And I'm breaking through the trauma of even many decades that you did not know that you were even living in.

"This is an hour I'm coming against the very things that have kept your feet concreted to disappointment and concreted to the old wineskin, the old mentalities, the old methods and the old ways."

The New Day Is Dawning

"And I'm confronting those things for you, for you would say, 'My best days were in that season'; for you would say, 'My best days have already passed.' But I would say to you that, right now, I'm setting you up for such a glorious chapter that you did not even see coming. (Photo via Rawpixel)

"Right now, in the surrender to the new thing, in the discomfort and the pressing into the pain, I'm going to reveal My glory through your life in a way that you won't be able to comprehend. I'm delivering you from so many areas of your own strength, and the places where you've been running and hustling, but it has not been producing the fruit that you've been wanting to see.

"It is time for My Spirit to come and to bring life to you. It's time for My Spirit to come and to lead you into your best days and break you out of those limitations and man-made methods."

In the Next Two Months, Watch and See What He Will Do

"For the next two months, watch and see as I pour out revelation, as I open up the flood gates of Heaven over your life and I show you the plans and the future that I have for you," says the Lord.

"Watch in the next two months as, involuntarily, your life gets taken over by revelation. Where there has been such a drought of revelation, where there's been such a brass Heaven, you are now going to feel such a constant rush and a constant flow of language and themes and the things that I will show you for the future.

"For this is going to be a time where the tap of Heaven is going to be turned on over your life. And I want you to pick up a pen and I want you to write, and I want you to describe the things I give you... I want you to let them take over your heart again.

"I want the revelation to hit against the areas of your heart that you've been shocked to realize that they have been shut off. And I want these words to come, and I want them to embed deep into your soul; and I want you to run with them, and then I want you to build with them."

Right after this part of the dream, I looked ahead and I could see the horizon was clear. I looked out and my heart just gasped in absolute awe at what I could see before me... It was like I could see the horizon; I could feel a fresh joy coming out of my heart.

New Wine Revelation

Then the Lord kept speaking: "Can they see the new wine being poured out? Can they see that I am doing a new thing? Will they grab hold of it, or will they stay in old manna? For I long for My Church to lay down their systems and methods in this hour and receive what I am pouring out.

"I see the tiredness and the weariness trying to upkeep something that My Spirit has moved on from, but how long will they keep trying? If they would only taste and see the new thing and choose to follow Me in this unknown season, I would give them the ideas and new wine strategies that will bear fruit. But many have been more in love with their structures over My Spirit, and they are missing out on what is, right now, gushing forth.

"I want to hand them a new manual, a new scroll, a new blueprint that will sustain them and lead them where I am going; but, oh, it will take much surrender and the burning of idols.

"I want to show them where I am heading – will they look to the horizon? Will they lock eyes with Me at all costs?"

The Hornets' Nest of Distraction and Swarming Voices

Then, over toward the east, I saw a hornets' nest trying to come over. Yet again, hopelessness and heaviness were trying to clog up the horizon and clog up what I was seeing. I said, "Well, what is this?"

The Lord said, "This is what the attack of the enemy looks like in this hour. This is the assignment of the enemy in a time when I am pouring out the fresh vision and fresh dreaming. This is the attack of the enemy to create a distraction. It's the swarm of words and slander sent to get them looking at the enemy, and his incessant noise, instead of what I am doing. It's sent to scatter and plant strife, slander and restlessness in homes. It's sent to bring confusion, doubt and double-mindedness over the vision I am releasing. It's sent to divide marriages, relationships and people building together. It's sent to brood the spirit of madness and forfeit over the hearts of those finally getting free of the battle season."

This hornets' nest was an assignment of the enemy to try to sting the people of God – to try to sting the people of God through witchcraft and slander, and to discredit people that were just getting back on their feet and stepping into a new day. The enemy's assignment was to come in and sting people in order to shut them down.

"But this is an hour," says the Lord, "where you must stand firm; you must stay undistracted from this assignment of the enemy."

Then the Lord said to me, "And this hornets' nest is an assignment of the enemy to get them caught up in all the things of the world – all the news reports and all the different fear and propaganda going on in the world. (Photo via Unsplash)

Eagle Eyes

"BUT I am countering this swarm with peace and clarity that they will only find by running into My presence daily! I will protect their minds and keep them free of every entanglement. For right now, your eyes need to be marked; your eyes need to be clearly synced with My eyes. I'm giving you eagle eyes. I'm giving you eyes to see beyond where you have been. You've been in the wilderness; you've been in a dark season of not being able to see. You've not seen where I'm taking you, but now you will see beyond circumstances and beyond even this season. You will see how I see.

"So do not fall for these hornets' nests. Do not fall for the sudden fires and sudden calamities that show up in the world around you that the enemy is trying to get you caught up in. Do not fall for the fear-mongering of the world. Do not fall for those things, but hold the vision that I'm giving you and run with it; make it plain."

An Hour of Deliverance

"For right now I'm bringing deliverance to divided minds. I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been in two minds...for those who've been having one foot in the new door that I have for them and one foot in defeat and wanting to give up.

"Right now I'm bringing deliverance to those who have been living in trauma – those who have been living in a place of continual breakdown on the inside but, at the same time, grabbing hold of the new thing I'm doing.

"And I say to you today, grab hold of what I have given you. Grab hold of the rope; grab hold of the lifeline that I've thrown you and do not let go. Let it pull you out of the trauma," says the Lord. "For the days coming are days of wholeness. The days coming are days of freedom," says the Lord.

"And right now I'm breaking every trigger and cycle in your life. I'm coming against every area that has been causing you to be pressed, causing you to be triggered and causing you to break down and be unable to run forward. Because the days are coming," says the Lord, "where you will build the very vision that I gave you long ago. You will build the vision – not the vision other people handed you, but the vision I gave you, the vision I handed you, the blueprint I handed you.

"I'm, right now, decluttering you from every single hindrance, every single association that would cause you to backpedal and cause you to water down the vision I gave you. You're stepping into a new wineskin blueprint for your life, and you will not, not, not compromise that vision anymore," says the Lord.

"You are stepping over into power, you're stepping over into Kingdom influence and you're stepping over into such fruit and fulfillment.

"Get ready to begin to sign contracts. Get ready to begin to hold in your hands the very vision that you thought was passed over, the very prayers and the promises that you thought that I had forgotten about, the dreams that you thought you would never see again... Get ready to hold it in your hands, for the time is coming," says the Lord, "that I will fulfill every promise that I gave you."

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Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists

Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school "Everyday Revivalists," he leads people from the basics of the Gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Dallas, Texas.

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