"Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you..." (Jeremiah 1:5 AMPC)
"The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." (Job 33:4 KJV)
"But Jesus called them [the parents] to Him, saying, Allow the little children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such [as these] belongs the Kingdom of God." (Luke 18:16 AMPC)
Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." (The Declaration of Independence, emphasis added)
Life. Liberty. The pursuit of eternal joy through the Kingdom of God... All of these unalienable rights were carefully and divinely crafted within God's purpose and will for each and every one of us well before we were formed in the womb. We have been marked for a specific assignment – for a specific season – and God desires for us to fulfill that call. He makes it very clear that every life is sacred and valued without measure!
The decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade marks a significant shift, not only in the political landscape of this nation coming back to its intended constitutional framework, but also in our transition into the new era that the Lord has promised.
The Spirit of the Lord has prophetically spoken at length concerning the new era through this ministry. God has said that, in this new era, there is an anointing of preservation reserved for the future generation and a dedication to the children!
In this season, we will see a "Put It Back" movement, where laws will be overturned to restore rightness and righteousness (including abortion); prayer will be invited back into the schools; perverted curriculums will be abandoned; child actors and celebrities will serve the Lord; and the youth will worship Jesus publicly in mass gatherings to still and silence the avenger!
As you read the prophecies below concerning the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade and the rise of a future generation, rejoice and rejoice frequently, as the hand of God is moving swiftly against the enemy! As you celebrate this monumental victory, continue to press into the Spirit of the Lord, because it is your prayers that will continue to cause the glory of God to restore this land!
Supreme Court Prophecies by Hank Kunneman
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on March 29, 2017:
The Spirit of God says, "I am moving in the NOW! NOW My glory is coming upon this earth, and it is coming fast!
"I stand NOW to move and expose, to settle and to unite. I am uniting the United States that bears its name, changing your laws [and] establish[ing] rightness and righteousness on your courts."
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on March 29, 2017:
"Supreme thing, isn't it? Children in the womb, who live leaping in the womb, shall NOW leap upon the soils of your land as abortion laws change, giving them a life – a chance to leap!" (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Excerpt from the prophetic word given on March 31, 2019:
"...I just saw something... I saw a great celebration coming to this land because of an announcement that will be made concerning Roe v. Wade. There shall be such a great rejoicing that is about to hit this land, but there shall be a backlash of anger. But do you know what the Lord says is going to happen?"
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on March 31, 2019:
"You have seen a march for women; you have seen a march for men." The Spirit of God says, "There shall be mothers and fathers that shall gather and say, 'We shall bring our children, and we shall march in a place of celebration of a new era.'"
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on May 22, 2019:
"Just as things get heated up in your land, there will be a distraction that shall be from your Supreme Court. It'll bring discussion, fear, arguing – bickering – because it is about to fall upon this nation."
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on May 22, 2019:
"One who stood for death in the womb – justice demands your replacement. Therefore, a woman has been chosen to rise up. A woman for a woman. Injustice for justice. This is a new era that I speak of," says the Spirit of God.
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on November 17, 2019:
"...I must do it out of the mouths of children, to arrest a generation and to still and silence the avenger. This will lead to something very unusual, for this that I'm doing with the children shall touch all the way to the Supreme Court and overturn laws in your land as a result – including abortion..."
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on December 31, 2021:
"Pay attention to your courts. Pay attention to January. Pay attention to February, March, April, May, June – the first six months of the year! Much will be brought to the courts and through the courts. But how you, My people, choose to speak, pray, unite shall determine the magnitude of spoils that shall come – a justice through the courts."
Additional Supreme Court Prophecies by Hank Kunneman
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on September 15, 2016:
"Watch how I, the Supreme God, shall irritate the Supreme Court. Do not think that it is political success that has caused things to be where [they are] now; it is My restraint. I will have the last say. America, you have entered into a season of Me being your positive irritant. Watch how suddenly things shall change and nothing will stop My hand."
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on October 26, 2016:
"Your Supreme Court will change, for I am the Supreme Judge." God says, "Watch, for I will raise up when there is a vacancy of two and then three." The Spirit of Grace says, "There shall be a woman that I shall place there at the helm, and this shall be a compassionate woman," says the Lord. "And it shall be her compassion for the rights [of] the unborn to live that shall overturn and topple the laws that have aborted the innocent. What does a nation look like filled with glory? Can you see it? Can you see it?" says the Lord.
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on August 13, 2017:
"Let Me say this to you," says the Lord. "[In] your Supreme Court there has been fraud; there has been scandal in secret; and there have been those who have not sought righteousness and justice accurately, and listen[ed] to those with an agenda of their own.
"You have entered into a season, very quickly, where your courts will be greatly shaken; and there shall be an embarrassment, and there shall be an exposure upon your courts, and there will be those who will not hold their seats any longer. And there shall come a visitation of My hand upon your courts. Some of your judges shall profoundly call upon Me, and they shall not seek justice and righteousness of their own accord. They will say, 'We must seek the One, and rule according to the One who is the Lord and Judge of all.'
"And so great reforms will take place, and great rulings shall come that shall break the demise and the strongholds that satan has placed upon your children, upon your marriages, upon your finances, upon your freedom, upon My Word and your Constitution! This shall begin to change," says the Spirit of God. "Why? Because you have asked for My Spirit to come. And I am coming to wreak havoc [on] that which needs to be shaken, and to establish and set in order, and to bring shalom...that My Kingdom rules and stands in your land."
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on September 2, 2018:
"For watch, even as there shall be gatherings concerning your Supreme Court, yet I, the Lord God of hosts, stand in a place of the highest authority than any natural court that has ever existed or exists. Therefore, the courts of Heaven have ruled My rule...that My will shall be established upon the courts of this land.
"I will continue to bring judges to this land as the first: righteousness, justice is being ruled upon and decreed it shall be now upon your courts and upon this land," says the Lord. "Therefore, there shall come another removal – a woman removed. But watch when, when, when, when a woman arises. It shall be the answer to the children who had no voice. It will be an answer to the children who never breathed a breath outside of the womb of their mothers. I will raise up a woman of compassion in this land that will reverse the laws that have been upon this land, and that's why there shall be a great fight in your courts, even currently. But it will not stop Me, for I have heard the cries of the innocent... I've heard the cries of the remnant who have said, 'We've had enough of this.' (Photo via CNULL)
"Righteousness [and] justice shall be established now," says God. "Watch what happens as your courts shift. I have said to you before rulings of 6-3, 7-2, 8-1. Do not fear, for watch – out of the mouth of babes and sucklings have I not declared [that] I've ordained perfect praise to still the avenger? Their voices have not been in vain – those who never had a chance to speak upon this land...but, oh, they speak.
"Now watch the generation of the young that shall arise – who live and walk upon this nation – under [a] new court [and] new laws. And I will still the avenger that has robbed and stolen and destroyed and divided this land. I will bring signs and I will bring great wonders – even into elementary schools – that will astound the media and the school system, when visitations shall come to them. And great leaders among the young shall arise with such boldness, authority and wisdom. Their voices will not be silent.
"Watch as I rule and I give you a woman. It shall be that I have ruled for the young and for the innocent. For it's a new season and it's a new day," says the Lord. "For I am the Way Maker, and I am making this way now."
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on March 3, 2019:
"...For the enemy has thought, through the massacres in the womb – through abortion – that he could stop the destiny for the future generation. But listen to Me," says the Lord. "The light that is coming is causing a dissatisfaction – an outrage. And they will say, 'Enough of the murdering of children in this land!'"
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on April 19, 2019:
"Do you see the new that I am raising up? For the generation that never had a chance to live outside of the womb, this too shall be new," says the Lord. "Where it shall be outlawed in your land to abort a child.
"Do you hear the sound of a new heartbeat? Do you hear the sound of a new heartbeat? Watch as there shall be that which they call a 'heartbeat bill' that shall make its way to the Supreme Court. And it shall be used in the right time, as I stack the courts in My favor, that I will get My agenda of the new done in the new era that is upon you," says the Lord.
Excerpt from the word of the Lord given on September 20, 2020:
"Therefore, set your eyes upon the one that I have chosen at this time to fill the seat. For when this happens – yes, when this happens," God says, "it shall represent not only a compassion that shall come from a woman, but the compassion of God, through the Supreme Court, that shall bring supreme rulings that are influenced by the Lord God of righteousness – the Lord God of justice. And it shall represent the shift that shall begin to come upon this decade that you will celebrate, and say, 'Truly it is the decade of difference – a shift has begun! And God's power has prevailed and shall prevail.'"
Roe v. Wade Headlines
• Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade: Is abortion illegal now? (June 24, 2022): https://www.today.com/health/health/roe-v-wade-overturned-abortion-illegal-now-rcna34776
• In historic reversal, Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, frees states to outlaw abortion (June 24, 2022):
• Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending 50 years of federal abortion rights (June 24, 2022):
• Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade; states can ban abortion (June 24, 2022):
• Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says gay rights, contraception rulings should be reconsidered after Roe is overturned (June 24, 2022):
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Hank and Brenda Kunneman
One Voice Ministries
Email:Â hankandbrenda@ovm.org
Website:Â www.hankandbrenda.org
Hank and Brenda Kunneman pastor the Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and are the founders of One Voice Ministries. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don't Leave God Alone, and Barrier Breakers. Pastor Brenda is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House with her most recent books being The Daily Decree, The Daily Prophecy, Roadmap to Divine Direction, Decoding Hell's Propaganda, The Supernatural You, and When Your Life Has Been Tampered With.
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