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Jan 10, 2022

Dear Elijah List Reader,

God NEVER places a longing in our hearts for what's impossible — but only for what's possible.

Or in other words...

God is not a tease!

That dream that He 'tucked away' deep in your heart... the fact that it's there is itself evidence that God will supply you with everything you need, to see it come to pass.

But here's the catch...

God often speaks in a whisper.

He rarely shouts in a loud voice from Heaven... or sends doves with hand-written instructions on how to move forward.

And so if you're not careful...

... If you're not going through life with eyes and ears wide open, actively searching for it...

... You will quite possibly sail right past the guidance God gives you... being too distracted by the hustle and bustle of life.

Just like the man in the popular story who prayed for help while drowning at sea, but then refused the boats that God sent to rescue him... because He was expecting God's help to come in more 'fantastical' packaging (getting swallowed by a whale, getting plucked up by angels, etc.)


God often speaks quietly, through "ordinary" things — people, books, seminars, training materials — to pull you into His purposes for your life.

And so while Kingdom Builders Live is "just" an event...

... It's also not "just" an event.

No, I can't 100% guarantee that God will use it as THE divinely-ordained means, for equipping you to do the work He's called you to do...

But I can tell you that if you come to this FREE 3-Day event (ONLINE)...

... Any doubts, questions, and uncertainties that you have about the future will be transformed into confidence, clarity, and proven plans for achieving your Kingdom purpose.

And frankly...

I wouldn't be surprised if God *does* use this event as His main means of preparing you for the work He's called you to do!

Because while I don't know what God is calling you to do...

I do know what God is calling me to do:

He has called me to equip His people with the knowledge, tools, and training they need to become the thought leaders, go-to authorities, and influencers in this day and age.

That is my life's work.

That is where my own God-given purpose has led me.

And that — I believe — is why God gave me a rare background working with countless celebrities, Fortune 100 CEOs, Gold Medal-Winning Olympians, Presidents, Heads of State, and Christian leaders.


... So that I would be able to run Kingdom Builders Live [>>register here, FREE<<], and other events like it, which successfully empower Christians to become highly paid and highly pursued leaders of society.

And before you go, friend...

Remember this:

God never places a longing in your heart for what's impossible — but only for what's possible.

That dream that you have...

It can come to pass.

If you're still searching for the "HOW," then attending Kingdom Builders Live may be the most important thing you do all year.

Register below:

>>Register now for Kingdom Builders Live<<

[January 19 - 21 @ 12:00pm EST]

Fair warning:

Seats are FREE... but limited to 3,000... and filling up fast!

Tamara Lowe
New York Times bestselling author
Founder, Kingdom Builders Academy

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