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Johnny Enlow: "Watch the Earthquakes: Justice Is Being Served"

Johnny Enlow
Feb 9, 2021

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzI'm going to keep this real short and to the point, just as Johnny Enlow does in his recent word.

God is a "signs and wonders" God...and He loves giving them to us, to point the way toward where we are headed with Him.

I so appreciate the Enlows and their ministry. Johnny has a very special gift in interpreting the times and seasons and the signs of God along the way.

Please read and pray into this awesome word from our good friend, Johnny Enlow...JUSTICE is being served! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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"Watch the Earthquakes: Justice Is Being Served"

Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN

Prophetic word released on February 4, 2021:

"When the Lord rises to SHAKE the earth, His enemies will crawl into HOLES IN THE GROUND. They will hide in caves in the rocks from the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty. On that day of judgment...they will leave their gods to the rodents and bats, while they crawl away INTO CAVERNS and hide among the jagged rocks in the cliffs. They will try to escape the terror of the Lord and the glory of His majesty as He rises to SHAKE the earth." (Isaiah 2:19-21, emphasis added)

Many are asking, "When is the long-prophesied and anticipated JUSTICE going to be served?" You need to know it is PRESENTLY being served. Much of it is covert and almost none of it is reported by fake and compromised media. However, soon enough they will be forced to report on JUSTICE BEING SERVED, as it will have a very public manifestation.

Justice Earthquakes

On January 23, at right around 5:30 PM, I was in a very special time with the Lord that involved many things which I can't bring before everyone at this time. The theme was God's JUSTICE. Suddenly, I saw a flash-vision of Michael, the archangel, with a huge, silver sword; and I, out loud, said, "Holy Spirit, with Your permission... Michael – go now to a place of 'enemy fortress' and bring God's JUSTICE to bear. Let the earth quake as a sign but not to harm people."

When I was done with that moment – where much more happened as well – I looked over at my cell phone, and at exactly that moment, my earthquake app notified me of a 7.0 earthquake in Antarctica. Now, often the apps will show it only as South Shetland Islands – but it is Antarctica. I looked at it only today, and this earthquake was very close to an area called "Elephant," and near King George Island and Clarence. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

If you try to do a "cursory look" at what is there, there are "research stations" that, for some reason, several nations have in that region. I am guessing that in this "research" there is activity disturbing to God, and He not only sees it but is bringing JUSTICE to it. There was another earthquake of note in that area today (February 4) that was 10 km deep.

Later on, I was led to look at the depth of the earthquake (the one that happened on January 23) and it was 10 km deep. For the last three days, I have been looking at deep, 10 km earthquakes as they have been overabundant. Today, early on, I saw that 12 of the top 20 earthquakes of the day were (at that time) 10 km in depth.

Overall, you will see that today's earthquakes alone are listed at many depths, all the way to 399 km deep. Why so many at 10 km? I heard today that those at this depth, specifically, represent [the places] where "JUSTICE" hosts of Heaven are being sent, and they are VERY busy right now.

Watch how many of these earthquakes are in China. God is working on behalf of His people there. In many or all of these "10 km deep" sites, military missions may be in play and actually taking out things that are causing the earthquakes. I don't know. No matter...angels on JUSTICE assignments are involved in it all. Somewhere in the region human trafficking, drug trade and general evil are being addressed. JUSTICE IS BEING SERVED!

Justice Is Going to Shake the Globe

Multiple other Scriptures speak of the earth shaking when the Lord shows up. Psalm 114:7 says, "Tremble, O Earth, before the Lord..." Psalm 97:4 says, "His lightnings light up the world; the earth sees and trembles." We are going to see that too.

While many, many are waiting and even desperate for proof of JUSTICE, let the shakings confirm to you it has been happening and is happening.

I am seeing a vision of the whole earth reverberating with what I believe is His incoming JUSTICE. Particularly in February, I believe the whole earth will be in HIGH seismic mode while HE is in HIGH JUSTICE mode. He is judging deep and profound evil and not the general peoples of the earth, so this is not a warning of devastating "judgment" earthquakes to Earth itself. This is a good thing, but also an "attention-getting" thing. I believe many 4 to 5 category earthquakes will be how this shows up. In key areas, He may have a stronger message to deliver as this is a time He will bring back a proper level of the fear of the Lord. (Photo via Graphic Stock)

An interesting Scripture is 1 Samuel 14:15, where the Lord grants Jonathan and his armor-bearer a great victory against the Philistines. This verse mentions two things: "Suddenly, panic broke out in the Philistine army" and "just then an earthquake struck, and everyone was terrified." David's friend-to-be, Jonathan, against a whole army, found God assisting with an earthquake. Where good people rise against injustice and oppression, God will be doing some of this now as well. What frightens some should hearten others.

Quakes That Don't Officially Register

I believe a phenomenon will be reported, and perhaps by some of you readers, where suddenly the ground will be shaking but when you look it up, nothing will "officially" show up on the earthquake links. The source of shaking will be "unknown." This will be a sign to you that His JUSTICE is near and He is ON THE SCENE.

At times, sounds of Heaven will accompany this shaking and they, too, will have no known source. Like in Acts 2, He will have sounds of Heaven announce that the Holy Spirit is up to something big. Anointed meetings, whether in a church or not, will experience both of these phenomenas, and this is probably already happening.

JUSTICE is the foundation of His throne and He is coming in with resurrection power for so many things. On the matter of JUSTICE, the Promise Maker is coming in as the Promise Keeper.

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Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth


Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor. He is author of RISE, Becoming A Superhero, The Seven Mountain Mantle, Rainbow God, and The Seven Mountain Prophecy. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.

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