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Wanda Alger: "A 'New Normal' Is Rising from the Crumbling Mountain"

Wanda Alger
Aug 26, 2020

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzIn the midst of all the shaking going on, God is deeply working...let that sink in right now.

Yes, mountains are crumbling before our eyes and in the shaking, God is bringing about many new things.

You're going to be highly encouraged as you read this vision from Wanda Alger:

I continued to see this crumbling mountain, but then saw the true source of the shaking. The reason things are falling apart is not because the devil is at work. No – it's because the saints of God are at work!

Now that's good. Just when we think the devil has the upper hand, God is doing something far greater and will always outwit the enemy.

As mountains crumble, believe God is at work...and at work through you. Yes, let's keep praying, standing and speaking God's truth and watch His new plans come to pass. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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"A 'New Normal' Is Rising from the Crumbling Mountain"

Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

As I was driving to church recently, I was praying about the increased heaviness and hopelessness that seems to be gripping our nation. I haven't even wanted to watch the news, look at social media, or read any papers. I'm tired of hearing the latest fallout and negative statistics and sensing the weariness of many Believers. It's like trying to stand up during an earthquake. The mountains of our culture seem be falling all around us and we don't know how to get our footing. It has appeared like the devil is having a heyday and we have been reacting to his assaults and trying to counter his attacks.

The Source of the Shaking

I saw a vision of a crumbling mountain, and it wasn't until I entered into worship later that morning that this vision of a crumbling mountain changed.

"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end." (Psalm 73:16-17 ESV)

I continued to see this crumbling mountain, but then saw the true source of the shaking. The reason things are falling apart is not because the devil is at work. No – it's because the saints of God are at work! For underneath this crumbling mountain was emerging ANOTHER MOUNTAIN. It was the Mountain of the House of the Lord that was rising up from the underground, causing the whole earth to shake and quake! (Photo via Pikist)

The FOUNDATIONS of the earth have literally been shifting as this mountain of the Lord moves, gaining momentum and great power, and now breaking through the earth's surface to displace everything in its way.

I realized that we haven't been reacting to the devil – he's been reacting to US! It is the sons and daughters of the Kingdom who have been praying and standing; they are causing all the shaking by rising up in the earth to displace the devil's mountains! It is because people are praying, standing and speaking God's truth that foundations are moving and being realigned as the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior is now being established.

Created for the Supernatural

The devil has been trying to establish a "new normal" that includes control, manipulation and domination of a diabolical kind. But, God has HIS "new normal," and He is determined for us to see it. Familiar spirits are trying to keep people in their comfort zones with a desire to "go back" to how things were. God, however, is trying to get our attention to prepare us for another reality. The fact is, we were never created to be "normal." We are made in the image and spirit of a God who is unnatural and unfathomable. We have been created for the SUPERNATURAL and it is this reality He is training us for.

Startled Out of Slumber

When I shared this with a group of prophetic intercessors, one of them shared that he was awakened out of a sound sleep the previous week by the audible voice of the Lord calling his name. He said it startled him and the Lord asked him if he was listening. He said that he was! Then the Lord said, "Just as I startled you out of a sound sleep, so I am about to STARTLE THE CHURCH FROM THEIR SLUMBER!" The Lord is about to send supernatural shock waves that will shake UNBELIEF that is rampant in the Church.

Many are yet unaware and unable to comprehend the evil and hellish intent of our adversary. The exposures that are here and coming are going to startle many who still can't believe there are those who could be so wicked. In His grace and mercy, God knows the only way for some to comprehend the supernatural nature of His Kingdom is to see the realities from the dark side. What will shock and startle us awake will serve to shake off our disbelief and open our eyes to the inexplicable and miraculous power of the Most High God. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

The Answer to Our Prayers

He is calling us to put off our tendency to fear and fret and GROW UP into a mature faith. The days ahead will continue to cause shock waves across the earth, but we must see these as the results of a DIVINE DISPLACEMENT that is the answer to our prayers!

Do not hold onto how things used to be. Know that the prophetic revelations concerning a future outpouring are now coming to pass. We are about to see a glory that is unimaginable but tangible. Do not think that your prayers and proclamations have no power. They are reverberating in the heavens, fueling the mountain of the Lord that is rising up, and inaugurating a firm foundation that will never be moved and a Kingdom that can never be shaken.

"...[O]n this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)

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Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America, is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA, and is the author of several books including Prayer That Sparks National Revival and Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God. She and her husband founded Crossroads Community Church in 1998 where her husband serves as lead pastor. Follow her blog at

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