Note from Steve Shultz regarding Victoria Boyson and "THE UNCLEAN SPIRIT WHOSE PURPOSE
EARNEST Elijah List Readers,
This is perhaps the SINGLE MOST TIMELY prophetic word I've released in a very
long time. I've seen this occur (what she describes in the article) with my
own eyes and have received many emails regarding the same. Please read this and
be edified -- or convicted, as the case may be.
Then find a pastor or some other leader to encourage. Let me tell you, they need
it and God will reward you for it.
Oh, and for those of you who may be worried, even scared, that you might be guilty
of this while not being aware of it...I would say this, "If you're worried and
trying not to be in the place of the scornful, you are probably in a good place."
Don't beat yourself up.
Those most guilty of this...well, witchcraft...probably feel they are doing God's
Nevertheless, if you've been trying to be God's servant and you now feel convicted
of what you have been saying and praying against leaders and churches (after reading
this article) , now would be a good time to repent to God and go apologize to the
leader (but only if they know you have been doing it...otherwise, just repent to
God and stop cursing the very people God died for.)
Steve Shultz
About Victoria Boyson:
Victoria Boyson was saved at the age of seven
when her mother introduced her to her best friend, Jesus. Victoria started ministering
at the age of 13, using music as a platform to tell others about Jesus.
Shortly after Victoria was married in 1988,
her and her husband, Steven, have ministered together at various churches and functions,
using the platform of music. In 1999, while pastoring a small church in Nebraska,
the Lord told Victoria and Steven to leave the ministry and move to Iowa to work
for Francis Frangipane. He has since become their spiritual
father and friend. It was during this time that Victoria developed her writing gift.
Her first book is entitled The Birth of your Destiny.
She strongly believes that God has a plan for every person, and it is her desire
to see His plan fulfilled in the lives of others.
Victoria currently resides in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with her husband, Steven, and their
four children: Cassandra, Cody, Cole, and CailieEllen.
"...It is sent to deceive those who have a strong
gift of intercession"
by Victoria Boyson
is an unclean spirit whose sole purpose is to convince us that he is God. He comes
sounding very much like God and plays on our weaknesses and on our sinful thoughts
and desires. It is sent to deceive those who have a strong gift of intercession,
and it seeks to gain access to our hearts and minds to use our prayers to bring
harm to the Body of Christ. One of its goals is to cause our mouths to come into
agreement with the realms of darkness.
This demon may present himself as a gift of discernment or even a prophetic revelation.
It may begin by flattering you and try and convince you that you are one of the
few who really hear God's voice and speak for Him. It seeks to elevate your opinion
of yourself, to raise you above those who would be your teachers, thereby, making
you unteachable. These are only a few of the ways this spirit operates.
This demon is known as the religious spirit.
He Gains Access Through
an Unyielded Heart and Mind
But don't let his name fool you - he is subtle, but destructive. He wants to gain
access to your mouth to release hell's destructive powers on the earth. And he seeks
to gain access to your heart through any areas of your heart and mind that are not
yet yielded to Christ, or any part of your heart that has been hardened by the presence
of cold love.
I have seen this spirit deceive many sincere, Godly people and use them to divide
and destroy the church. They feel they have been given a "message from God" that
others in the Body of Christ are not right spiritually or have "secret sins."
They may have had a disagreement with a church or an individual, but instead of
walking in true forgiveness, they become resentful toward them. Instead of praying
for them, they begin to pray against them, asking God to bring judgment on them.
They may even feel that they "know" what God's judgment against them will be, and
pray according to what they feel it should be.
Believing that they are warring against principalities, they war against their brother
or sister in the Lord. But in actuality, they are fighting against Christ Himself.
Stand in the Gap for Your
Brothers and Sisters
I have heard people say to me that "God" has told them that He is going to destroy
such and such a church, ministry, or person. But instead of them being genuinely
terrified of that happening and praying against it, I have gotten the sense that
they would love nothing better than to see that organization or individual destroyed.
Without realizing it, these people have come into agreement with the powers of darkness.
Instead of standing in the gap for their brother or sister, they view them as being
out of God's reach. They have unconsciously put them in the category of the "unredeemable."
They may even feel that these people are standing in God's way of really displaying
His power in the church, and in an attempt to "help" God, they pray for their removal.
Instead of believing for God's mercy to prevail in their brother's life, they feel
that he is not as "spiritual" as he should be, so they determine in their heart
that God must want to wipe him out. THIS IS NOT THE HEART OF GOD!
Soulish Prayers
Prayers that are prayed outside of God's will and in accordance with the selfish
desires of our own hearts are called soulish prayers. And when we pray against others,
we cause the powers of darkness to be released on them. This can cause horrific
warfare for them. This is witchcraft, and if we dabble in it, we open up our own
lives for these destructive spirits to come back on us and wreak havoc in our own
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn,
and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven." (Luke
"For with the measure you use, it will be measured to
you." (Luke 6:38)
It is very dangerous to assume that we know God's will for others and then pray
for that to happen. We may find ourselves fighting against the will of God for their
lives. We should always confirm what we feel we have heard in the spirit with the
peace of God. If we do not have peace about the word we have received, if it does
not come from a heart full of genuine love for our brother, then we should disregard
The Religious Spirit
The religious spirit is the same spirit that drove Paul to persecute the first church.
As he harassed a small group called the Nazarenes, he honestly felt that he was
working for God. He killed and imprisoned hundreds of the followers of Christ and
felt right in doing so. He was convinced in his heart that he was fulfilling the
will of God.
Paul was positive that he knew what was right and that these Christians were evil.
Furthermore, he believed they must be destroyed and felt commissioned by God to
do so.
But when the Lord revealed Himself to Paul on the road to Damascus, He showed Paul
that he was not fighting for truth, but for the realms of darkness.
What agony Paul must have experienced when he learned the truth of his actions.
He did so much want to fight for God, and yet he found himself fighting against
Him. How he must have agonized over his sin; his grief must have been immeasurable.
However, Paul repented and turned from being the greatest persecutor of the early
church to being its greatest defender.
Yielded to Christ
We too can turn away from praying for God's punishment to come on those we do not
approve of, and start praying for God's will and mercy to be evident in their lives.
We can be lead by the Spirit of Truth found in God's word that says, "The wisdom
that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive,
full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peace makers who sow in peace
raise a harvest of righteousness" (James 3:17-18).
It is essential that we all seek to guard our hearts with the love of God because
"love covers over a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). The Lord has warned us in
Matthew 24:12 that the love of many will grow cold because of the increase of lawlessness,
"but he who stands firm to the end will be saved" (v. 13). The only way of guarding
our hearts is for our hearts to be bound to the Lord. Any places in our hearts that
are not yielded to the Lord are areas of vulnerability to the enemy.
We must not pray for others out of a sense of frustration or anger. The greatest
and safest prayer we can pray for ourselves and others is "THY will be done!" Not
their will or our will, but pray earnestly for God's will to be accomplished in
their life.
God Will Bless You
If you feel you have been the victim of soulish prayers or witchcraft, you may at
times feel a heaviness or an ominous sense of failure. You may have an increase
of strife in your relationships, experience confusion, or an overwhelming feeling
of self-loathing. But take heart, half the battle is knowing what is attacking you.
Like it or not, you will need to pray for those who have prayed against you. Pray
that their words against you will be powerless and that they will stop praying out
of the will of God. Ask God to bless them with His peace, love, and mercy.
Above all else, we must forgive them, because they really do not realize what they
are doing. They are victims of this unclean spirit as much as we are. "We wrestle
not against flesh and blood" (Eph. 6:12), meaning: we do not fight each other, but
we "wrestle" Satan and his demons. The enemy is our enemy. And we do not wrestle
in the natural, but in the supernatural realm.
Repent of any unforgiveness you may be harboring against them or others and ask
God to give you His unconditional love for them. And, if possible, be an encouragement
to them - it will be very difficult for them to continue to hate you if you respond
to them in love. Note: It may take time for the spiritual atmosphere around you
to be cleared of all their prayers, so continue to cover yourself in prayer often.
Finally, be sure to watch how God will bless you through this, because in every
trial we face, there is a blessing in it for us if we yield to God. If the enemy
has targeted you, be encouraged by it, because he must know of something very powerful
in your future or he wouldn't bother harassing you.
by Victoria Boyson
Victoria Boyson, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2003-2004
All rights reserved

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God wants to give you
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Is everything you do
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Shultz, Publisher, The Elijah List
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