Lana Vawser is one of our most popular writers on the Elijah List and she has much to say to the daughters of God...right now.
We NEED women of God to step up and take their rightful place. Daughters—cultures are waiting for you to help shift and bring them into the Kingdom of God.
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The Lord says, "There has been a mighty battle against the mind of many of My daughters, but it is now lifting and the wind of My empowerment is filling the sails of their faith to commission them on new, pioneering pathways in My name!"
You Are Not Going Crazy
The Lord showed me that there has been a horrific battle against the minds of many daughters of God in the Body of Christ. There has been a specific assignment that has been sent against them to bring a cloudiness, a fog, and a lack of clarity of thinking. As a result, many of them have been thinking they are crazy or going to go crazy.
The pressure on the mind has been intense, but in the battle the Lord showed me that He is bringing forth a deep fortification of faith in Christ and His Word that cannot be shaken. There is a major battle against your minds, daughters of God. Now is the time to stand and stand in the Word. You are not going crazy. You are moving into greater clarity and revelation of His truth and the strategies of His heart.
I heard two words thundering in the spirit: "DIVINE RESOLVE." So I looked up the definition of "resolve":
1. Settle or find a solution to a problem or contentious matter.
2. Decide firmly on a course of action.
I Will Not Take This Anymore
The Lord showed me that through the huge fight the daughters of God have been in, the Spirit of God is building a divine resolve within them to not allow the enemy to torment or push them around anymore. There is a great awakening taking place in women right now that is roaring: "I will not take this anymore!"
Where the enemy has bullied so many daughters of God with fear, insecurity, shame, mental torment and many other areas, he will lose his grip. I realize that for many daughters of God it has felt like they've continued to be "steamrolled" by the enemy, but the Spirit of God is bringing to life that divine resolve, that mighty roar of victory within the daughters of God that says, "NO MORE!" (Photo via Unsplash)
There is a major shift taking place amongst women in the Body of Christ where they are stepping further into their authority in Christ. Strongholds, shackles and chains are falling off, once and for all, as they take the Word of God and ROAR it over the enemy.
Where the enemy has attempted to "steamroll" so many daughters of God, the Lord showed me that in this MIGHTY BREAKTHROUGH which is taking place NOW, these daughters are going forth in the empowerment of the Spirit like never before. They are running in the triumph of Christ like never before (1 John 5:4) and tearing down the works of darkness.
The enemy is so afraid of the daughters of God arising into their identity and authority that he has been "pulling out all the stops" to hinder them. However, this plan is backfiring as the Lord is ADDING to the daughters of God in the midst of the battle.
Rising Up With Swords in Their Mouths
The Spirit of God is fortifying the daughters of God in the fire and sending them forth in a fresh commissioning to carry and release the fire of God wherever they go. They are being raised up with swords in their mouths. The sword of the Word of God is in their mouths to see His divine justice established in the earth.
The Lord also showed me that many of the daughters of God He is raising up and sending out are going forth with an anointing to deal with the "cutting down" and "back biting" that has been taking place in the Body of Christ. They will do this by releasing the Word of the Lord and the purity of His heart and love wherever He sends them.
The daughters of God are arising in the divine wisdom of God with the strategies of Heaven to pioneer new pathways to see the glory and power of God manifested.
There has been a spirit of insanity, and a spirit of confusion and lethargy, that have been coming against many of the daughters of God, bringing incredible fear to hinder their vision, their clarity and their discernment. As a result they've been isolated and it's caused them to shrink back.
Heavenly Strategies Through Encounter
The Lord showed me that the reason the enemy has come against them so hard in this area is because there are deep encounters with Jesus and the Spirit of God upon them right now. They will be taken into the library of Heaven to read the wisdom of God's heart. They will be able to sit with the Lord and receive revelation from His Word that will cause the Spirit of God to release significant strategies of Heaven, bringing GROUND BREAKING ANSWERS in the earth.
I heard the Lord say, "I am raising up My daughters in this hour like never before, with their mouths filled with My wisdom, and they will go forth with divine answers of My heart and My Word that will PIONEER ground-breaking breakthroughs and pave pathways in the earth for the tidal wave of My Spirit to flow across the earth. This will be for My glory and power to be revealed and demonstrated in the earth in ways they have never seen before. My daughters will be called upon like never before and go forth with the answers of My heart and My Word that will bring some of the greatest unlockings and breakthroughs in the Body of Christ and the earth."
"Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." (Jeremiah 33:3)
"God conceals the revelation of His Word in the hiding place of His glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says." (Proverbs 25:2 TPT)
"As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her. Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other. Out of her mouth flows righteousness, and her words release both law and mercy." (Proverbs 3:14-16 TPT)
This Fight is Not in Vain
Daughters of God, the fight over your minds has been because of the MAJOR commissioning that is upon you right now. God is lifting and breaking the battle in the divine resolve that is being birthed in you by the Spirit of God. A fire is being put in you by the Spirit of God that will see you move out in triumph like never before. It will spill into ALL areas of your life.
A divine reset of God is upon you and EVERYTHING will be changed. You are being restored. You are being healed. You are being increased. You are being upgraded. You are being strengthened. You are being fortified. You are being drawn deeper into the secret place with Jesus like NEVER before. (Photo via Unsplash)
The battle has been raging because of this fresh commissioning to move in the empowerment of the Spirit. You will be unshackled, finally. You will be unchained; restored; free. You will be strong in Him in greater maturity and resolve in God's faithfulness and His Word. The enemy will no longer push you around, but you will go forth in boldness to see the works of darkness TORN DOWN and ABOLISHED.
Just One More Shot
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)
The Lord showed me that many daughters of God have been battling the "giant" of anxiety. Many have been battling it more intensely than ever recently, and others have been battling it for YEARS and YEARS.
I had a vision and I saw Jesus come alongside these daughters of God who were so tired of fighting this giant. They were throwing the stones of the Word of God at it and I saw Jesus lean in close and whisper in their ears, "Just one more shot." He helped lift their weary arms and as they went to throw the stone, I saw what looked like a HUGE waterfall of water and fire come crashing down upon them. I knew it was the revelation of His love, the refreshing of His Spirit and the washing of the Word.
As they threw the final stone I saw their hearts BURSTING forth with new life, healing and wholeness. Life came back to their eyes and faces, and the stone hit the giant between the eyes and down he went. A HUGE mantle of peace fell upon the daughters of God, the peace that is promised in Christ was manifesting in their lives in new and fresh ways.
Daughters of God, if you have been battling the "giant" of anxiety, it's coming down in Jesus' name. It's not bigger than Jesus, it just wants to look like it is. God has heard your cries, He has heard your prayers. Don't give up, throw the stone of faith again, because the tipping point of your healing, deliverance and breakthrough is UPON YOU.
There is a mighty move of the Spirit of God upon you right now. Do not give up, stand strong. God is moving powerfully. What His Spirit is now doing in women in the Body of Christ, will leave them changed forever. They will NEVER be the same.
This battle of the mind has almost taken many of you out, but you are actually being positioned and commissioned to go out, empowered like never before, to go further than you've been before, to do what you never thought you would do, to know, experience and see His power move upon you, in you and through you in unprecedented ways.
Warrior women, the divine resolve is increasing within you and you will run like you have never run before. This is your moment to arise. It won't be this way again, it's a brand new day. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with their family.
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