It is a call to intercession for what God is about to do in Kansas City. And it seems that this is going to be big!
Pray for Kansas City, because God is up to something big! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Holy Spirit has been quickening my heart for Kansas City, again, these past few days. I released this prophetic word back in 2018, but sense a "reigniting" beginning to spark a new flame across the Midwest.
Something is brewing in this area of the USA. A new breed of prophetic voices will arise and be more prevalent in the days ahead to spearhead what God is doing in the earth. There's a stirring in the spirit. Watch and see...a time of "reigniting" a new flame of passion and revival is near!
During a time of prayer in 2017, I had a vision of revival breaking out in the midwest portion of the United States. In this vision, I began to see pockets of glory moving across the Midwest with fresh baptisms of Holy Ghost fire igniting the Bride of Christ. As I watched this move of the Spirit fan into flame over towns, cities and regions across the land, a new wave of spiritual awakening was being birthed from a consecrated generation of sons and daughters of God.
As I prayed into this vision I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "A Kansas City generation is arising known as the 'Mind of Christ Generation' (1 Cor. 2:16). This generation is mandated to transform society and impact the world. They are wearing the earmarks of a remnant who seeks to save the lost and gather in an end-time harvest of souls (Lk. 19:20). They are surrounded with the splendor and glory of the Lord while walking in unprecedented levels of wisdom and revelation. Their surrendered and uncompromising lifestyle of friendship and intimacy with Jesus is the fragrance emulating from their souls (Jhn. 15:15).
"The radiance of God's holiness endues these ones so tangibly, that places of worship will be transformed into bodies of Believers, wearing the mind of Christ instead of conforming to the spirit of the world (1 Pet. 1:15, 1 Cor. 2:12). A Holy Spirit uprising is in the works for the Midwest and across Kansas City! God is about to display His nature radically upon the earth through an remnant of Believers in Kansas City." (Photo via Pexels)
"'For who has understood (can speak) the mind (thought/will) of the Lord as to instruct (unite or put together) Him?' But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Cor. 2:16 emphasis mine)
A New Sound is Trumpeting
A fresh outpouring of prayer and sound is being birthed from the Kansas City region. People and people groups will travel across the earth to see and experience the glory of the Lord in their midst!
As songs of deliverance, declarations, and praise and worship go out from the Midwest and across Kansas City, spiritual atmospheres will shift and align with what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. A wave of compassion to heal the sick, set the captives free, and shepherd a wayward and wandering flock will call many back to their first love through the sounds trumpeting from this part of our nation.
The Midwest and Kansas City are on the heart of the Father! A new move of the Spirit is erupting to fan the flames of revival. A generation of burning ones are arising to transform our culture for Jesus. A new breed of apostles and prophets with fresh, revelatory insight and acute clarity and vision are being called into position at this hour. Sounds of worship from unknown places will unlock gateways into cities and regions with governmental and national influence. The eye of the Lord is on Kansas City. Watch and see what He will do!
I prophesy that a Kansas City "Mind of Christ generation" is forerunning a no-compromise movement throughout the streets of our nation. A ripple effect of spreading the love of Jesus and the heart of the Father is sweeping across the land. A new breed of consecrated vessels are arising from the secret place to spark an awakening with unprecedented glory. All the earth will know the sound of awakening through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. The mind and will of the Lord will be revealed to bring unity into the land. A move of awe and wonder through the person of Jesus Christ is set to gather in a harvest of souls!
Arise, Kansas City!
A few days ago while I was in prayer, I heard the words "Kansas City" boom through my spirit once again. The Lord was highlighting the Midwest and the region of Kansas City as places of divine providence. When I heard the Father speaking to me again about Kansas City, this prophetic utterance came forth:
I hear the Lord saying, "Kansas City! Kansas City! Watch and see what I will do. I am about to move in Kansas City. On the streets. In the regions. And throughout the pews. I am coming with the fire of My love to awaken Kansas City. There's a sound beginning to erupt from Kansas City! A new sound. A transformational sound. A sound of life with the breath of My Spirit upon it. Watch, for out of Kansas City will arise the shift needed to lift My Bride from out of her sleep and slumber.
"The days are coming," says the Spirit of the Lord, "where hearts will burn with the fire of My love in the pews of Kansas City. I am calling the intercessors to come forth to pray for the prodigals of Kansas City. For out of Kansas City the prodigals will arise as firebrands to ignite a lost and wayward generation. Those who come home to their rightful place will experience a radical transformation of My love and power. (Photo via Pixabay)
"I am giving new keys to the gatekeepers of Kansas City. I am giving new keys to unlock the highways and byways of Kansas City for the restoration of a nation. Political figures will arise from Kansas City with the power and anointing to build and restore what's been lost and forsaken. The bowls of intercession are tipping over in the streets of Kansas City. A sound is arising. A move is awakening. A roar is building in the hearts of Kansas City. Watch as Kansas City breaks out in a new and unprecedented way! The news will hear of it and the people will report it." The Spirit of the Lord says, "No more delay."
"And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, 'Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.'" (Rev. 14:15)
"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame." (Song of Solomon 8:6) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Holly Watson
Kingdom Revelations
Holly Watson is a prophetic voice throughout the Body of Christ, called to share the Father's heart to His Church. Her passion is to equip the saints of God to be Kingdom-minded and prepared. The prophetic word through Holly's blog, Kingdom Revelations, is read across the nation and around the world. She resides with her husband and family in Southern California.
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