This is really a powerful word that will touch deeply with many people.
Whether you need restoration yourself OR you feel called to help restore'll reap the benefits from this recent article by Jamie Rohrbaugh in which she shares the restoration God wants to do:
Let's receive all restoration God wants to bring our way AND be His hands and feet of restoration toward others! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Do you have a passion for justice and righteousness? Does your heart ache to see how many people are wounded by friendly (and not-so-friendly) fire in the Church? If so, God is offering you a new mantle today. If you choose to accept the Lord's commissioning, you can become one of His agents of restoration.
The mantle of the agent of restoration is found in Isaiah 61:4, which says: "And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations."
A gaping hole exists in the Body of Christ right now. It's a hole left by Christian soldiers who have been wounded and discarded by the Church. God's heart yearns to see that hole in Christ's Body filled and His wounded soldiers healed. However, in order for this to happen, He needs people to become agents of restoration and carry out His restorative agenda on the earth.
What is an Agent of Restoration?
An agent of restoration is a person whom God uses to:
• Remove shame from a person.
• Restore honor to those who have been dishonored.
• Stand in the gap by interceding for those who have been unjustly treated in the Church.
• Take tangible steps to be sure that the atrocities committed by the Church are reversed.
• Prophesy life into dead situations, ministries, marriages, spiritual conditions, etc.
An agent of restoration is generally a sniper in God's Kingdom. They usually work from the hidden place of the prayer closet, but they have a long reach. Even when they do emerge from their prayer closet to put action to their prayers, they still are not flashy. Many people don't even know who they are or the type of ministry in which they operate. Those in this Spirit-filled strike force don't mind taking a back seat to anybody; they don't need a front seat or a microphone to be effective. Agents of restoration look to see what the devil has done, then allow Jesus to flow through them strongly to destroy the works of the devil.
These spiritual snipers are God's hands and feet on the earth—the hands and feet He uses to continue the work of Christ as described in 1 John 3:8, which says: "He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." (Photo via Pixabay)
When they see that the enemy has attacked someone's finances, they sow into the wounded soldier's life to counteract that attack. When they see the enemy has attacked someone with lies about his/her character, they sow into the soldier to counteract the lies. When they see that the enemy has robbed the Lord's soldiers of ministry fruit, opportunity, or effectiveness, they sow into the soldiers' lives in order to redeem, replace, and restore—with interest—what the enemy stole.
Agents of restoration are intercessors with shoe leather on. Agents of restoration stand in the gap between a wounded soldier and what the devil has done. They put shoe leather to the Blood of Jesus, bringing Heaven to Earth ON PURPOSE to see people healed, honored, defended, provided for, and celebrated.
Agents of restoration are often prophets and prophetic people. Prophetic people are often the quickest group to pick up this mantle when it is offered to them, simply because restoring people back into God's original intent is one of the functions of the prophetic office. However, these agents of restoration don't have to be prophets. Anyone can hear what God is saying and say that, and see what God is doing and do that.
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It...
God is in the restoring business. He is a "Re-God." "Re" means to do again, make again, restore. Our Papa God is a Re-God.
• He's a re-newer: He makes all things new.
• He's a re-plenisher, with "plen" meaning "to fill"; He fills you up again.
• He's a re-storer, with "store" meaning "provision"; He fills you up with provision again.
God is a Re-God. He makes all things new. And if we, as His people, see what He is doing and imitate it, then each and every one of us will actively be working to make things new as well. We will be agents of restoration—intercessors God uses to destroy the works of the devil through our strategic, prophetic actions. After all, isn't that what Father predicts in Isaiah 61? That we and our descendants will rebuild the old ruins, raise up things that have been desolate, and repair cities that are in ruins—the cities that many generations have ruined? It is. Our Father is a Re-God, and He is looking for people who will accept His commissioning to become agents of restoration.
"And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations." (Isaiah 61:4)
The Lord is commissioning and releasing agents of restoration into His Body, but, you have to volunteer for the commissioning. I heard the Lord tell me that specifically. This commissioning to be an agent of restoration is difficult, so you have to be sure you want it before the Lord commissions you. This mantle will cost you some things:
• You may have to sow financial gifts of honor into people whom the enemy has dishonored.
• You will definitely have to stand up for people no one else believes in.
• The Lord may call you in any way at any time to put shoe leather onto your intercession.
Are you ready for that? Do you want it? Only say "yes" if you are serious.
God's Hidden Dynamos
Agents of restoration are God's hidden dynamos. Nobody knows them, but many people feel the impact of their intercession and prophetic, restorative acts. If you decide to accept this commissioning, though, the Lord will ruin your heart. Let me say that again: The Lord will ruin your heart. I felt the Holy Spirit sitting on me so strongly when I wrote that. If you accept this commissioning that the Lord is offering you, know this:
• The Lord will share His burden with you.
• You will feel His grief over the sins of the Church against its own body parts.
• You will feel His heart toward all who have been plundered, shamed, and dishonored.
• Your heart will cry out for justice, and He will not let you go until His plan for justice on the earth has been established.
This means it's a lifelong thing, because people will need restoring until the trumpet blows and Jesus comes back. Are you willing to spend the rest of your life putting shoe leather on your intercession? Are you willing to bless people financially, care for them, speak life into the dry bones of their lives, start a business so you can provide good jobs for people who need them, or do anything else the Lord asks you to do in your capacity as an agent of restoration on the earth? (Photo via Pixabay)
Think about it. Take this question seriously, and don't answer until you are sure. While you are considering this commission, ask the Lord to show you what it would look like in your life.
Many times, the dreams and plans you may have had—and even those dreams and plans you've lost—were never intended solely to benefit you. Many times, your dreams were deposits the Lord put into your heart in order to benefit the people He needs you to restore. So if you agree to become an agent of restoration on the earth, that means that you will have to live for others, not for yourself, the rest of your life. Even your dreams and plans will be subject to what God wants; and if He wants to use your dreams to restore others, you'll have to be okay with that. In fact, you'll have to have a passion for it. Do you want this?
Do you want to become an agent of restoration; an intercessor with shoe leather on? I believe you do, or you wouldn't be reading this article. So if you do, lift your hands to the Lord right now, as if you're receiving and surrendering, and pray this simple prayer with me:
"Father God, I surrender to Your commissioning to become an agent of restoration on the earth. Use me to rebuild the old ruins, to raise up the former desolations, and to repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Use me, Father. I surrender everything I am and everything I have to You for this purpose. Help me. Teach me; provide everything I need for this call; and help me to follow You boldly as You make all things new on the earth. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, amen." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence
Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker, and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, personal revival, and the supernatural lifestyle and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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