I am thrilled to introduce you to Charity, my daughter. Charity works with us at Communion with God Ministries as a writer, editor and college professor of Christian Leadership University for doctoral students.
Charity is a shining example of the next generation of Christian leaders and is an authority on dream interpretation, seeing in the spirit and angelic encounters. You'll read about an amazing testimony of how angels help us in her recent article below. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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We know God created angels to protect and minister to us (Psalm 91:11-12). Now that we understand more about the relational dynamics of the Kingdom, the biggest question becomes: How does Father want us to partner with these angels assigned to serve and assist us who have inherited salvation (Hebrews 1:14)?
My good friend Shirley has a powerful testimony that beautifully illustrates how we can live tuned into the supernatural world and receive our cues from Heaven. Just like Jesus only did what He saw Father do, and heard Holy Spirit speak, notice how God guided Shirley through spontaneous thoughts and anointed feelings as she was sensitive to honor His leading through her spirit. Because she was looking and listening to His inner Kingdom and aware of Holy Spirit's peace ruling in her heart, she was able to partner with God and bring Heaven's angelic protection to Earth in her daughters' life. Hallelujah! Here is her story below. (Note: names have been changed to honor their privacy.)
Go, Angels, Go!
Today was crazy and I had to call on my angels to save my daughter's life after receiving and listening to promptings by the Holy Spirit. It all started the week before when Lexi's vehicle broke down from a mechanic's repair mistake. The vehicle was returned to the dealership service center for repairs and Lexi was in need of a rental vehicle. After many discussions and prayers, the dealership decided to pay for a rental vehicle for her. So, off to the rental company we went.
When we arrived at the rental company, we were told we could choose from two vehicles—a Toyota or a Nissan. We chose a Toyota as we have been test driving vehicles lately and wanted to see how this type would ride. The manager came back and said the Toyota had expired tags so we were given the Nissan.
I had an uneasy feeling when I went near this vehicle, as we were walking around it and documenting scratches. I had the strangest thought that this vehicle was going to be in an accident with my daughter in it. I tried to ignore the thought but it kept coming back to me. Once we were leaving and I got into my car, I started praying blessings over the Nissan. I prayed for protection over the vehicle and anyone who was occupying it. I started denouncing anything evil hanging out around the car and told it to leave. Finally, the thought of an accident went away and I had peace. (Charity's note: Shirley honored those thoughts and feelings as coming from God and prayed accordingly, taking authority over the situation in Jesus' name.)
The following day, Lexi and her boyfriend were traveling in the rental to a wedding in South Carolina. She texted me that they were leaving her boyfriend's house, as she had to pick him up. After I read the text, I immediately had the spontaneous thought to pray and call on God to gather and send angel warriors to go and protect her while driving. (Charity's note: This was Holy Spirit speaking to Shirley's heart, inviting her to co-labor with Him. Psalm 103:20 tells us that angels excel in strength and obey the voice of the Lord's Word. Shirley was giving voice to the Lord's prophetic rhema word, bubbling up in her heart. When we speak out God's Scriptural promises and give voice to His prophetic words, angels listen and are released into action to accomplish Father's purposes.)
Disaster Averted
As soon as I made the request to God about sending the angels, I received a call from the rental company asking me how the vehicle was doing. I told them everything was fine and the vehicle was operating extremely well. Then, immediately after I hung up, my phone rang again and it was Lexi telling me someone hit her from behind on I-95. Of course my mom instinct went into action and I asked if everyone was okay. All were fine. Thank You, heavenly Father!
There were three vehicles involved in the accident and Lexi's car was sandwiched in the middle. The person behind her was driving a van and had looked away for a second. When he looked up, it was too late. I-95 traffic was already stopped due to another issue, so Lexi was stopped in the left lane with a guardrail next to her. She had nowhere to go. The van hit her going an estimated 40 mph and it pushed her into the vehicle in front of her (even though she had her foot on the brakes as hard as she could). The vehicle in front of her had two small children in the back and they were fine too. Again, thank You, heavenly Father!
Lexi's rental car was totaled and not drivable. The vehicle in front of her had trunk damage and would not close. The van had a front bumper with damage. The temperature outside was in the 90s, just to add to the situation. Amazingly, Lexi had friends who were traveling about 20 miles behind her, pull over to help them. Another miracle worked by angels. Who would have thought? Lexi and her boyfriend actually made it to the wedding on time with 30 minutes to spare. The following morning, they picked up a replacement rental car and home they came.
The Bottom Line: To Our Father be the Glory!
The bottom line is this: those angels did their jobs and to our Father be the glory! What amazed me was that I had that beginning thought of a possible accident the day before. Then the thought of praying to God to send His angels; next the call from the rental company and the accident almost at the same time. It was God at work, doing His miracles!
In the end, God's angels transformed what could have been a horrible accident with loss of life, to an accident where no one was hurt and everyone was able to continue on their way. So, if anyone ever asks me if I believe in angels, I will always say, "YES," and "My angels are a blessing in my life." Thank You, Father, for giving me angels to send in times of need.
"Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?" (Matthew 26:53)
From Charity: Amen to that! Praise God for His supernatural safety, His still, small voice through spontaneous thoughts and feelings in our hearts, and His heavenly bodyguards assigned to guard us in all our ways. Just like Shirley, as we walk by the Spirit, living with an awareness of His leadings, we too will experience more of God's presence, peace and protection in our lives (Galatians 5:25)! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Charity Virkler Kayembe
Glory Waves Ministries
Email: Charity@GloryWaves.org
Website: www.GloryWaves.org
Charity Virkler Kayembe has a Doctorate in Biblical Studies, is passionate about the sacred supernatural, and writes about the unfolding adventure that is walking by the Spirit on her blog at GloryWaves.org. She loves making the mystical practical and has been featured on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, Cornerstone TV, and Charisma Magazine. Charity is the co-author of four books including Hearing God Through Your Dreams, Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions andEveryday Angels. Her international outreach has taken her to all corners of the globe, traveling to over 60 nations on six continents. She and her husband live in upstate New York.
Charity Virkler Kayembe's Itinerary:
September 14-16, 2018
Everyday Angels
Tipton Vineyard Assembly of God
Tipton, IN
for more information click here
September 21-22, 2018
Hearing God Through Your Dreams
Christ Community Church
Camp Hill, PA
for more information click here
September 27-29, 2018
Hearing God Through Your Dreams
Clarion Call Conference hosted by Imperial Gate
Savage, MD
for more information click here
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