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News Item #1 - Al-Qaida
Targeting U.S. Shopping Malls, 'Soft Targets'
Note from Steve Shultz: "Now is the time for the
Church to pray against a known threat. Command that the
commission by the enemy to accomplish this against families
and children is cut off and will be found out." --Steve
Mar. 30, 2004 Insider Report Supplemental from
U.S. intelligence officials believe that al-Qaida is
currently targeting "soft targets," including shopping malls
and shopping centers across the United States.
"I can confirm to you they are focusing in on them, they are
keying in on them, we know it for a fact," a high-level CIA
source told NewsMax editor Christopher Ruddy this past week
in Washington.
Sign up for your updates on NewsMax.com at
http://www.newsmax.com/ir_signup.shtml |
Dear Elijah List Readers,
Just last week, four significant prophets in the Body of Christ
appeared on TBN with Mark Chironna and gave publicly many of the
Words they have received from the Lord. There is also some
excellent commentary from these prophetic voices as to how the
prophetic ministry can be improved and lifted to a higher level
of credibility.
I know you'll enjoy these messages by
Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce, John Paul Jackson, and Paul Keith
Many thanks to Leslie Grewing, an Elijah List reader, who helped
us transcribe these words.
Because they are so long, we are posting this in two parts.
Catch Part 2 with John Paul Jackson and Paul Cain tomorrow!
Many blessings,
Steve Shultz
Mark: I'm so glad you're here.
Chuck Pierce: It's my blessing to be here. This crowd here... I mean,
they're ready for something.
Mark: They are. (Crowd cheering)
Chuck Pierce: I love to be with Lindell. Lindell Cooley is so wonderful.
We were together in Ireland and the Spirit of God fell on us. It
was a revival night, and I don't know which one of us were under
the table first. It was beautiful.
Prophecy: The
Burden of the Lord
Chuck Pierce:
You know, what you were saying about The Passion, it's an indicator
to our nation, BECAUSE, and I believe, that God chose this
nation first.
Notice what the Lord is doing through a 'Cyrus'
like Mel Gibson. He's moving. He said, "Wait a minute. The
Church has lost the power of understanding the Cross and the
Blood. I'm just going to move this out and I'm going to take
over the theaters. I'm going to make the theaters the church,
and then all of a sudden the power of the Cross and the Blood is
going to be thick? (unintelligible word), and not just for the
Church, but for this entire nation to see."
Mark: Ah yes, and that's the foundation for everything else
we do.
Chuck Pierce: It is. It is. Even with the prophetic (tonight is
sort of a prophetic night), you've got wonderful, prophetic men of
God here, and, you out there listening, I just want to say to you,
you know, the prophetic is God speaking His heart and mind to an
individual, to a nation, to a people, so that in a certain point
in time they know how He wants to express Himself to them.
So tonight I just want to encourage you to stay
a part of what's going on here because God is really going to be
showing us some things. He's going to be taking us to a new
place prophetically.
Mark: Chuck, the prophet Jeremiah talks about the burden of the
Lord, the 'masa,' the thing that grips him with God's pathos. He feels
the holy anxiety of God, and has to deliver. You carry a pathos that
is very powerful. So I want you to just talk about the burden of
the Lord.
Chuck Pierce: I actually think that's the way the Lord takes me.
And for you who are watching with us, I believe that is the beginning.
God expresses His burden, His heart to someone, and all of a sudden
it rests down on us. A lot of people call this intercession. And
you're unable to really be free until you enter into, and agonize,
and experience, and identify with what God is trying to get, whatever
He is showing you. He wants you to feel the same thing. And so with
that, I believe out of that intercessory burden that God puts on
us, we begin to express His voice into the earth.
You know, some people are just called to stand in the gap and pray.
Others are called to say what God is saying - to declare, to loose
the word of God into an atmosphere. And I believe right now God
has put a burden on so many to carry not only this nation, but to
really carry the nations in their heart because this is a time of
harvest, and the Lord is just resting down on us. He's calling us
into a holy place because of the times we are living in right now.
"We Are Living
In A Distinct Season"
Mark: And I know there are a number of things the Lord has shown
you and is showing you. Just share whatever God wants you to.
Chuck Pierce: Well, I really feel it is important for all of us to
understand we are living in a distinct season. I believe that season,
I believe... (sound break) ...it wasn't just the World Trade Center falling.
It was, when you understand the Hebraic times (and I know we think
Greek thoughts), but when you understand the times we're living in,
we actually entered into a seven-year war, a conflict season in
the earth realm. I began to trumpet this for the Body of Christ
beginning in October of 2000 that we were heading into this season.
And really, what the war is over is God's covenant blessings and
God's covenant nation rising up for a time such as this.
Mark: Yes, sir. I know you study the rabbis and the rabbinic, and
I do too. This year in the Hebrew calendar is a year of revelation
and integration of hidden things.
Chuck Pierce: Absolutely. The year of mysteries. So I think what
you're going to see, what the Lord showed me was, doors opening.
Remember it says in Revelation, "Come up here." Most of us think
of a door this way [a traditional door], but God is saying, "Come up here."
(Pointing upward)
And He's
going to open up this incredible revelatory window for us because
there are certain things we've got to understand. There are certain
mysteries and certain secrets that must be revealed to us and disclosed
to us now, that have been sealed up for a time such as this, until
we begin to really move as God's covenant people in this generation.
So, some of you listening out there, you're going to be able to understand
things you've never understood before. It's a window opening up.
"Go Through
The Doors That I Have For You, And I'll Give You Grace"
Chuck Pierce:
Something else God showed me about this door... He said there were
also many enemies, but to, "Tell my people 'Don't look at the enemies
this year, because the enemies will stop them from moving forward.
Go through the doors that I have for you, and I'll give you
We say, when we go through the door, we'll get the
grace to deal with our enemies. Matter of fact, He's going to
surprise our enemies this year. This is such a peculiar time for
Mark: Don't stop.
Chuck Pierce: And so I do want to say this: I believe
also that God showed me a time-table for this year, that we were
to be shutting doors this first quarter. Now we're getting ready
to pass over or cross over. We're entering into a resurrection
season, as most of us know it. But really, at a spring-time Passover season, the water begins to
rise, the river rises, and it's a time when kings go to war.
It's a time when we're going to see a lot more conflict stirring
up down in the governments of the earth.
Matter of fact, the Lord
spoke to me and He said to me, "Tell My people the first quarter
to get doors shut."
He said, "Sometimes it takes as much faith to
shut doors, so you can move into the new, as it does to walk into
the new."
So, this season we're in right
now is getting doors shut.
Revelation for
the Next Four to Five Months
Chuck Pierce:
But this is the thing that the Lord was quickening in me as I flew
in here today: I believe these four to five months (and I do want
us to try and give kairos words, words that apply now), I believe
a word God put in my heart was, "The Gihon Spring revelation
will burst forth."
But He said, "First of all, remember Hezekiah
had to stop up that spring because the enemies were going to be
moving greatly in the midst."
I think right now there... (sound break)
...atmosphere and confrontation that we're sensing in our lives
personally, we're sensing in the earth personally. I mean, we're
just feeling all this tumultuous time and the Lord said, "I'm
just going to sort of pull my people back for a moment so they
begin to get the revelation I want them to have in these next
four to five months."
And then we're going to see a conflict like
Elijah with the prophets. There's going to be a clear Word from
the prophets. We've got to be cautious because the world's going
to start coming wanting that clear Word. So we're going to have
to know the timing of God when to give the Word. We're going to
have to know how to deliver that Word. We're going to have to be
willing to really say what God is saying.
So I want to encourage you over these next three
or four months, if you feel like you're not sensing something,
God is doing a work to really form your future. So listen
carefully. Let Him build you. Let Him take you through a
rebuilding time. Don't just rush in and think, "I've got to
press on through." Let Him build you to press through.
And so then I believe we'll see the door for us to go in, and
then not only will we see the door because He says, "Come up
here and I'll show you things to come," your future will be
determined this year.
A New
Dimension of Discernment
Mark: Ah. (Applause from crowd) You know, Chuck, when you talk
about kairos moments and knowing the timing, I was reminded of the
fact that Jesus came to a place where He hung up the carpenter's
apron and closed the door to everything that 30 years brought Him
to. He had to take off the carpenter's apron and enter into the
waters that were rising and close the door to everything He was
as Mary's boy, so He could open the door to everything He was to
become -- as the Messiah.
Chuck Pierce: Absolutely, absolutely. And, Mark, I believe that
is what the spring season looks like to us. The waters start rising.
I like what Jeremiah 12:5 says. That's the verse God has put into my
heart for this year. It says if you were contending, if you were
running with the footmen last year, and they wore you out (this year
is the horses) you're really going to have a hard time competing
with the horses or contending with the horses. So it says to me
we're in a time of contending. But this verse
goes on to say that with the Jordan crossing comes the haunted jungle
filled with lions. It says that in the Amplified. They're just going
to rise up around you.
Now I want to say something to us. Don't listen to the enemy's voice
over these next six to nine months. We're going to have
so many conflicting reports in this land. We're going to hear so
many things. And I'll tell you what God is going to do with it.
He's going to force us into a new dimension of discernment that
the Body of Christ has never been into.
Mark: Exactly. Because the minute Jesus comes up out of the waters
of baptism, He spends 40 days of transition being purified by listening
to the voice of other spirits that quote the scripture and misuse
it, and until that season is over, He cannot come back in the power
and dimension of His true calling.
Led Into the Wilderness by the
Chuck Pierce: Many of you listening, I so appreciate all the people
that pray and the leadership God is raising up for now.
of the things I did right before I flew out here this morning,
is I
finished a 40-day prayer focus that I felt the Lord asked me to
send out all over our nation, and all over to other nations, that will
really help us contend with that which will try to stop us and get us
off track at this time, because that's the pattern we see with Jesus.
(That prayer focus was titled: Contending with Your Enemy,
Removing the Tempter's Covering, and Possessing Your Spoils
and can be found on the Elijah List website at
We see that we have this wilderness time we go through, and yet
in this wilderness time, you find that the
Lord led...the Father led Jesus into the wilderness by the Spirit.
(This is one thing I think that we forget, and it goes along
with this Passion movie, because passion means
suffering against the temptations of the enemy) Now this is what I want to say out there, if ever before, be filled
with the Spirit. Be filled with the Spirit. Don't take on your circumstances
and wilderness without the Spirit of God right now.
There's going to be a sweeping of the Spirit of God. It's already
mounting. Get ready. I want to say something about this year because
it's a year of mystery and surprises. The Spirit of God is going
to surprise the people of God this year. He's going to surprise
cities. He's going to surprise us how He intervenes, and we watch Him.
He's going to meet you in night seasons. He's going to begin interrupting
your life in a peculiar way because the Spirit of God knows He must
move right now on this earth. He's the only restraining force of
evil. Be filled with the Spirit of God and you'll come out with
a new power.
Conflict, Shaking, and a Turn
In the Nation
Mark: Can I pry a little bit? You said specifically that we're going
to begin to see. Do you feel [free to share more about it]?
Chuck Pierce: One thing I do feel very free to say is
that I believe right
now our nation is in conflict governmentally. But I think really
what God is looking at is for the Church to rise up, the government
of the Church to rise up. And for us to understand how we're gifted.
To understand how the Spirit of God is moving in us. To understand
how He is able through us. Even when we don't think we are able,
He is able.
And I think when we start seeing certain things, we're
going to see more and more conflict. We are, I would have to say,
we're going to have to say we're going to watch between June and
July. We've got to be very, very careful this year as a nation that
we're not surprised by the enemy's plan in this nation, both governmentally,
and in certain cities.
You know, God showed me New York. Then He showed
me Los Angeles. Then He showed me Miami and then Chicago. And I
believe those cities and those areas we must watch very, very
carefully this year, and raise up a standard this year. So I
think that's very important.
But I also think it is very important that we...
I do want to say this because the Spirit of God is putting it
into my heart: It's going to be like Hezekiah, when he was
pronounced with a sickness, this year. It's going to look like
things are going the wrong way. It's going to look like certain
things are going to die a hard death. It's going to look like
we're headed in a direction, but the Lord says, "I'm going to
raise up my prophets and I'm going to begin to prophesy, and you
watch this nation take a turn." (Applause)
Mark: And it is, it is the only hope in light of the warfare that,
if the warfare that's going on in the natural is any indication
of what is going on in the Spirit, there's major shaking going on.
Chuck Pierce: Shaking, shaking. Some of you out there right now,
you just feel the shaking, because Mark started us with Psalm 94
and it says, "Will the throne of iniquity have fellowship?"
So I think one of the shakings that's going on
is tearing down thrones. He's tearing them down in our hearts.
He's readying us. He's tearing them down in nations. He's
tearing them down in cities, because He is going to seed Himself
in a way that we will see His glory in this earth realm.
Restoring Your
Shield of Faith
Mark: Do me a favor, Chuck, take some time. Look in that
camera. Minister as the Lord leads you. And if you want to
pray...? Whatever God leads you to do.
Chuck Pierce: I really think what I would like [to], because I'm excited
about these other wonderful, prophetic voices for our nation coming.
But last year was a year of what was called a "rest year." Now most
of us don't feel like we rested up very well. Matter of fact, we
felt like it was a tremendous year of really having to press through
and things were tough. But really it meant rest means to cease
and desist from an old cycle. It also means to enter into a dimension
of faith so you can cross over into your promises. So I wrote a
book called Restoring Your Shield of Faith. Because the shield of
faith will quench all the fiery darts of the enemy, we need to get
our shields up. So what I'd like to do, Mark, to end, is to pray
for those listening. You know, you prophesy according to your faith.
So we could talk about prophecy all day, but I'm going to loose faith
and I'm going to ask God to start healing the shields of this land,
and the shields of the people that are listening, and get our shields
back up so that we will operate in a dimension of faith that we've
never operated in before.
So, Father, I just come right now. Father, I ask for anyone out
there. Father, I feel some have been so hampered by spirits of
infirmity. Lord, they've been weakened. And the Lord is saying,
"Some of you, you're dealing with some old, old sicknesses.
You're dealing with some old structures that have really been
hitting you. The last eight months have been
very difficult for you." The Lord says, "I'm going to break that
spirit of infirmity tonight in your life."
Lord, I ask you right now that some that are
listening, that their supply has been shut off, Father, and it
has weakened their shield. Lord, they've been in a war. They
don't know how to get out of this war. Father, I ask you right
now, I speak to the shields of the people that are out here. I
say heal the holes in their shields. Buck the rust off their
shields. Lord, raise up the shields of faith in the people of
God throughout this land, and throughout the lands that are
listening. Father, I say a supernatural infusion of faith is
being released. Father, and I say not only will they prophesy
according to their faith, but I decree right now a new measure
of victory is coming throughout this land in Jesus name.
--Chuck Pierce
Paul Keith Davis: And then just now there was an atmosphere of the
anointing that's really building. And I feel that the Lord said
that as we entered in just now, there's going to be a tangible impartation
that's going to take place tonight not just for those who are here,
but even for those watching. By the Spirit of Revelation. I think
there's going to be an awakening. I believe we'll be able to look
back at this night sometime from now and see a point of demarcation
in the Church. Something is going to transpire in the spirit realm
that will have ripple effects for the next season of the Spirit.
So it's really exciting.
Mark: Don't stop.
Paul Keith Davis: Well, we've got some great guys coming who are
going to cap it off.
The Affection of Heaven Expressed
Mark: Talk to me. Talk to me about seeing into the invisible.
Paul Keith Davis: Something that we've had burning in our hearts
for a number of years, and the most recent season of the Spirit, the
Lord has emphasized His desire to have a body of people that see.
You know Moses one time made the statement that, "Would to God that
all His people were prophets." That was more than an empty statement.
It expressed an affection of heaven to have a body of people, not
just one prophet, but a body of people, that are endowed with the
Spirit of Revelation.
Mark: Did you hear what he said? It expressed the
affection of heaven. That is powerful.
Paul Keith Davis: Yeah, the Lord desires to have people that He
communicates with. And I believe that we see a number of prophetic
pictures for this generation. It's going to require that we be prophetic
in order to fulfill the mandates that are placed on us.
There are
mandates of heaven placed upon this generation that have not been
placed upon any other.
And the only way we can fulfill them, number one, is by having interchange
and relationship with the Lord on an unprecedented level, and that
means being endowed with revelation. And it also means having a
voice to articulate His plans and thoughts and the blueprint
of heaven for this generation. So all of that requires that we come
from a place of revelatory heritage.
Mark: Talk to me about the mandates, and then let's talk about how
we get there.
Heavenly Mandates For the Body of Christ
Paul Keith Davis: You know we obviously have the harvest mandate.
That's got to be paramount in every believer's heart. The harvest
of the ages. The harvest of the lost. And, certainly, that's part
of it because, to see the lost saved and to see the sick healed
and those who are oppressed delivered...
But also we discovered in
the Bible there is this mandate to have a body of people that walk
with Him as Adam did in the cool of the evening. And there is a
preparation that is being released where people are hungering for
that in an unprecedented way....That they're desperate for. They're
beyond hungry. They've become desperate to walk with the Lord. To
encounter heaven in an experiential way and come back from that
experience beginning to articulate the mysteries of the kingdom,
the secrets of God that will perfect the Bride in perfection for
this generation.
So, we see that coming in addition to that, there's something of
an almost hidden mandate that was initially offered to Israel. And
you know they had this incredible encounter where the Lord came
down from heaven and He manifested Himself. Unfortunately, they
said to Moses, "You go talk to Him and come back and tell us what
He says." Because it was the heart of God to meet with all of His
people. And the Lord condescended Himself in such a way to dwell
behind tents and curtains and badger skins. But at the same time
the Lord made an incredible statement. He made a vow. He said, "As
surely as I live, I will fill this entire earth with my glory."
And we see through Isaiah a model for that coming to pass. Isaiah
was captured up to heaven. He saw the throne of heaven. He saw the
same thing John saw, and he experienced the realm of the kingdom,
the overcoming King sitting upon His throne in complete supremacy
and overcoming victory, and He said, "Who will go for us?" And he
was commissioned to return. But he was told that generation would
see, they wouldn't have eyes to see nor have ears to hear nor would
they have a heart to comprehend. For if they did, 'They would return
to Me and be healed.' The breach that existed between God and man
for all of those years would be healed.
We saw that as a prophetic word also given to the very days when
the Lord Jesus walked on the earth. The very same prophetic words
were applicable to that day. And, frankly, that's the same model
that we see has followed every revival and expression of outpouring
from then to now. The generations have not had eyes to see or hearts
to see. So we're promised a generation of people anointed with the
Spirit of Revelation who will see the day of their visitation. Who
will have anointed eyes and unstopped ears. Their hearts would comprehend
and they're going to return and be healed -- the breach that has existed
between God and man -- and they're going to see the revelation of the
King sitting upon His throne. They're going to give expression to
what they see and it will become tangible, spiritual substance that
will begin to saturate this earth with His glory. That's what Isaiah
How Do I Know When What I See and Experience
is Accurate?
Mark: When we talk about this, two things go through my mind. I'm
listening with real hunger here.
1) Adam walked in the Garden in the
cool of the day. That in the Hebrew means 'in the spirit of the day,
in the breath of the day.'
2) When Isaiah was caught up, and he saw in
his day, in the New Covenant, how do we know that we are seeing, and
when we see, what are some of the experiences that would let us know
that what we are seeing is accurate?
Paul Keith Davis: That's an awesome question because there is a
counterfeit out there. Obviously, the enemy has always attempted
to pervert and counterfeit everything the Lord has every done. But
I believe one of the things that is going to earmark this generation,
is that we're going to have a body of people that know this Word
like no other generation. I believe even in this year, 2004, teachers
will emerge who have encountered the Teacher. You know it says in
Mark: ..."Your eyes shall behold your Teacher."
Paul Keith Davis: That's it. He's given to us bread of privation
and water of oppression. And it has not been as a judgment. It's
been as a preparation, a grooming, a process. And we will come out
of that process and it says He, your Teacher, capital 'T,' will no
longer hide Himself from you, but your eyes will see your Teacher,
your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way.
This is the Kingdom way. This is the way of the Kingdom. Walk in
it." And this year, we're going to see that. And when they bring
this back... (applause) I see there are people prepared for it.
You know, frankly, this people are responding, but all across the
nation, everywhere we've been, the Lord has supported this message
with His Spirit and we've seen that people that are responding in like
fashion, are beginning to see visions. They're beginning to have
revelatory dreams. I believe the Job 33 model is certainly applicable
Mark: God... (inaudible) ...once or twice in a dream and no one notices.
"Engaging The Revelatory Realm"
Paul Keith Davis: That is exactly it. And even in the world, people
are having dreams right now and the Lord is sealing their instructions,
and He is turning them away from the path that leads to destruction.
And what He is going to do is He is going to send Daniels, people
that have understanding of all manner of dreams and visions, and
it's going to be the best way. It's going to produce what we call
'prophetic evangelism' or 'revelatorial awakening,' however you want
to. In our book it's called 'engaging in the revelatory realm.' I
was going to call it "Spiritual Eyes and Ears," but at the last the
Lord gave me a revelation. He said, "Engaging the Revelatory
which is a much broader text because He wants to...He wants us to
be perpetually engaged in that realm of heaven - drawing, having a
hearing heart like Solomon. Perpetually hearing the voice of heaven.
That's the destiny of this generation.
Mark: Would you be willing to share an experience you've had in
that arena and let the people in on what your own intimate walk
with God is?
The Treasury Room
Paul Keith Davis: I'd be glad to. Probably one of the most impacting
in recent days happened in December of 2003, because I believe it
wasn't just a personal word for us. I believe it was a corporate
invitation and we've been sharing it in a few places because I believe
it is part of the preparation that's been taking place for a body
of people. But in December of 2003 I was taken into a room that
was called a Treasury Room. And when you come into this room in
Heaven...when you think treasury, you're thinking gold and jewels
and things of this nature. But this room contained the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Christ. It was a Colossians 2
treasury room. And there were books and paintings and blueprints.
Oddly enough there was a stack of blueprints. And I've been asking
the Lord about the blueprints. I believe there will be architectural
Christians that will go into that place and come back with designs
for buildings that will be energy efficient like we've never known
before. Special designs for buildings that will meet the weather,
and the earthquakes, and things this nation is going to see and other
nations around the earth. But there are secrets of the Kingdom that
are in this room that Daniel saw.
Because, remember Daniel was shown this panoramic vision, and then
he was told to conceal the revelation, conceal the book for the
end time. For many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase
and we're living in that day. That book is being opened even now
and I believe the Lord is returning to a body of people with a now
open book in His hand and saying not read it but...
Mark: ...Eat it!
Paul Keith Davis: That's it. Eat the book and let it become part
of who you are. What it is, is that there are people that are being
prepared to go into that treasury room. It's going to require character.
The character of Christ imparted to people. They're going to need
to go deep into this Word. This Word is going to be known by this
company of people in a way that no other generation has. It's going
to be the merger of the Word and the Spirit coming together, producing
the life of Christ as it did in the early church. That was more
than just an anointing that came upon the 120. That was a literal
impartation of God that came into them that gave them the nature
and the character to carry that apostolic mandate to their generation.
That same release is coming in this hour. And these people will
apprehend the mysteries of the Kingdom, the revelation of who He
is. That's the Book of Redemption that's going to come in full measure,
and the people are going to embrace it and it's going to begin to
perfect the Bride. So it's going to be awesome.
Mark: It's just wonderful just listening. It's integrating the Word
and the Spirit. Marrying them.
Paul Keith Davis: Right.
Hope to Displace Hopelessness
Mark: What do you say to a saint who feels like all they do is struggle,
or people who try to see or try to make something happen? What do
you say to them?
Paul Keith Davis: Rest. Enter into His rest. I think every person
has a place in themselves where zeal exceeds wisdom, and I think
God honors that. He understands that. He understands our zeal. I
think all of us have been through that season and we think, "Lord,
if you don't appear to me today, I'm not going to make it. I'm going
to die." We end up living, but He does respond to that, and He prepares
us for those encounters. I believe there's an escalation that's
coming though and I believe the Lord is releasing hope even now
to displace the hopelessness that permeates the Body of Christ.
Mark: You need to minister to that camera and pray about that.
Paul Keith Davis: That's part of what the Spirit of Revelation is
doing. And we saw in the Song of Solomon this poetic and prophetic
picture of the Bride of Christ, and she was in bed, and the Bible
says she was awake, but her spirit...she was asleep, but her spirit
was awakening and she heard a voice.
And the prophetic voice awakened her but it didn't arouse her.
It didn't cause her to leave the comfort of where she was to go
and pursue her Beloved. So when he extended His hand into the
lock and He rattled the lock with His hand, the fragrance of
myrrh came off of Him and she was aroused. Passion was ignited
in her soul and she would not rest until she found her Beloved.
And when people begin to have these spiritual revelatory
encounters, it's going to arouse them. It's going to displace
the hopelessness that the enemy has tried to release to permeate
the Body of Christ.
And when they're awakened and aroused, they will
pursue. They'll pursue the Lord and He's going to make Himself
available. The Lord is making Himself available, and people will
be endowed with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, and they're
going to know the riches of their inheritance in Him and the
surpassing greatness of the power that's going to be released to
this generation of overcomers -- and that's what they're going
to be, overcomers to overcome these things.
Mark: You're prophesying right now. You're in a prophetic flow.
Release your intercession now and just pray to unlock that thing.
Paul Keith Davis: Lord, we ask that you come right now with the
Spirit of Revelation, even among this studio audience, that the Spirit
of Revelation would be released and imparted. That the eyes would
be illumined and the ears to be unstopped.
Lord, we ask for a release
of dreams and visions and revelatory encounters to come to these
people. That hope would be overcome, that hope would replace hopelessness.
Lord, I ask that you release to these passion and hunger, and arouse
them in a way they never knew before, to walk with You in the cool
of the day -- the evening time generation -- the people that will know
the reality, that will come out of the darkness and be set free.
Release it now, Lord, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
let these leaders who have been prepared encounter the Teacher.
Let them come from that experience with teachings that will bring
an entirely new perspective on the revelation of the Word. That
we would see truth as we've never seen it before, and it will become
living truth. That we would not just know a truth, we would become
the truth. We would not just have a promise, let them become the
promise. Grant it, Lord. Release it. We ask in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
--Paul Keith Davis
Watch your email for Part 2
with John Paul Jackson and Paul Cain tomorrow, or log on to our
website at
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Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven
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$12.00 Book |
"I do not know what I may appear to the world,
but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the
seashore and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble
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- Sir Isaac Newton
An ocean of divine truth is waiting to be discovered. An unprecedented
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those anointed with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will see
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ministry. Just as He did by making sure that none of Samuel's words
went unfulfilled, an acceleration in the prophetic community is
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"In Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven, Paul Keith Davis
sheds light about this new level of revelatory ministry that will
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book describes the great call on those who long to engage with the
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and friendship with God." - John Paul Jackson, Streams
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