We've been receiving more and more prophetic words about God preparing His people for the great harvest. Yes...He is doing a deep work inside each of us so that we can sustain what He's pouring out.
Many in this hour can sense a great shift happening right now before them. You'll read about this and more in Diane Lake's latest article as she shares:
Now that's a good word! Get ready for things to shift suddenly and your breakthrough to come...as you allow the Lord to do His work within! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
A Shift in Momentum
Many prophetic voices are speaking of acceleration in this season. In a recent dream, I was driving my pickup when suddenly it accelerated wildly out of control. As it careened down the roadway there seemed no way to slow it down. Miraculously, I somehow avoided hitting other vehicles but interestingly, my thoughts were not for my safety – only the welfare of my truck! My thought was, "Oh no, I can't crash 'Reap!'" Because yes, this pickup has a name. It's a custom, off-road Chevy model called a "Reaper" which we'd acquired shortly after my husband's truck was totaled in an accident.
"Whether a specific portion from the pages of Scripture or a prophetic word in agreement with the Spirit and context of Scripture, the words of God act to wash and sanctify us." |
Allow me to explain. Early in 2014 the Lord spoke to me of a coming harvest and gave me Revelation 14:14. It reads: "Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle." Although purchased in 2015, Reap is a 2014 model that came complete with sickle emblems not only throughout the interior, but also the exterior on all sides. Call us crazy, but we couldn't resist adding to the exterior several bunches of wheat! What a dream this was...I was driving my pickup, which we consider a prophetic symbol of harvest, when suddenly it began accelerating wildly out of control!
There's been a shift in momentum in the spirit much like what Jacob experienced in Genesis 31. He'd been working for Laban all those years, then in one day everything changed. Faithful ones, it may feel like you've been running a marathon, but I sense the finish line in sight. I heard the Lord say, "Something is coming, an unlocking has just occurred, and it's time to bring in the harvest! You've worked so hard to get here – now the fun begins!"
A Work of Consecration
Friends, the Lord is doing a work of consecration in you in preparation for this harvest. As you live for Him, your relationship with the Lord is sharpening and deepening.
Consecration could be defined as to make holy, to dedicate to God, to set apart through the process of sanctification. It is by walking in the fear of the Lord that one becomes holy. Each person has to decide for themselves to choose obedience, which bears fruit. It is the fruit of the Spirit or fruit unto holiness. (Photo via Pexels)
Romans 6:16-22 enlightens us concerning this process. Portions of these verses say:
"Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? ...so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness...But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life."
Also important to this process is immersing yourself in Scripture. Ephesians 5:25-27 says, "...Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word... that she should be holy and without blemish."
The Greek for "word" here is rhema, which could be called "a word from the Lord." Whether a specific portion from the pages of Scripture or a prophetic word in agreement with the Spirit and context of Scripture, the words of God act to wash and sanctify us. I also sense a call to repentance for our politicians. As intercessors, let's just keep going on the mountaintop and asking forgiveness for our politicians.
All these elements of consecration are found within the context of the rebuilding of Jerusalem in Nehemiah. We learn how Ezra read the Book of the Law before the people. When they read and they read, it was good but it was long (chapter 8). Then they acted in repentance, confessing their sins and the iniquities of their fathers (chapter 9). Finally they made a covenant to walk in obedience to all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord (chapter 10).
Fires of Awakening
"I was driving my pickup, which we consider a prophetic symbol of harvest, when suddenly it began accelerating wildly out of control!" |
Much like those rebuilding and reforming Jerusalem, those engaging in cultural warfare to reform the mountains of influence are being consecrated. I truly believe the Lord purposes to create a type of seven mountain Garden of Eden for these reformers co-laboring with Him to establish His Kingdom on Earth (see Rev. 11:15).
There was no lack of any kind in the Garden of Eden. The Lord has shown me much about unlimited wealth and resources coming. Recently I heard, "Gold comes when you are ready – when you are looking for it, and when you are expecting it." I've had many dreams concerning wealth as well. In one, I was in my Father's warehouse, much like a Costco warehouse, and could get whatever I needed or wanted without paying for it. In another I was allowed to store my Father's money on the headboard of my bed, and was free to spend it as I needed.
I've also had several profound dreams in which I've seen two babies, named Revival and Awakening. In the first they were almost newborns, although Awakening was slightly older. Gently I held them and breathed in the fragrance of their sweet heads. Nurses, which I discerned to be angels, waited in the background to attend them. (Photo via Unsplash)
Recently I dreamed of these babies again – now somewhat older, but still quite young. Tenderly I kissed Revival's bare toes, as Awakening crawled across the room. Once there, he seemed to lift up the edge of an old section of carpeting to partially hide underneath it. In alarm I thought to myself, "Watch out! Doesn't anyone realize what he's doing could start a fire?" Then I woke up. Wow. Could it be that old coverings of religiosity are being lifted and that fires of awakening are imminent?
Growing revival, awakening, and unlimited resources for the purpose of increased influence in the mountains of culture – I see all as elements of harvest acceleration. Lord, send us Your fire! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Diane Lake
Starfire Ministries
Email: info@starfireministries.org
Website: www.starfireministries.org
Diane Lake is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the Kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network (led by Mike and Cindy Jacobs), and as Media Mountain Facilitators for Christian International's newly emerging "7 Mountain Kingdom Influencer Network." They have three grown children and are blessed to call beautiful western Montana home.
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