December 26, 2016
"The Third Great Awakening: A New Level of Extreme Victory!"
John Mark Pool, Baton Rouge, LA
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
We have seen through this past season that our prayers and prophetic decrees are VERY Powerful! God has given His Church great grace in this new season ahead of us...and for years to come.
John Mark Pool shares a prolific word about the time of "Extreme Victory" we are in as he says:
With this season of abundant blessings, turnaround, and great awakening we must understand that certainly God has blessed our participation with His Kingdom plan. It's essential now that every Believer act during this window of great mercy, grace and favor to spiritually give their "due diligence." Giving their "due diligence" will assure the next eight years are everything God wants for our nation. I heard the Lord say, "If you obey in the next eight years, I will give you 16 years of abundance."
Read about this and more in John Mark's bold prophetic word of the Lord just below! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
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Thank you TREMENDOUSLY for your generous Year-End Donations to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES. We truly need your partnership...and God PROMISES to reward Cheerful Givers.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"The Third Great Awakening: A New Level of Extreme Victory!"
John Mark Pool, Baton Rouge, LA
This is a season of overwhelming victorious supernatural exploits! We are now bringing in the "Sons of Issachar" awareness of, "Knowing the seasons and epochs of God" as never before. A new fresh oil of discernment is being released into the Church. What an essential oil of blessing that will be for the next few years ahead.
Do not be surprised as you will now have dreams and visions like God gave Joseph to save the savior of the ancient world (and put him in a position of favor). This indeed is our time of being a partner with God's arrangement for His spiritual order! God has chosen this season as a time for reordering His Kingdom leadership plan to begin releasing more "Fathers of the faith." These "Fathers of the faith" will begin mentoring and teaching our sons and daughters for God's Kingdom multiplication!
We are about to experience a turnaround for God's Kingdom expansion as never before! New ministry schools will begin to be planted all across our nation! We will begin intense impartation for obedience to God's Kingdom mandate to, "Multiply, take dominion and subdue this earth!" (See Genesis 1:28.)
The Season of Abundant Blessing
This is our new season of God's special election! God's elect will be observed living in Abba Father's abundant favor! This favor can open doors for the Gospel as rarely experienced! We can indeed see nations won in a day! Remember, in Christ, you are His very elect!
We are now experiencing a major national victory, mostly because God's elect joined together as one to win the Presidential election of Donald Trump. He will be a type of "Cyrus" who will make decrees to save God's people in our nation, for sure Israel, and the nations.
With this season of abundant blessings, turnaround, and great awakening we must understand that certainly God has blessed our participation with His Kingdom plan. It's essential now that every Believer act during this window of great mercy, grace and favor to spiritually give their "due diligence." Giving their "due diligence" will assure the next eight years are everything God wants for our nation. I heard the Lord say, "If you obey in the next eight years, I will give you 16 years of abundance."
I decree that after eight years with Donald Trump as our President, we will have Vice-president Elect Mike Pence for the following eight years. It's time to be extremely bold in our faith and actions to assure God's will be done in America as it is in Heaven!
Please keep praying for what God has begun, assuring no weapon of the enemy can alter what we are now experiencing! We have just entered the beginning of major spiritual fulfillment in the season of the Third Great Awakening! We have prayed, we have decreed and now we must participate in this season of
2017—our year of extreme victory! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries
John Mark Pool, co-founder of Word to the World Ministries, has been used by God to minister as a prophetic voice to the nations. Based out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, he is called to take the apostolic/prophetic five-fold ministry message to pastors and church leaders across the USA and around the world. He has become a prophetic voice to speak into pastors' and leaders' lives throughout America in preparation for our next revival outpouring. He and his wife, Sandy, are both ordained as prophets and ministers with Encounters Network Ministries by James Goll, director of Encounters Network Ministries. John Mark has ministered on radio, TV, Internet streaming broadcast, and Web publishing sites, as well as at local churches, conferences, and crusade revival outpourings. John Mark is also a nationally-recognized and published author, his most recent books including Love – God's Greatest Gift and Path of a Prophet: Understanding the Journey.
John Mark Pool's Itinerary
January 22, 2017 (9:30am; 6:30pm)
Westside Vineyard Church
5656 SW Humphrey Blvd.
Portland, OR 97221
Contact Church Office
Phone: 503.690.6679
January 29, 2017 (5pm)
East Portland Prophetic Gathering
12260 SE Main Street
East Portland, OR 97233
Contact Tom Player
Phone: 503.760.2381
February 1, 2017 (10am)
Portland Aglow Meeting
New Hope Community Church
11731 Stevens Road, Portland, OR 97086
Contact: 503-593-7885
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Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?:
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