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Cindy McGill: "New Alignments For New Assignments Coming Your Way!"

by Cindy McGill
Aug 10, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

This is important! You're going to be blessed by this Word by Cindy McGill about the New Assignments coming your way from the Lord.

But while you're here, let me tell you something personal. Me and my wife Derene have supported Cindy McGill's ministry for a few years now!

We, Love, LOVE, LOVE – what she is doing. She is getting people set free in the porn industry and she's ministering each year at BURNING MAN! Wow!

That is a very, VERY secular thing where people go out into the desert...70,000 people strong, no internet available, and they do what unsaved people do...whatever they want! It's all about the arts, free expression, and no boundaries.

But Cindy brings a team each year and they minister to as many people as they can who come by their booth. Using dream interpretation, they lead people toward Jesus Christ, one interpretation at a time!

Do Derene and me a favor, click on this link which is from Cindy McGill's site, and donate to her ministry. In just over a week or so, they are going to Burning Man and they need the support to pay the way, for their 12th year! God promises you that the sower and reaper get the same reward. So please sow!

Go to: and donate whatever you can.

Thank you from Derene and me!

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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New Communities and Relationships

Each one of us has an assignment and we are all here for a purpose that is bigger than what we see. New communities will form that will bring strength to the assignment at hand. God is defining our paths and revealing our futures. Things have not been clearly visible to us because of the timing.

There are specific messages you carry for specific groups for strategic purposes within that region. Look for new friendships to emerge with people who carry the same heart and direction as you do.

Find your tribe and community (those you are designed to work with who celebrate with you). Let go of negative people who don't believe in you or your purpose; they are not your audience or your partners in this next phase of your journey.

The Storms Will Make Us Better

Storms are meant to wash away things in our character that are not solid and test the things that are. This creates a rock-solid foundation and a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. (Photo via Wikimedia)

All of the tests, difficulties and unexpected things of life will be used as a chisel in God's hand to shape us for what is coming. The purity in the wine is in the pouring, over and over again, to remove the impurities. The strength in iron is in the fire, refined seven times, until there is nothing left in it that would compromise its ability to support strong structures.

The Desires of Your Heart

God fully intends to give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4). That does not mean that God becomes a "divine butler" giving you every whim when you snap your fingers; but it does mean that He places His desires for your created purpose within your heart and then creates life to fulfill them. When our hearts are surrendered to His plan and purpose, we start to desire things we didn't think of before. Then, we can ask what we will and it will be done for us.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

God is the true "Daddy" and a good one. He will watch over us and His Word to perform it, but all the while keeping us from things that would destroy us or severely hinder our created purpose.

He makes pathways where there seems to be no way and designs barriers to keep us from heading down roads that would destroy us or hinder our journey. His plan is for us to succeed. Define your vision and make it plain.

[Note from Steve and Derene Shultz: "Please donate (tax deductible) to Cindy McGill's ministry to help set God's lost children FREE - out from under the porn industry and at Burning Man! This is one of Derene and my favorite causes! Help us! Donate and you'll see those IN HEAVEN that you helped set free! Donate at:]

Orders From Headquarters

Get your instructions from the One who is guiding you. Him and Him ALONE. People often tell me they don't know what they are created for or what they are to do. My answer usually is, "What do you love to do?" What's your desire, what draws your attention and what is your passion? Write down things on paper that you are passionate about. (Photo via Pixabay)

If you are a teacher, teach. If you are a writer, write. If you do art, create masterpieces. If you are a servant, serve in love. Love yourself and love what you do. When we truly love ourselves and stop beating ourselves up so much, we start to see our value and worth.

Give yourself a break with unreasonable expectations and allow yourself to breathe, laugh and make mistakes. We all do. God is not falling off of His throne because we mess up at times. His mercy is new every morning and His grace is unending. Throw your burdens on Him because He cares for you. He can carry that stuff that we are not even designed to carry.

God always, always, always does a work IN us BEFORE He does a work THROUGH us. Let it happen. The best is yet to come.

[Note from Steve Shultz: Please donate to Cindy McGill's ministry. Your donation is tax deductible. Donate at:]

Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries


Cindy McGill's passion to help people find their lives' purpose, receive healing from life's trauma, and live their lives to the fullest. She travels internationally, teaching on the subject of dreams and dream interpretation. She also leads "dream teams" using innovative methods to help others discover the hidden meanings behind their dreams and give them a chance to find hope and truth at their point of need. Since 1979 she and her husband Tim have given their lives to helping people redefine their lives and find healing and direction. They have two grown daughters and four grandchildren.

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Cindy McGill's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

August 28-September 5, 2016
Burning Man Outreach - Black Rock City, Nevada
Freedom Lounge (year 12)
[Steve Shultz: Please donate to Cindy and their trip to BURNING MAN at:]

October 7-8, 2016
Arise Women Minnesota with Larry Randolph
Redeeming Love Church
2425 White Bear Ave N, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55109

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