From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We're introducing a new writer today – Kevin Basconi, who, along with his wife Kathy, co-founded King of Glory Ministries International in Moravian Falls, NC. Their ministry focuses on miracles, healings, signs and wonders, and Kevin was also featured on Sid Roth's show It's Supernatural. You'll read much more about them in their biography below.
Kevin's article is all about "Revival" and what the Lord showed him is coming. In this excerpt, Kevin asks us a couple of potent questions:
I believe that the day of His Power is at hand (Matthew 26:64). The glory of God will begin to visit many states and many nations. The glory of God will begin to visit ministries and will rest upon certain churches. The question becomes: will we embrace it? My question for you is: when the glory of God rests upon you, what's your response going to be?
Now, read the rest of Kevin's word... and find out what you can do to prepare yourself for what is at hand!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Dreaming of Revival"
Kevin Basconi, Moravian Falls, NC
Revival is Coming!
Recently I had these incredible dreams about revival coming to many states and many nations. I believe this revival we are going to experience is not going to look like what we think it's going to be. It's not going to mimic the revivals of the past. It's going to be totally different from anything we've ever seen. It's not going to be propelled by a particular gift, a particular personality, or a particular denomination. It's going to be propelled by God Himself. The Power of God is going to come. The presence, the glory, and the Power of God are going to invade the atmosphere of whole cities and whole regions.
Nobody's going to have to preach. Nobody's going to have to lay hands. It's not going to be a chore. It's just going to happen. It's just going to be an outpouring of the glory and the presence of God so strongly that people driving by on the interstate will feel compelled to come to this place, to come to that city, or go to that church. It won't be because of eloquent preaching or because of the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. People will be drawn by the Spirit of God. They will be drawn in by the Power of the Father, and by the glory of God. And when they walk in, they will sense the Power of God resting upon it like the pillar of cloud rested upon Moses' tent, the tent of meeting.
In that atmosphere people's lives will be transformed. They will come in one way, but they will go out another. In that atmosphere of glory people will be saved, changed, transformed, healed and delivered. All of this will happen just in the presence, just by the Power of God. Every tongue, every tribe, and every nation will experience this.
We are at a God-ordained moment of time. I like to say we are at an eternal crossroads where God is about to pour out something upon the earth that we haven't seen, that hasn't been seen for millennia. There are places in the Scripture where we can see it, such as 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 where the glory of the Lord filled the house of God. (Photo of Kevin Basconi with Sid Roth)
There's going to be a cloud of glory, there's going to be a presence of God that's going to rest on whole regions. And the priests will not be able to stand to minister. In other words, what we have done for so many years, our priestly duties—the things we know how to do—we are not going to be able to do, for the glory of God is going to fill the house!
Prepare Our Hearts For the Glory
There is nothing we can do to initiate it because it's already on God's agenda. All we can do is prepare a place for His presence. And the most important place that we need to begin to prepare for the presence of this revival, for the presence of God, is right in our heart. When we prepare our heart, we prepare our sphere of influence to receive the cloud. And when the cloud comes down and rests upon the temple, there will be no need for words. People will be touched by the Power of God. People will be touched by the presence of the Father.
I believe that the day of His Power is at hand (Matthew 26:64). The glory of God will begin to visit many states and many nations. The glory of God will begin to visit ministries and will rest upon certain churches. The question becomes: will we embrace it? My question for you is: when the glory of God rests upon you, what's your response going to be? Are you going to receive it even if it looks like something you are unfamiliar with? Are you going to embrace it even if it's outside your doctrinal view? If the glory of God comes down and shakes your paradigm of the way that you believe God should move, how are you going to react? We should not judge the manifestations of God we do not understand.
When this glorious revival comes, there will be unusual manifestations of the Kingdom of God. Why? Because the veil between Heaven and earth is growing very thin, very porous, almost transparent; and there is almost a free flow between the heavenly realms and the earthly realm. It is Luke 11:2 and Matthew 6:10: "Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."
How does that happen? Heaven is released upon earth. The glory cloud and Power of God comes down and rests in a place. And in the glory, the Kingdom comes. In the glory, miracles happen. In the glory of God, people's lives are transformed, and people no longer want to enter into sexual immorality, drug abuse, sins of the flesh and such. In the glory, people no longer want to become involved in things that draw them away from God. (Photo via Wikipedia)
The glory will draw you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. And in that place of intimacy, the Kingdom of God will begin to rub off on you. And when the glory of God begins to rub off on you, then you will be transformed into a glory carrier. You will be like that young man Joshua, the son of Nun. The Scripture says when Moses went up to the tent of meeting that the pillar of cloud would come down and rest there.
And Moses would go in and he would speak to God face-to-face, as a man does to a friend, but then he would go back to the camp. (See Exodus 33:7-11.) But Joshua the son of Nun rested or lingered in the tent. He rested in the glory. He received an impartation from the glory that transformed him into someone that could lead the nation into the Promised Land!
God wants to raise up a generation like Joshua—who will just want to linger and rest in the glory of God; who will be transformed by the Power and the presence of the Father, by the Power and the presence of the Person of the Holy Spirit; who will see Jesus; who will know Jesus; who will submit to the Trinity; who will begin to walk in amazing levels of God's Power and in abundant miracles and signs and wonders. It's going to be a fresh outpouring of the Kingdom of God.
God is about to take the Body of Christ to new levels in the Kingdom. He is going to take us into the realms of glory where we are going to learn to operate in the Power of the Father. In the glory of God, the gifts of the Spirit are multiplied and accelerated. The anointing of the Holy Spirit that rests upon a person, that rests upon a ministry, that rests upon an entire region can be multiplied and transformed. And the Power of God will be released in unprecedented ways. It's not going to look like we think it's going to look like. In fact, it may be messy.
The Shaking
On the Day of Atonement in 2013, I heard the audible voice of the Father speak to me. As I sat there on my rocking chair, the power and the presence of God came down. The glory of God began to roll in, in wave after wave after wave after wave. I was just sitting on that chair embracing the glory, luxuriating in the glory, worshipping God, and thanking Him for the blessings He has poured out upon my life. (Photo via Pixabay)
And as I was in that place, I felt the Power of God come down in a way I haven't experienced in years. The earth literally began to shake. In that moment I felt the glory of God fall upon me, and I heard the Father speak from His throne of mercy and grace in the heavenly realms. The Father said this: "The time has come for Me to shake not only the earth but also the heavens." In that moment I was released into a trance or a vision, and I began to see the earth shake and quake like we read in Hebrews 12:26. I began to see the glory of God being poured out in many places all over the earth.
The earth is going through a shaking right now; but this shaking we are experiencing is the mercy of God. God is shaking the nations of the earth. God is shaking whole people groups. God is shaking the entire earth. But this shaking is really His love, because it is the love and goodness of God that draws men unto repentance (Romans 2:4). America is being shaken. This shaking is His mercy; it's His love.
I want to encourage you to prepare your heart for the revival that's coming. The shaking that's happening is the love of God. I believe this is what God is doing. I believe you can be a part of it. We see it in 1 John 3:1-3 and John 13:34. It's the love of God that is going to birth this revival. I call it the apostolic love of Jesus Christ that's going to release us into this place where we can be that tent where the pillar of glory can come down. These can be some of the most fruitful and prosperous times of your life and ministry! Rejoice!
God is preparing us; He's shaking us; He's pruning us. God is taking away from us everything and anything that hinders us from being like His Son Jesus. He wants us to be transformed. He wants us to be vessels worthy to carry His presence and to carry these God ordained revivals.
His goal is love. He speaks of it in John 15:1-5, 9-14. The shaking that's happening to America and beyond is really a pruning that God is releasing. He's testing our hearts; He's testing our spirits to see how we will respond. It's very simple: all He commanded us to do is to love one another. But it seems that's difficult, doesn't it? (Photo via Flickr)
I believe that God is looking for a place where He can come and pour out His Power, pour out His glory, and pour out His love—unconditionally. It doesn't matter what tribe, what tongue, what nation we are of; God is looking for a place where people can come into the presence and the glory of God. And in that place the love of God, the glory of God, will transform people. It's not going to be so much about the ministry of the saints; it's going to be the ministry of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
That is what is going to happen. It's going to be a sovereign move of God. Nobody will be able to put their fingerprints on it because it will be undeniably the glory of God the Father, the glory of God the Son, and the glory of God the Holy Spirit that will be at work. It is going to be very obvious to everyone that God is in the house. It's going to be obvious to everyone at this revival is Powered by the Spirit of the living God. They'll just come in and fall down on their face and say, "What must I do to be saved?" It will be a revival of Power and a revival of glory that will be propelled by the love of God.
And He is preparing a people at this hour who can steward it. He is preparing a group of overcomers, if you will, who can step into this mantle. These friends of God will understand that if we can allow God to have His way then His Kingdom truly can come and His will truly can be done in our lives, in our churches, in our ministries on earth as it is in Heaven. When? I'm not sure. But I know this: it's going to be released as we learn to love one another. Prepare your heart, for the day of the Lord is at hand!
Kevin Basconi
King of Glory Ministries International
Kevin and Kathy Basconi are ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. They co-founded King of Glory Ministries International and have a heart to share the Gospel with the poor, and the Love of the Father to widows and orphans. They have visited 36 nations preaching the Gospel and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in churches, conferences, and crusade meetings. The ministry is punctuated by many miracles, healings, and signs & wonders that confirm the Word of God. Kevin is also called to equip the Body of Christ to operate in Godly discernment and in the "seer anointing", and to help people understand how to enter into the presence and glory of God.
Kevin & Kathy recently established the new International Ministry Apostolic Equipping Center (iMAEC) and the Moravian Falls School of Higher Learning in the very heart of Moravian Falls, North Carolina to empower, and equip the Body of Christ to do the greater works of Jesus Christ! They live in the mountains of North Carolina where they pursue a lifestyle of intimacy and communion with Jesus. Kevin is an internationally published author of the books "The Sword of the Lord" and the new Seer Trilogy "Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing #1, #,2 & #3".
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