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Lana Vawser: Dream Big! A Time Of Jubilee and Longings Fulfilled

by Lana Vawser:
May 15, 2014

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

There is a consistency in the Spirit right now that God is asking His People to continue (or start) to dream BIG!

In this word, Lana Vawser (of Australia) shares a word in which the SPIRIT is cautioning us not to compare ourselves with others, nor to become discouraged when others are promoted, as God is about to promote many others behind them. And including yours and mine – DRY BONES ARE ABOUT TO COME TO LIFE!

Enjoy Lana's word here!


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Lana VawserThe time of Jubilee is upon the Church! GOD is moving! Broken hearts are being restored and healed. A time of louder singing as He provides, a time of dancing upon impossibilities, and circumstances suddenly turning and changing by the breath of God over them.

Psalm 37:4 is becoming manifest in many lives in this time of Jubilee. "If you make God the utmost delight and pleasure of life, every longing within you will be fulfilled." (The Passion Translation)

Longings are being fulfilled as God is delighted in by His people! Longings of years are being fulfilled.

Do not look to the left or to the right of how others are having longings fulfilled and you are feeling left behind. Do not compare yourself with others. God is faithful to you and He will fulfil His Word in your life as you make Him your delight. Rejoice when you hear of others receiving their breakthrough and know that you are next in line.

The enemy is attempting to cloud vision with disappointment, but He will not disappoint you. This is a time of Jubilee, the Lord's favour being extended and released in greater ways.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Dry, Dead Bones Will Sing

Dry, dead bones that were long forgotten about are suddenly about to rise up and sing and testify to the magnificent God who resurrects and restores hopes, dreams, and desires lost.

Even many circumstances are going to turn and testify to the greatness of God and release a huge hope infusion into His people, which will not only bring them to life again but see them release the hope of Heaven and hope in a wonderful, faithful GOD to those around them, especially those who do not yet know Him.

Seven Mountains Of Influence

LA Skyline Mountains by NserranoThere is a great harvest happening on the earth right now. The young and old are turning to Jesus in rapid increase! A time of Jubilee is here! The hope of Heaven is being infused into the earth in greater momentum. The marketplace is being transformed rapidly and violently by love; the seven mountains of influence (Church/Religion, Education, Family, Government, Media, Arts/Entertainment, Business/Finance) are being impacted by love, and hope is being infused into them. There is a great change happening in the world, and it is important now to keep your eyes on those seven mountains of influence and watch how the Lord is going to see them radically transformed and changed by His love. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

I sense the seven mountains burning in the Spirit right now. God is raising up people right now in these seven mountains with great favour to bring Kingdom ideas, new creativity, teaching them the ways of God, bringing transformation to those seven cultural influences. Key, influential people in these seven mountains are being and going to be radically transformed by LOVE, which will then release a wave of radical transformation and change into the culture and the world.

Dream big concerning these seven mountains. It is happening now. God is releasing great favour upon some of His people to bring radical change to these mountains and the wave to be released from there to impact nations. Pray for these seven mountains of influence and culture and those called to minister in there, for they are going to be a catalyst and key for a great revival and harvest.

Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser is married to Kevin, and they are living in Australia with their two sons. Lana and Kevin's heart is to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. They have a heart to see people free and walking in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day.

Lana preaches regularly and ministers prophetically, through both the pulpit and the Internet, calling people into a constant pursuit of His heart and hearing His voice for themselves and others.

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Cadence of Life:
Instrumental Songscapes

by Aimee Herd
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