From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Cindy McGill is my friend and God calls her a "faithful friend." Many of you will relate to her message here. It's a message of LIFE to your spirit... and a tall drink in the desert, so to speak. Make sure and tell Cindy how much her message has blessed you too.
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Cindy McGill:
Revival is Coming -
And We Need It
There's lots of thought around the topic of revival – everything from what revival is to what happens when it comes. But one thing no one can argue about is the demonstration of power and presence of God that shows. In the Welsh Revival alone, with Evan Roberts in 1904-1905, over 150,000 people were converted. Young people were completely changed and on fire for God. Bars and pubs were turned into places of God's power.
As revival fire spread across Wales in late 1904 and early 1905, although no official records were kept of the actual number converted, 150,000 is considered a very conservative estimate during the first six months! People's lives were transformed by the thousands. This was indeed, a sovereign move of God's Holy Spirit!
Whole communities were turned upside down and were radically changed from depravity to glorious goodness. The crime rate dropped, often to nothing. The police force reported that they had little more to do than supervise the coming and going of the people to the chapel prayer meetings, while magistrates turned up at courts to discover no cases to try. The alcohol trade was decimated, as people were caught up more by what happened in the local chapels than the local public houses and bars. Families experienced amazing renewal, where the money earning husband and father, the bread winner, had wasted away the income and sowed discord, but now under the moving power of the Holy Spirit, following the conversion to be a follower of Jesus Christ, he not only provided correctly for family needs, but was now with the family, rather than wasting his time, and wages, in the public houses of the village or town. Souls were saved, individual lives were changed and Society itself was changed. Countless numbers were converted to Christ. (Source:
Every major revival has experienced unexpected displays of God's overwhelming presence. I met Jesus during the Jesus Movement in 1973, and it was a true visitation from Heaven on the earth. It seemed like a person couldn't do anything wrong in communicating Jesus to a world who desperately needed Him. The air seemed electric with God's presence and miracles were happening every day. I actually witnessed a man's finger grow out with a nail on it after his finger had been severed to the second knuckle by a machine accident.
Manifestations of revival meetings vary. At the Azusa Street Revival, people reported something looking like an unusual flame appearing over the meeting house, connecting to the appearance of a flame that was going up from the building. Glory clouds would appear so thick that children could play hide and seek in and around the cloud. The mist that would form in the building was so thick and rich that when people would breathe it, it was like pure oxygen. (Excerpt taken from the book, They Told Me Their Stories, by Dr. J. Edward Morris and Cindy McCowan.)
Trances, laughter, aromas, angelic presence, pillars of fire, mist-filled clouds, creative miracles where limbs grow back, and recorded accounts like these are only some of the reports we know of. Mostly, revivals are unpredictable for people to get a grasp of. Secular newspapers stayed away from reporting most events because it caused greater attack from people who were not able to grasp such information. But the sick, dying, and those with heavy conviction of heart, showed up in droves night after night to experience the power of God in unprecedented measure.
Leaders With Childlike Faith and a Shepherd's Heart
New leaders are emerging with messages and character that has been refined over years of testing by fire. These leaders believe God and live a simple life with purity, free from selfish ambition and pride. They are the "battleships" emerging from the fog, able to lead fleets of armies into this season. These are the hidden ones. They are faithful men and women whose whole purpose has been to stay before God, learning to wait patiently for Him. With "God-built" courage, they can stand before people to deliver the message with steadfastness and an unshakable demeanor that will not be diluted or weakened by the opinions of man. Childlike faith is practiced which believes all things and hopes all things. God then takes a live coal from His altar and places it on the lips of the ones who are faithful, resulting in powerful, prophetic, creative words coming forth to shift atmospheres and mindsets. Places where granite walls have blocked us are now shattering, making those pathways available for us now to walk. These leaders are coming into place to steward the greatest revival this world has ever seen.
Get Oil In the Lamps
What a great privilege to get to spend time in the presence of "Love" Himself. Learning to receive from God and hear Him for ourselves is essential for the coming days. First and foremost, we must learn who God says we are so we are not blindsided by others' perceptions of us. When we learn who we are, then we also learn what we are created to do. We are His workmanship, created for good works in Christ (Ephesians 2:10).
Taking advantage of learning God's Word and practicing His presence will teach us to draw on His strength. In His presence is fullness of joy and we will find rest for our souls. He is our high tower and we can run into Him and we are safe. Other voices of instruction will be available to us, but we hear the voice of the GOOD SHEPHERD and only follow Him. Good ideas are not always God ideas. We get our orders from "Head"-quarters, and that is the only direction we are to follow. Where God guides He provides, and provision will be available to us when we are on assignment from God.
The Goodness of God In the Land of the Living
God displays His goodness in many ways. Miracles are an overflow of His very present help in troubled times and they are nothing more than a testimony of His unfailing love for mankind. God is good. It is impossible for Him to be anything else. He is our Counselor, Teacher, Shame-Taker, Deliverer, Healer, Friend, and our ALL in ALL. He doesn't lack anything, and He freely gives to us everything He has.
We all have an assignment from Heaven. Promotion comes from Him and Him alone. He opens one door and shuts another, and He is well able to usher us into the places we belong, and His favor goes with us. Knowing this fact will remove us from jealousy and envy toward someone else. It is God who will open wide double doors and present you as His messenger to ears and hearts He has prepared to hear the message He has crafted in you. His presence is with you as you go to speak your words; He shifts the atmosphere and does the battle for you.
Synergy in Unity
Unity is void of competition. When two come together in agreement with God's purpose, it produces a synergy that causes the anointing to increase. Whatever we agree with we strengthen. Joined giftings and anointings create a new expression of the manifest presence of God. We will see God display His power and presence in ways we have not imagined. In the arena of unfailing, uncompromising unity and believing, God commands His blessing and demonstrates His power in signs and wonders that are hard to be comprehended.
God's design is for each joint in the Body to supply. It has never been His purpose to support a "one man" show, as one joint cannot effectively operate independently of the whole body. In unity we learn to esteem one another better than ourselves, honor and respect someone else. Humility will ALWAYS attract God. It's His DNA. Grace is multiplied when humility is actively lived out.
The Fuel of Compassion
This was the fuel that propelled Jesus to action, producing healing and deliverance for everyone in need. Being a partaker of His divine nature, we become a conduit for an outflow of throne room compassion that is not humanly created. We literally can feel God change our hearts to experience compassion for someone that is not available on the level of human emotion. This kind of heavenly compassion causes healing, direction and life activation, which results in surrender to the One who loves us unconditionally. Compassion, peace and unconditional love don't have failure components.
We are in preparation for the greatest display of God's power, love, and presence this world has ever seen. Though the preparation has been uncomfortable at times, lessons have been learned, hearts have been softened, and God has been working in us to will and to do of His good pleasure.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest
Cindy McGill is founder of "Hope for the Harvest Ministries." As an ordained minister with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, she holds an international license and currently co-pastors at the Salt Lake City Foursquare Church with her husband, Tim. They have been involved in pastoring, evangelism, and church planting since 1978.
Cindy travels internationally helping churches raise up evangelism teams, teaching on godly character and ministering in prophecy, dream interpretation, and word of knowledge. Her passion is leading teams of ordinary people who love Jesus into the streets, hospitals, pubs, new age arenas, and anywhere the Lord directs. Using dream interpretation and prophetic evangelism, the door has been opened to share the Gospel to multitudes of people who might not otherwise have heard the message.