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Kim Clement:
2012 - The Beginning of a Global Outpouring of the Spirit
Prophesied on October 13, 2011:
"...a Technology that is About to Burst Forth" again God proved that He is preserving this nation and preserving a people within this nation, that they will be a voice and they will touch the world, as America was chosen to, right from the very beginning. God tells me this to tell you right now:
"Right from the very beginning, I chose this nation; right from the beginning, from the offset, to be a voice. Yes, they would experience evil; they would experience wars. Yes, they would experience pain, and yes, they would experience betrayal. Even their own citizens will turn against them. But," God said, "right from the beginning, I chose this nation to be a nation that would represent Me and a nation that would fight for Israel – a nation that would stand against the evil. And even though there would be evil amongst them," God said, "a good people would be raised up that would send the Gospel of good news – not the bad news, but the good news throughout the earth."
God said, "This is only about to begin. I'm about to touch every nation because of a technology that is about to burst forth. At the death of Steve Jobs," says the Lord, "even at that death, there's going to be the birthing of something else, because what is going to be given is the ability for Me to reach every human being on the face of the earth. I am not wrong. I have never been wrong," says the Spirit of God. "I have been right, right from the beginning, from eternity, and this is a fact that the nations shall hear in an instant," God says.
"Stop Being Ancient. It's Time to Be Relevant"
"Can a nation be born within one day? Can a nation be born in one day? Can a nation be born again in one day? Do not say no to the Spirit of God, for God says it is possible. Have you looked further than your own nose?" says the Lord. "Have you looked further than your own house and your own garden? Look further, for there are nations crying out for the will of God. There are nations crying out, 'Show us Yourself, God, show us Yourself.'
"I chose this nation that they would show the earth the glory of God. That day is now come," says the Lord. "This technology – and I'm not talking about the Internet – I'm talking about something completely different – when this comes forth," says the Spirit of the Lord, "they will hear the Gospel within an instant, and," God said, "tens of millions of people will be coming into the Kingdom and there shall be great celebration.
"Let go of the past. Let go of your ideas of past revivals. Forget about how it was done 40 years ago." God said, "Stop being ancient. It's time to be relevant. It's time to get with the times. What is it that I'm saying to you today through this prophet? I have created this technology. Yes, they use it for evil but also for good," says the Spirit of God.
"And this that I'm about to create shall come as a result of spiritual people getting together. And," God says, "it shall come to pass that nations shall call out on the name of Christ. Do not say that is impossible. This is a new way of reaching the world, a new form of evangelism," God says. "This nation was chosen to do this," says the Spirit of the Lord. "United States of America, I have not left you, I have not abandoned you – I have called you, and therefore I will bring you out of the ashes, raise you up, and you shall be a voice," says the Lord, "to the ends of the earth," God says.
Lord, let the people sense Your presence right now. Let them sense what You want to do. Their children are not doomed to Hell! Your children are not doomed to be captives, to be cultural captives. No, no, no, no, no – I release you from that lie today. Our eternity shall not be as they want it to be. Our eternity on this earth, our eternal existence, is blessed. It is not a serpent running around trying to eat its own tail. God, touch us please. Touch us please, Lord, I pray.
See What I See, Say What I Say
(Prophetic Song)
"Come back to Me, come back to Me
Stand by My side, come back to Me."
God says.
"Come back to me, come back to Me,
Let's walk together, together.
Won't you talk to Me again like you did in days past?
Come back to Me and let us be one;
Look into My eyes without any fear
And see what I see –
See what I see, and say what I say,
Hear the words that come from My heart."
God says,
"Come back to Me, believe what I say,
That I love you and I care for you.
See what I see, say what I say,
Show them My heart.
See what I see, say what I say,
Come back to Me again.
Show them My goodness, show them My mercy,
Show them My love and they'll come back to Me.
Look into My eyes, what do you see?
You'll see My love, I'll never, ever change My love.
See what I see, say what I say,
Come back to Me with joy.
Say what I say, see what I see
Come back to Me with joy."
God is Going to Give Us Keys to Invent, to Create, to Invest In
Prophesied on October 18, 2011 from The Matrix:
What was the emblem that you drew? Many people are writing in about it saying, "You got Ford right" – yes, I did! I got other things previously, before you and I met, that God showed me. And He showed me that there's literally billions of dollars that He's kept for a certain time. I believe we've stepped into that season that He wants to release to His people. But you see, we think He's just going to drop it from Heaven. No, He gives us keys to invent, to create, to invest in. So when I spoke about Ford, some people made millions of dollars when they heard my prophecy that Ford was going to go sky high, and they invested and made a lot of money. Ford has gone a little down again, but it's going to go back up. There's going to be an amalgamation with another country with vehicles – He's already shown me some of this stuff, so hold on tight because it's going to get really big.
I was praying on Sunday morning and I said to the Lord, "There are people asking because people need to get out of debt. People need to have some keys." Now they've sown into the Kingdom – that's the first thing they need to do; that's what you did today, therefore God releases keys. So I was holding up my hands and I said, "Lord, I pray now that You'd show me what this symbol is that is going to literally cause people to make millions of dollars, some of them tens of thousands." I said, "Put this into my hands now," and an amazing thing happened. Immediately, I felt something in my hand – I felt something in my hand and it was that leaf that you saw me send a picture of on the tweet and on facebook.
I didn't explain it clearly, and my assistant, Miranda, told me that it was not clear because she couldn't understand it – and I said, "Well, if you don't, then nobody understands what I was saying." Obviously, I never explained it. It was that leaf, and I looked and on it was what looked like a candle-holder – a candle-holder like this (he draws it in the air), that goes down – I saw that on the leaf. Now the leaf just didn't materialize; the leaf obviously fell from the tree. But it was the exact moment I said, "Put it in my hand now," and there it was. So I felt like I should take a picture of it.
As I took the picture, there was a lion in the background. It is a portion of this key that God is giving. It's not yet been released, but it seemed like it started around 2010 and it will become a very powerful public company, but it's not at that stage yet. That's why I'm asking you as the Warriors to take note of these things. Research, search, send in, help each other as a community and watch how God's going to take you out of debt. Take you out of debt! We're not just watching for God to drop money out of Heaven. He's giving us keys; He's giving wisdom.
I also had the symbol of a star with one point missing, and then I saw "Firepoint." But you say, "Kim, I need it now." Be patient, be patient please. Let's pray together and when the time is right – and it's soon – we will be able to invest. Just like I told you about Ford and many, many people listened and they became very wealthy – some of them are debt-free.
2012 is the Beginning of a Global Outpouring of the Spirit
Prophesied on October 27, 2011 from The Matrix:
Another prediction, as I said earlier, was about the end of the world. Mark my words, it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen. What about 2012, Kim? What do you think about that? Let me tell you what I think about that. Whatever God has prophesied through me is what is going to happen, I believe anyway. A global economic crisis is upon us. It's not coming; it's upon us – but technology is going to be accelerated and will free us from this global economic crisis and take us out of it. That's what I'm sensing. That's what God is telling me. He's not finished with the earth yet; He's not finished with the nations of the world. And I am here to encourage you: God is moving and you're a part of it.
2012, I believe, is the beginning of a global outpouring of the Spirit; in fact, not the beginning of it, the continuance of it, I should say, because on the 25th of September, 2011 in Jerusalem, it was very clear that as that mantle was cast, something began. Now from that point to the 70th anniversary of Israel, which is, I believe, 2018 – it's a seven-year period.
Now remember I said to you that there will be a seven-year period of a global shaking (spiritually), a move of the Spirit that's going to unlock keys and give us resources to send the Word of God, the Good News, to the entire earth.
Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners, his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.