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Daniel Pontious: "Through Forge and Fire: You Are His Weapon of War"

Daniel Pontious, Sonora, CA
May 25, 2024


As I was meditating the other morning, the Holy Spirit showed me a blacksmith working at his forge with hammer and anvil. He was very skillfully working on what looked to be a new sword in the making.

As he worked upon the steel blade with a hammer and anvil, the blade began to take shape and actually looked like the makings of a master sword, one that could be used by a king or a prince.

Even before the smith set into motion the forging of the blade, the Lord began to speak to me about it.

The Master Black Smith and the Master Sword

Just as the smith saw the blade as a finished work in his mind even before he began the process of forging it, in the same way, the Father saw you and I as a finished work long before the process of our forging began.

Intense heat and pressure are required to fashion a blade strong enough to become a weapon in the hand of the king.

The struggles and issues of this life that get thrown at us regularly, though not sent from the Lord, often are used by the Lord in order to strengthen us to difficulties. They fashion us into a blade that God can wield against the enemy, establishing through us the ability to destroy the very things that the enemy meant for our destruction. God will turn those very attacks of the enemy into a place of strength in our lives, where we will be able to set the captives free.

We become a blade fashioned by the Master Blacksmith (Jesus), able to be wielded against the very things sent by the enemy to destroy us.

As the Master Blacksmith sends the sword (us) through fire and the water, it is then sharpened to a very fine edge, fine enough and sharp enough that it will cut anything sent its way. We become the blade of His Spirit, as His Word sharpens us and hones our abilities for war. (Photo via Flickr)

We carry the Word of the Lord for those around us, which is "sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow... exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12).

He is fashioning us into a weapon of mass destruction against the camp of the enemy.

Stay in the Forge! God Is Adding His Finishing Touches

Many of you have been in the fire and the forging process for quite some time. You've endured many things at the hands of unrighteous people, the issues of life, and even the trials often faced because of bad personal choices. You've been looking at the circumstances you've been facing with a feeling of severe discouragement, but while you've been enduring the forge, God has been fashioning you for greatness. The process has been difficult, but God is molding you, bending you, and forging you as a weapon in His Hand to send retribution upon the enemy.

"Rejoice not against me, O my enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me." (Micah 7:8)

God is about to put the finishing touches on some of you, as you've gone through the forge and endured the fire, the water, the sharpening, and the polishing of the Holy Spirit's work in your life. You are now becoming the overcomer He designed and foresaw you to be.

He will not only cause you to become the answer for the issues you're facing, but also the means of deliverance for countless others who are trapped in the same issues you have been in!

Allow the Holy Spirit to finish the work! Let Him make you the solution to the problem you've been facing, and for others who have been dealing with similar problems. Don't postpone the fire. Stay in the forge and let the Master Blacksmith fashion you into a weapon of war in His hands!


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Daniel Pontious
Every Believers Destiny
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