From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Not only do I know Brian Simmons, but I've spoken at his church in New England. He has an anointing on his life to bring in high power speakers and give high power words. He is one of God's most favored people. God just told me that. He is unassuming, but not his words. His words hold power to heal, save, and deliver by the Blood of Jesus. Please read his word slowly and carefully because it is as true as true gets.
By the way, PLEASE remember to purchase the products we have made available to you. They will help us greatly and as sure as I live, God will reward you for it.
Brian Simmons:
A Regional Word: A Battle of Hope Over New England
New England, Hope Again!
There is a battle over hope! The Lord is saying, "HOPE AGAIN! The enemy is saying 'Hope is lost.' But I say, HOPE AGAIN!"
God is on the move, and a generation is rising! The fire is falling on young people all over this region; you may not know it, but God is birthing a greater awakening in our land! Never give up, always hope, always believe, never fear!
In the worst of times hope is born; courage will win the day. The battle is going to be won as the scales are tipped in favor of the saints! Never give up, New England! It is your calling as sons of destiny to release the greater awakening to the nations.
Our calling is to be a city set on a hill, releasing the spirit of revelation to the nations of the earth. The last days' battle is beginning: get your armor on, stand up like a man, and get ready to gather the harvest. Even in a time of judgment, God's love will prevail and souls will come streaming into the Kingdom.
The dawning light is about to burst forth from the womb of the morning as the new day appears. The Bride will rise and shine like the sun, fair as the moon. You will come up out of your wilderness leaning on your Beloved!
Word of the Lord for Upstate New York
and New England
As I sat down to pray and prepare for speaking in a conference in New England, I felt the Holy Spirit rest on me, and He spoke these words to my heart. May they bring you confidence that God is going to break forth in awakening power throughout Upstate New York and every State of New England:
"Upstate New York, you will see the first light of this dawn. From the Canadian border will flow healing, power gifts, and mighty awakeners! Look to the land of the north, for there My glory will stream forth. Many of My greatest gifts will come to you, and the days of Finney will be repeated times 10! I will follow the trail of Finney and pour out My Spirit on Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Utica, Albany and throughout the Hudson Valley! My Adirondacks will be a refuge where many will find Me!
"Maine, your youth and young adults will come; they will stand before Me and become judges in the land. My Gideon anointing will be poured out upon My 300 tested and proven ones. Receive the right to rule from Zion! It is yours! I have given your awakeners the scepter of righteousness and they will not be silent!
"Massachusetts! Your anointing of breakthrough will begin to manifest! You will see your warriors win and not run from the heat of the battle. You are the birthplace of revolution and your warring spirits will not be broken. I have redeemed you and reignited your holy passion for Me. Worship and Unity will be your motto, Victory and Triumph will become your song!
"Vermont! My beautiful one, My fair one! Your depression will be broken as I appear in your gatherings! Your joy will have no end as I fill you over and over again! The awakened ones in your midst will cover your land with glory and unspeakable joy! You will not remember the days of your widowhood any longer!
"New Hampshire is My footstool! I will place My feet upon you and break the neck of the enemy that has kept you away from My glory! The champions among you will arise and overthrow! The changes I make in You will stir the land to fear Me! The holiness I birth in you will cause shaking in the nation, for I have chosen You and will not abandon you! New Hampshire—restore your land even as I restore you!
"Rhode Island—some of the greatest apostles in our nation will come forth from you! Awakening women will arise as you break curses and set the Bride free! A move of My Spirit will soon break forth in your government as the Spirit of Prayer invades your land. Watch your leaders bow before Me and honor Me as King of your cities!
"Connecticut! Your fire will set the nation ablaze! I have chosen you and called you as My holy vineyard to bring forth the fruits of repentance. As you come with fasting and weeping, I will come with visitation and power. The great Hartford revival will come and will not end until your State is aflame with My glory!"
Set your heart on His glory, my friends in the Northeast! God has chosen us to be dispensers of His great grace! Never give up! NEVER!
Brian Simmons
Apostolic Resource Center (ARC) & Stairway Ministries
About Brian and Candice Simmons have been described as pioneers, prophets, and pastors. As a spiritual father and mother, their teaching and prophetic gifts have opened doors in many nations to take the message of authentic awakening and revival to many. For the last 35 years they have labored to present Christ in His fullness wherever God sends them. As an apostolic couple they have pioneered church plants for many years with a tribal people group, planted churches in New England, and helped to translate the New Testament into the Kuna language. Brian is the founder and director of Apostolic Resource Center (ARC) based in New England, and they have established Stairway Ministries under which they travel full-time. Brian is the author of numerous books that reveal depths of insight that the Holy Spirit has released for the last days.