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Luke Holter: Back to the Future: Jesus is Healing Our Past and Setting Up Our Future

by Luke Holter
Dec 9, 2009

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

If ever I've read a message about "forgiveness" this is definitely a potent one. Luke Holter carries a message of healing and restoration for the Body. In just reading his articles, I see that gift in him. This article really goes deep to the core of a matter?no matter what your circumstance is or HAS BEEN. Yes, the Father wants to HEAL OUR PAST, so we can move on to our future?"baggage free" as Luke shares.

That my friend IS Good News!

Here are also a couple of resources that will help you grasp what God has just for YOU and how to move towards the future:


Possessing Your Inheritance
by Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema
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How to Leave Yesterday in the Past and Step INTO God's NOW Moment!
by Larry Randolph
Audio Teaching
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList and Breaking Christian News




Luke Holter

Hope, Identity and Breakthrough

I have found myself charged by the Lord as of late to call the Church into a place of hope, identity, and breakthrough. Many in the Body are dealing with great grief, and are looking to their past and letting hurts, failures, and mistakes determine where they go in their future. God is committed to us coming into a place where we align ourselves with our true identities as children of God. God desires to give us good gifts, to bless us, and to give us a future.

God wants us to be healed from our painful history and to find our identity in Jesus. "The issues" that make up who we are and how we live are found in "how we relate to our past and what we think of Jesus." Finding the grace in God to overcome your past is the key to what will unlock our hearts to move forward and into 2010?with wholeness. The Holy Spirit will reveal to us the places where we are held captive by bitterness, anger, and shame.

Our identity must first be established in our relationship with God or in intimacy with God. Our relationship with God is grounded as we encounter His thoughts and affections toward us. You have to know that your current circumstances are not punishment for some way you have failed God. If we have a confident relationship with Papa, we will not be waiting for the other shoe to drop, but instead we will overcome the negative aspects of our history and start to walk in confidence and purpose. If we agree with Heaven and literally start speaking the biblical truth of who we are before God, we will begin to soften and become accessible for healing.

A Vision of Healing the Past

The Holy Spirit walked me through a vision, where I saw a large group of people lined up in front of me, and showed me how He literally went into each person's past.

In one instance the Holy Spirit went in through the eyes of a woman in front of me, and He took me to this woman's bedroom when she was a child. She was lying on her side, crying in bed, and I watched as Holy Spirit started to cup His hands around her feet and breathed into His hands. This little girl started to slowly light up with a warm glow as if light was coming from inside of her and glowing through her skin.

I was then pulled back in front of this grown woman, tears were rolling down her face as she said, "I forgive you, dad." The Holy Spirit had literally gone back in time to when she was an abused little girl, and He healed that place in her heart.

Next, I saw an older man standing in line, and again I went on a journey with Holy Spirit and saw this man much younger sitting on his sofa, sobbing. His wife was explaining to him that she didn't love him anymore and was leaving him for another man. The man was left alone sobbing on his sofa as she said goodbye.

Then I watched as Holy Spirit rushed to him and started to put His hands around this young man's heart and breathe. The same event took place as above, and I saw this young man with a warm glow. Then again, I was pulled back and saw the older man now with tears rolling down his face. The man was looking straight forward and said, "I forgive you, sweetheart."

This was what was taking place with everyone in line. They were all allowing the Holy Spirit to go deep into their pain, hurts, and disappointments to heal them. God then said, "I am literally going back in time for the sake of your future."

Everyone in this line had luggage in their hands, and now at the front of the line was an airplane. Written on the side of the airplane was the phrase, "Acceleration to 2010," and I heard a voice in Heaven say, "If you're boarding the promises of God, you have to check your baggage." The luggage was too big and heavy to take on board this airplane of acceleration and had to be handed over to Jesus before boarding. As people chose to hand the luggage over to Jesus, He took their baggage from them.

We need to let go of the baggage in our lives and move forward with Him. God is dedicated to us going into our future?healed up and restored. We have so many wonderful things in our future as we grow in Christ Jesus, and our heart responses to situations that have hurt us are vital in our journey.

Let's choose to be brave and allow the Holy Spirit to go into our past so we can be made whole and released into our future! Make a decision today to not hold captive those past wounds and failures, but to trust Jesus with our past, present, and future. Today the Father wants us to choose to forgive.

Declarative Prayer: Father, we trust You and give You permission to go into the deep places of our history and do a work of healing. Jesus, we forgive those who may have hurt us out of ignorance or even malice and we choose to give them to You.

I want you the reader to literally say, "Jesus, I give You 'person's name' and everything that this person did to me, Lord please forgive them." We invite You, Holy Spirit, to even now begin a work in our own hearts toward daily forgiveness. We choose to let these past hurts go for the sake of our future. In Jesus name, Amen.

Luke Holter
Prophetic Sheep Ministries


Luke Holter's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

January 22-23, 2010
Malachi 4:6 Prophetic Conference
Prophetic Sheep Ministries
with Paul Cain and Luke Holter
6109 Fairmont Parkway; Pasadena, Texas 77505
Contact: (281) 678-4195 or

February 18-21, 2010
Grateful Heart Conference
with Patricia King, Bobby Conner, Luke Holter, LaVonne Chandler
6109 Fairmont Parkway; Pasadena, Texas 77505
Contact: (281) 678-4195 or

March 19-21, 2010
The Love Tour
with Luke Holter and Doug Addison
Glory Bound Church
11913 Menaul NE; Albuquerque NM 87112
Contact: (505) 292-8290

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Possessing Your Inheritance
by Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema
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Chuck Pierce

When Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10), He demonstrated God's longing for His people to prosper and accomplish all that He has planned for them.

God wants to take each of us from a place of judgment, desolation and fruitlessness to a place of restoration, hope and abundant life.

In this revised and updated edition of Possessing Your Inheritance, you will discover how to take hold of that which God has destined for you, your children and your children's children.

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How to Leave Yesterday in the Past and Step INTO God's NOW Moment!
by Larry Randolph
Audio Teaching
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Larry Randolph

Do you ever wonder what Jesus really meant when He told His followers they should lay DOWN their lives -- to die -- in order to HAVE LIFE?

This powerful message by Larry Randolph will arm you with fresh desire to "see" the face of God -- no matter the cost.

This NOW teaching is for those of you who want to move to the next level of pursuing Christ and His presence.

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