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Chuck Pierce: EXTRA: "Beware! The Enemy is Manipulating Your Emotions!"

By Chuck Pierce
Feb 23, 2008

chuck pierceThe prophecy below is very important. Reject all discouragement that is attempting to rob you of your momentum! This past week while we were worshipping, it was as if the Lord gave me supernatural vision and I saw our emotions. I could see that the enemy had made ploys against God's saints to block feelings in us, to stop us from gaining new zeal in the Lord. I saw satan and his forces had erected hidden snares and were creating offenses to wound our wellbeing and capture our soul expressions, causing us to stumble and lose momentum.

Our longing comes from the power of our desire, locked in our emotions. While the Spirit of God is creating a desire for the NEW, the enemy is attempting to ensnare us with old patterns, remove our creative unction, and bring many distractions into our lives. We must rise up now and say, "I've got to have You to help me press through into this new place. Reorder my focus so I can pinpoint the enemy's movement around me!"

During the service, the Spirit of God began to speak the following:

"Some of you are voicing that you have been destined to live at the foot of the mount. But I AM saying to you that I Am sending revelation to open your eyes and give you new vision. I hear many of you saying, 'I see the vision for my future, but I have no strength to climb the mount and stake my claim on that which you have shown me.' But hear Me NOW! I will cause you to be energized in the night and I will come to you with dreams. I will surprise you with visions in the day and your power naps will begin to produce light to guide you and energy that will cause you to arise and pursue My plan.

Your body, though it seems deadened and locked in a metabolic freeze, it will begin to move in a new way, for this is a time of movement. During the next 60 days there will be much movement going on. The enemy has many ploys to stop you from advancing. You will think in your heart that you cannot attain the new place and you will feel like you have been left behind, but I will surprise you with Grace. Then you will say, 'What I didn't think I could attain, I now can grasp!' I have positioned you at the foot of the mount to create a waiting strength in you. You will see Me in a new way when I come to lead you forward. You will feel a new stirring within your emotions. You may weep, but you will experience joy! I will have a people that must come up now! I AM beginning to knock on your door. In the next two months, do not hesitate!

I AM calling you up to a new place. There are avalanches that are forming and you must come above them to decree what I've shown you as you've waited at the foot of the mount this last season. If you will make your shift in these next two months to come up, you will save many from much destruction! The place that you've been positioned in this past season has created an anxiety within you over your future. You know that change is coming, yet you are anxious over the unknown. Let the anxiety die away. Praise Me this season and watch Me lead you up and overtake that which you have been fearing to overtake.

You have secured your place long enough where you are. Now I AM beginning to bring strength from My right arm to place in your right hand. I AM causing your left hand to rise up with new strength. I will mount up with wings of eagles. You will move in and fly. Awaken, Awaken! Many have made their camp at the base of the mountain because the river and the water supply are there. However, do not stay in the complacency of last season, waiting for the provision before you start your journey to the new heights.

Pack now and arise! Your provision is waiting at the next level. The river is making an unusual turn, upwards. The course of the river is beginning to change. Jump in and go up! A new height, a new momentum, and a new strength will enter your soul. Grab your bags and arise. Do not sit any longer in a low place. Arise! Arise! Arise, for your provision will come from level to level and height to height. Receive the grace to go up. Let grace abound. This is a season of super-abounding grace. These next two months you must receive GRACE!"

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries

1-866-354-5245 (USA) -OR- 1-541-926-3250 (Outside the USA)

"Trauma, Betrayal, and Brokenness -- Breaking its Power for Your Better Future!"
by Chuck D. Pierce

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Trauma, Betrayal, & Brokenness -- Breaking its Power for Your Better Future!

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Beloved, if you have had more than your fair share of trauma, get ready to receive a renewing, refreshing, and encouragement as Chuck Pierce shares this heartfelt message, Trauma, Betrayal, & Brokenness-- Breaking its Power for Your Better Future!

Hope deferred makes the heart sick--and many in the Body of Christ (and the world) are suffering greatly. Chuck shares insightful (and tender) truth that has the power to heal and deliver you from deep disappointments. Now is the time to come out of the effects of hope deferred and trauma--and move into the destiny you were created for! The devil is not going to take you out--GOD IS GOING TO TAKE YOU UP!

This is a year for completion--and God is determined to take you all the way into His purposes for you--regardless of the devil's plan to hurt and hinder you! Let the Lord take you by the hand and lead you into your future filled with hope as you receive the mind and emotion of God unlocked inside of you. God is NOT going to let you be stopped by past trauma--it's time to leave the wilderness of pain behind!

Trauma, Betrayal and Brokenness Breaking Its Power For Your Better Future!--his teaching set is filled with anointed keys to encourage and comfort you in your pursuit of Our Awesome God--because God really is using the things the devil meant for destruction for your good!

Disc 1: Coming Full Circle--and Leaving Disappointment Behind!
Disc 2: Now is Your Time To Come Out Of The Wilderness of Pain! (more)

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