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Cal Pierce
Jun 17, 2007


Cal PierceFor the body of Christ to be victorious, we must have an understanding of the rulership God has given to us. In Genesis 1:26, God created man in His image and said let them rule over all the earth. In Psalm 115:16, God says the earth He has given to man. We are given the earth to rule over God's creation. This mandate has never been rescinded by God.

God's position on rulership has never changed. Man's position changed when Adam fell. But the second Adam, Jesus, redeemed man from the curse (Galatians 3:13) and reinstated man back into rulership. We see this in Matthew 28:18 where Jesus said, "All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in earth."

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Jesus held all power in His hands and then reinstated this power for rulership back to His body. This is seen in Ephesians 1:22-23, "And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the Church which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all."

"We have been raised with Jesus and seated with Him in Heavenly places," it says in Ephesians 2:6. In Luke 10:19, we are given power or authority. In Romans 9:17, Jesus tells us that we are raised up with Him to demonstrate His power through us in rulership in order to proclaim His name throughout the whole earth.

The reason God gives us authority is that we would rule and reign on the earth. Notice that, in Ephesians 1, all things are in subjection under the feet of Jesus. Since we are now the body of Christ, all things are in subjection under our feet. This is absolute authority that we have on the earth. We're not subject to the enemy, he's subject to us. It's this truth that we need to know, because it will set us free (John 8:32). This truth will put us in a proper position that will change our condition. When your position is unchangeable, your condition has to change. When you know the truth--that you have absolute authority and you walk in it--the enemy will know it also.

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The enemy will always measure you by how you see yourself. If you went down to a street intersection and started directing traffic with the clothes on that you're now wearing, what do you think would happen to you? You might get run over. But if you were hired by the police department and given a uniform to direct traffic, you could step into that intersection and hold up your hand and traffic would stop. It would stop because you would be recognized as having designated authority.

When you are under authority, you have all authority. God gives you His armor of authority. When you wear it with confidence, without doubt, the enemy can no longer move you. You're not subject to this realm, because you have rulership over it. We must renew our minds to this truth, or we will be conformed to the world's order of things rather than God's order (Romans 12:2). The ability for the believer to walk in authority is determined by the measure of authority we give God in our own lives.

You cannot exhibit a demonstration of God's power if you do not believe you have authority. Without authority you cannot have rulership. The way to overcome the enemy is to be overcome by God. You can't have a fulltime experience with a part-time God.


Cal Pierce, Director
Healing Rooms Ministries

Cal Pierce's Itinerary:

September 5-8, 2007
Spiritual Hunger Conference
Spokane Convention Center
Spokane, WA
Contact: For more information click here

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