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"We Are Being Given Another Chance To Seek His Kingdom First--Get Free!" Rick Joyner

by Rick Joyner
Jan 5, 2006

January 5, 2006

"We Are Being Given Another Chance To Seek His Kingdom First--Get Free!"
--Rick Joyner

Morningstar Ministries

This word is about how we will take the Promised Land, as the Church and as individuals. I want to focus on how we can individually begin to practically cease from our wanderings, mostly in circles in the wilderness, and begin to walk in our purpose, our Promised Land from God.

It is no accident that this year's Feast of Dedication, or Feast of Lights, celebrated by the Jewish people, began on what Christians celebrate as Christmas Day, and ends on New Year's Day. On Christmas Day, the first candle of this feast is lit, and on New Year's Day, the eighth, the last candle of the feast is lit. Prophetically, eight is the number of new beginnings. This year, there is a grace from God for dedications that will bring forth a new beginning.

This feast was not one of the original feasts mandated through Moses, but it is one that even the Lord Jesus celebrated when He walked the earth, and it does have special importance for Christians, just as all of the Jewish feasts are prophetic. The Feast of Dedication is the celebration of the victory of the Maccabees over their Greek oppressors, who sought to destroy the Jewish people by defiling the land of Israel and the heart of the land at that time: its temple. They did this in the most insulting ways, even smearing pig's blood over the altar.

There has likewise been a similar defiling of the temple of the Lord in our time: the Church. And it, too, is being done in some of the most insulting ways. However, just as the insults of the Greeks aroused the Maccabees to determine that it would be better to die than to tolerate anymore defilements, a similar courage and resolve is going to come on many Christians now. They will embrace death--the death to self--to drive every form of oppression from their lives, and God will meet those who rise up with such resolve with His grace to accomplish the victory.

Cleansing the Temple

The Maccabees arose and faced what appeared to be impossible odds when they challenged the most powerful empire in the world at that time. However, they believed God more than they believed the odds. It will take a faith like theirs for us to turn back the onslaught of the Greek mentality of humanism and the other offensive defilements of the temple of the Lord in the most insulting ways. It will take a faith like theirs for us to prevail to reclaim the land and cleanse the temple. But it will be done. Why not be a part of this and take your stand now?

I know that many, if not most of us, have made many previous New Year's resolutions, but this year, there is a special grace for those who will humble themselves once again and dedicate themselves to do what is right. It will take a dedication, a discipline on our part which is both obedience and faith, but He will add a special grace to help us this year.

It has come to light through a number of studies that most Christians are living in serious defeat in at least some areas of their lives. This does not have to continue any longer, but it will require our dedication to overcome the strongholds. If we will dedicate ourselves again, resolving to obey, this can change this year, beginning today, and turn into a lasting victory.

True Faithfulness With Our Life Is Evidenced By Obedience

There is an ultimate dedication that we are called to have as Christians, which many have forgotten, causing much of the defeat and disorientation of Christians. True faith is always evidenced by obedience, which is why the word in the New Testament that is usually translated as faith also means faithfulness. True faithfulness with our life is evidenced by obedience to one of the ultimate mandates that the Lord gave to us in Matthew 6:33-34:

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself."

Many Christians have spent too much of their lives in disorientation and defeat because they have not obeyed this. They have made major decisions based first on professional opportunities, their own desires, and other earthly, temporary matters rather than seeking first the purposes of the kingdom.

If we were to base all of our decisions on seeking the purposes of His kingdom first, everything else would be added to us. If our lives were based on this, we would have nothing to be anxious about, knowing who our Source and Protector is. There is no greater freedom, no greater peace, than that which is the result of living our lives dedicated to the Lord in all things. We are being given another chance to do this now. Do not let this year pass like the others. Get free!

We should all have a special appreciation for the Maccabees because if they had not arisen to take their stand, there would have been no Israel for the Messiah to be born in. Likewise, it is such a resolve that arises in His people that enables Him to come forth in our lives. It is time to arise and fight against every form of the oppression of sin and humanism that has been defiling the temple of the Lord, and the Lord will be with us.

By Rick Joyner
Morningstar Ministries


Rick's Upcoming Itinerary:

January 4-6, 2006
Morris Cerullo World Evangelism
Anaheim, CA

January 19-22, 2006
Miracle Channel
Alberta Canada

February 23-24, 2006
Passion & Fire Worship Center
Annual Prophetic Conference
West Chester, OH

"Song of Angels"
by Freddy Hayler


"I love to listen to his music and hear his message and be there when he worships in his own inimitable style." - Tommy Tenney, Evangelist, Author of The God Chasers

"Are we sincerely hungry for a genuine visitation from God? Are we truly willing to pursue the Lord regardless of the cost? The music and message of Freddy Hayler help to issue a clarion call for this cry out to God in heartfelt repentance." - Stephen L. Hill, Evangelist, Awake America Ministries


You have such a deep yearning for more of God, and your heart desperately longs for His manifest presence. Your just want more. IN desperation, you embark on this spiritual ascent.

As you search for your place in His presence and as you experience the Song of Angels, the message will intensify your desire for a genuine visitation from God. The music, by the fire of His Spirit, will ignite the passion that will carry you to a new dimension of intimacy with the Father.

In these last days, there is a song, a song of reformation, the Song of Angels.

Track Listing on the SONG OF ANGELS CD:

  1. Song of Angels (Song of Michael)

  2. Mighty God (Gabriel's Chant) mp3 wma rm

  3. God, I Love You So (Ariel's Song) mp3 wma rm

  4. Spirit of Elijah (Elisha's Song)

  5. The Call (Abraham's Call)

  6. Holy Spirit, Please Come

  7. Healing Prayer

  8. Healing Waters (Rachael's Song)

  9. The Day the Angels Cried

  10. This is Your Day

  11. Eternal God (Song of Metatron)

  12. Message (The Burning Bush)

  13. Song of Angels (A Celestial Odyssey)

  14. Angel Song (The Vision...the Return)

Need a quick delivery? UPS and FedEx now available! We can UPS (or FedEx) overnight, in most cases.
For UPS or FedEx call 1-8.6.6-354-5245

"The Torch and the Sword"

by Rick Joyner


The Torch and the Sword continues the message that began in The Final Quest and continued in The Call. It is a call to live the greatest adventure for the most noble purpose. It is not for the faint of heart, but for those who desire to live as true knights of the cross, refusing to retreat before the great darkness of our times. It is for those who will stand with courage and resolution for truth, righteousness, and justice, as messengers of the age to come. These are the ones who Enoch prophesied would come with power in the last days, and who are now awakening to their destiny.

Need a quick delivery? UPS and FedEx now available! We can UPS (or FedEx) overnight, in most cases.
For UPS or FedEx call 1-8.6.6-354-5245


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