"Filipino Pastor - Once Tortured and
Scheduled for Execution because of His Faith - Now Heads Up Ministry to Persecuted
August 1,
Wally Magdangal was scheduled for a Christmas-day
public hanging in 1992, but was spared when international humans' rights groups,
the U.S. Congress and the White House intervened. Now Magdangal heads up an organization
that supports persecuted Christians around the world . . .
by Aimee Herd : Aug 1, 2005 : Charisma Now
Read full story . . .
August 1, 2005
"Understanding and Breaking
the Cycle of Infirmity"
by Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion International
with Dr's Dee Legako and Pat Legako
Understanding and Breaking
the Cycle of Infirmity
[C. Peter Wagner and I (Chuck)] would like to address the deadly cycles that
seem to control our lives and remove our freedom. A cycle is an interval during
which a recurring sequence of events happens. A cycle can also be a periodically
repeated sequence of events, or something that happens over and over at a certain
time. Sometimes this is impregnated with supernatural phenomena.
God does not produce signs and wonders from Heaven as ends in themselves. They are
released to bring faith to His people and those around them -- whether believers
or unbelievers. This is also the year of the SAMEKH of God, or things coming full
circle. This is the year to break old cycles.
A cycle can be linked with time or events and orchestrated supernaturally so a repeating
wound or injustice occurs from generation to generation. Satan loves to keep us
going around the same mountain or held in a cyclical structure.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "And a three fold cord
is not quickly broken." The three demonic strongholds we have to
deal with most of the time in our lives are poverty, infirmity, and religion. We
looked at poverty
and religion
previously (click links to read on The Elijah List). The other strategy that gets
us going in a wrong direction and hinders us in completing God's call is infirmity.
The Spirit of Religion
Peter Wagner
wrote about the power of religious spirits. I love Peter. He is always willing
to overturn the applecart of the present church structure. You must read his new
book, Freedom from the Religious Spirit.
Life should be filled with joy. Nehemiah 8:10 says,
"The joy of the Lord is your strength." One of the great joys
of my life has been to work alongside Peter. First of all, he is a man filled with
joy. He enjoys life, his family, ministry, people, eating, and his own jokes.
One of the things that keeps him filled with joy is that he
never lets life get stale. The characteristic he possesses, which I feel is a key
to his life, is that he loves to embrace change. If God decides it is time to bring
change into the earth realm through new thought processes, Peter seems to be the
first to raise his hand in the earth and say, "Use me!" Embracing change seems to
be the key to keeping the religious spirit confused!
The Spirit of Poverty
Another strategy of the enemy that holds us in captivity is poverty.
My last article
was on this. Let me remind you of what was said:
"This spirit has violated God's perfect order and produced
instability in many. I feel the Lord is saying to take a violent, passionate stand
on behalf of the Body of Christ concerning this spirit. When God is talking about
us being violent, this means that we will press through difficulty and storms, and
force an atmospheric change. I declare that any atmosphere of poverty encircling
around you or your sphere of authority will be invaded with the atmosphere of blessing
and glory from Heaven.
"This is a season to gain victory through giving. This
will break the curse of God robbing. Debt and past financial defeats in our lives
need to reverse. The Body of Christ needs to see restoration in its provision.
"Restoration is always linked with multiplication. Any
poverty spirit that has held your generational bloodline in captivity and kept you
from the fullness of the prosperity that God has for you must break!
"Poverty is refusing to become what God created and destined
you to be. Poverty is not believing that the Lord can graft you into the fullness
of His plan. Poverty is not just experiencing lack, but having a fear that you will
"Poverty is where you conform to your circumstance or the
blueprint that the world and the god of this world has surrounded you with. Poverty
occurs when the 'god of this world' surrounds you with and influences you with only
a world perspective, causing you to forget God's ability in the midst of your circumstance.
Poverty has a voice that says, 'God is not able!'"
The Spirit of Infirmity
When I was a child, I was plagued with infirmity. This has continued in my adult
life and, in 2001, I grew very ill. The manifestation of this sickness brought me
to a place of desperation in seeking God. The Lord, in His infinite grace, began
to show me that I had a generational spirit of infirmity linked with trauma. The
trauma of my past was continuing to hold this infirm spirit in place.
This was not the first time I had ever been ill -- illness and infirmity was a pattern
in my life. As a child I had been plagued with stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma,
and migraine headaches, just to name a few. From the time I became filled with the
Spirit, I had learned how to resist the power of sickness. Yet, I had never really
overcome the power of infirmity in my life. In the early 1990s, I received some
very bad reports concerning my esophagus. In 2001, my esophagus and colon were damaged
and creating very dangerous situations in my life.
Cindy Jacobs, a friend of mine, shared with me that she believed my sickness was
related to the trauma I had experienced growing up, as well as my father's premature
death. My first impression was, "How could this be?"
Before I entered into the hospital the next week, I came home
very ill and was unable to digest any food. My brother, Keith, gave me a call. He
said, "While I was teaching my Sunday School class, the Lord told me that the sickness
that you are experiencing is still related to the loss of our dad." I thought to
myself, "Why isn't my brother ever sick? My dad was his dad also." So I asked him
He said, "You had a different emotional tie with Daddy than
I. Therefore, this loss wounded and affected you in a way that it did not affect
The Cycle of Infirmity
This was an eye-opening statement for me. I fell before the Lord and began to ask
Him how to break this generational iniquity of infirmity that was linked with the
trauma of loss. The Lord has led me on a journey of understanding how trauma affects
our DNA and weakens our spirit man. One verse that has become a "life" verse for
me is Proverbs 18:14: "The spirit of man will
sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?" A broken
spirit occurs when life's difficulties crush your ability to resist.
Infirmity is a term that encompasses more than just sickness and disease. This word
also is related to suffering and sorrow. Infirmity can be a result of moral or spiritual
weaknesses and defects that cause our will to stray from God. Infirmity, though
physical, can be related to the influence of an evil spirit (Luke 13:11).
The term is linked with an overall weakness in one's body or anything that has created
the weakness, such as grief.
The Effects of Generational Iniquity On Our DNA
Infirmity can be linked with a generational weakness or iniquitous pattern in the
bloodline. Many times people are confused over how generational iniquity works.
Rebecca Wagner Sytsema and I explain a great deal about this in
Possessing Your Inheritance.
To fully understand generational iniquity we must understand
how DNA makes the blueprint of our body. DNA causes traits from one generation to
be passed on to the next generation. When the sperm and egg unite and a new individual
begins to be formed, already programmed in the makeup of that person is God's redemptive
plan as well as the iniquitous inherited traits that will resist that plan from
coming into fullness.
Simply, this seems to say that our blood begins to war with
itself from the time of our conception.
Our cell groups come together to form tissues. Tissues form organs. Blood cells
are pumped through the body, giving oxygen to each organ to survive. The cells in
your stomach digest food. Brain cells work together as you study and pursue knowledge.
Cells are dynamic. Therefore, an iniquitous pattern can affect
your entire physical and mental makeup. A DNA molecule which is releasing this code
is made up of a double helix that looks like a twisted rope ladder or spiral staircase.
There are base pairs making up the stairs. These send messages how to code the cell
and accomplish what the cell is there for. These give us hereditary instructions.
So, if something is passed on that has been "twisted" or linked
with iniquity, you get messages that multiply wrongly. The Spirit of God can come
into our life so we can become "a son of God." As we submit or yield our life to
the Spirit's work, He flows through our blood and cleanses our conscience from the
thought processes linked with the iniquitous patterns in our blood line.
In my case, there was a generational weakness and that weakness aligned itself with
loss and trauma. But God! That morning in 2001, He showed me a generational
iniquity that had occurred in my bloodline and was linked with my Dad. I confessed
this as sin and renounced the power of its effect. This set me on a new road to
health. I had four doctors that helped me greatly in developing a new order in my
life. One was a chiropractor, one a doctor specializing in homeopathic medicine,
one a gastroenterologist, and another was my general MD. Each played their role
in diagnosing my condition. However, it was the Spirit of God that began to change
me greatly from the inside.
Jesus' Treatment of Disease was Part of His Redemptive
Plan of Freedom
Jesus healed sick people. This was one of His major ministries. He dealt with many
organic causes of illness: individuals affected by madness, birth defects, and infections.
The blind, the deaf, the lame, and other sufferers approached Him for help.
In the Hebraic culture of the day, most believed that illness was the direct consequence
of sin resulting in punishment (John 9:1-3). However, Jesus shifted this concept
of understanding in the people of that day by healing a blind man who had been sick
since birth. He declared this sickness was not related to the blind man or his father,
but was for His Glory. This shifted the paradigm of punishment related to sin.
Many of our wrong choices produce consequences that affect
our body. However, Jesus came to extend grace to bring us out from the bondage of
the punishment of sin and into healing and wholeness. He had the power both to forgive
sin and to heal (Matthew 9:1-8; compare Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26).
If Jesus Heals, Then Why Doctors?
There is much written today on how to prevent and combat illness. In biblical times,
we find the use of ointments and salves that were used for healing. James 5:14 instructed
the combined use of oil, confession of faults, and spiritual authority to produce
healing. Diet is also one of the most important facets of health. That is why we
need to at least gain knowledge of the Lord's dietary laws. Wine was even used to
help stop problems and alleviate pain and discomfort (I Timothy 5:23).
Why Doctors?
Then and now, of course, prevention is the most important dynamic of combating disease.
In a world of chemical stimulation and overwhelming stress, it is a wonder any of
us remains healthy. Stress has such impact on our bodies, physically and spiritually,
that without the Lord as our strength, it would be impossible to live in this world.
However, Jesus said, "Be in the world, but not of it."
Why doctors? I think they are trained to understand dynamics
of the world that can give us wisdom on how to be in the world. Why doctors? Well,
most doctors understand cycles. If a medical doctor begins to take a biblical approach
toward an individual -- that of seeing the individual as a whole -- they will be
able to find the root cause of the problem and help to not only heal, but prevent
disease in the future. With doctoral skill in prevention and advances in medicine,
individuals can better reverse deficiencies that have created paths of decay. Why
doctors? They can validate what God is doing in a skeptical world.
One of my favorite books is Dr. Gallagher's Guide to 21st Century Medicine: How
To Get Off The Illness Treadmill and Onto Optimum Health. Dr. Gallagher says,
"The body is a miraculous system equipped with an innate ability to achieve balance
and health. We have, within each of us, the ability to work with, and nourish, this
God given gift."1 He suggests a healthier diet, nutritional and herbal
supplements, identifying and eliminating hidden food allergies and chemical sensitivities,
a simple detox program to get rid of harmful toxins in the body, chiropractic manipulation,
and just practically following sensible health laws. He suggests finding the root
causes of our illness and breaking the cycle. He then goes on to list practical
suggestions on how to deal with many diseases.
Dr. Dee Legako's and Pat Legako's Comments
I have two friends from Oklahoma City who are incredible
ministers as well as professionals in the field of medicine. Dr. Dee Legako writes
the following:
The practice of medicine very often involves cycles. It is frequently necessary
to interrupt these cycles to effect change. This may be a short cycle such as an
acute bacterial illness treated by an antibiotic. It may be a longer cycle treated
by a procedure. It may involve long cycles treated by changes in lifestyles. Whatever
the problem (bad cycle), a tool is used to break that cycle and create a healthy
(good) cycle.
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death due to malignancy in the
United States. The vast majority of these cancers arise from adenomatous polyps.
Once detected, these precancerous polyps can be removed. The cycle is broken and
the cancer prevented. Depending on the initial findings, repeat studies may be performed
at intervals from a few months to several years to insure the malignancy (bad cycle)
does not recur.
Diabetes mellitus is recognized as an emerging epidemic in the United States. This
illness has many long term cycles. Individuals recognizing their propensity to diabetes
may break this cycle by losing weight, eating properly, and increasing their physical
Dee's wife, Pat, a trained nurse, ministers to individuals in the field of
deliverance. She writes the following:
(In) treating emotional and mental disorders we see a number of cycles. These cycles
manifest generationally and personally. The cycles can be broken by finding the
root cause and dealing with it through deliverance, counseling, medication, or a
combination of modalities.
Let's consider the diagnosis of depression. When we take a family history, depression
is often seen cycling down family lines. Sometimes it is not recognized as depression.
The person may be considered an alcoholic, as he "drowns his sorrows" in alcohol
trying to counter the depression. The person in the next generation may not use
alcohol but is presented with depression as a diagnosis. The person in the third
generation may abuse drugs (either prescription or street) trying to escape his
depression. The problem in all three generations is depression and must be recognized
and addressed properly in order for the cycle to be broken.
Child and spousal abuse have certainly been proven generational. Statistically,
it is shown that if a person was abused as a child, he has a much greater likelihood
of becoming an abuser as an adult. When a child is abused he receives a spirit of
rejection and often a familiar spirit of the victim/predator enters him. When he
becomes an adult those spirits influence his behavior and he will abuse others.
The way to break this cycle that goes from generation to generation is deliverance
and counseling.
Counseling alone is usually not effective, because his personality has developed
with these spirits present. He knows no other way of thinking or behaving and will
be unable to learn new behavior until he is released from the demonic influence.
The Lord has been showing us how to research and write prayers for genetically-based
diseases. Schizophrenia is usually associated with changes to Chromosome 22q11.
As the human gnome project continues its research, we will be able to trace these
cycles down generational lines and pray more effectively for illnesses such as schizophrenia.
We are also researching how genetically-based diseases are linked to generational
In any of these disorders, it is important to seek the help of the Holy Spirit for
wisdom in ministry. There are times when a person is in such a state of depression
or agitation that he is unable to receive ministry until medication is administered.
I have dealt with people who refused medication because they believed it meant they
didn't have faith. I have talked with ministers who refused to minister deliverance
to someone who was on medication because it was mind altering. If it is altering
the mind to be able to think coherently and focus then they should be able to receive
ministry. The good news is that there is help for people with emotional and mental
problems. Look for the cycles and be prepared to break them.
If you have an infirmity, whatever way you choose for healing as you follow God
is very important. More importantly, you should find the root cause and press through
into the healing process. During my "infirm" time, I made a choice to follow the
Lord to Nigeria. Dr. Wagner was leading a gathering there with key apostolic leaders
from the nation. I always serve Peter when He requests me to be somewhere. However,
the thought of traveling all the way to Nigeria, and me already not doing well,
was difficult to reconcile. Peter encouraged me to go. He even said, "Because of
how the power of God is moving there, perhaps you will get healed." He was right.
I overcame my fear, went, and during a prayer meeting (of 10,000), the Spirit of
God came. When communion was served, they invited anyone who was sick to come forward.
I was the first in line. I felt a curse of infirmity leave my body when I participated.
I cannot say that I have never been sick again, but what has happened is that a
power to resist sickness is now resident. When the power of infirmity comes against
me, I submit to God, resist the devil and watch him flee. Declare that you are willing
to change! Watch your atmosphere become filled with God's presence. This is the
year to break old cycles. Ask the Lord to empower you to break every old cycle of
infirmity in your life. Ask Him to tear apart the three braided cord of religion,
poverty and infirmity. Ask the Lord to come again and break you out of old cycles.
And ask Him to allow you to experience His glory!
by Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International
1 Gallagher, Martin P., Dr. Gallagher's Guide to 21st Century Medicine
(Atlas Publishing Company, Greensburg, PA: 1997), p. 7.
Chuck Pierce's Upcoming Itinerary:
September 15-17, 2005
Arise and Be Healed: Becoming Whole in Body, Soul and Spirit
Bethel Christian Fellowship, Rochester, NY
Speakers: Peter Wagner, Doris Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Peter Horrobin, Che Ahn
October 20-22, 2005
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Conference -- West Coast
Sonrise Chapel, Seattle, WA
Speakers: Peter Wagner, Doris Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Barbara Yoder and others
November 17-19, 2005
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare Conference -- East Coast
Evangel Fellowship Church, Greensboro, NC
Speakers: Peter Wagner, Doris Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Otis Lockett, Barbara Yoder
and others