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"New Zeal for New Zealand!"

from Clemy Gilmore
Sep 4, 2004

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In 2001, we posted a vision by Gabby, the then-11-year-old daughter of Clemy Gilmore. You can read that vision she had from the Lord while at church at:

Then, read Clemy's Word over New Zealand below.



"...The waters of this stream will heal the salty waters of the Dead Sea and make them fresh and pure. Everything that touches the water of this river will be healed. Wherever this water flows, everything will live. Fishermen will stand along the shores of the Dead Sea fishing all the way from En-gedi to En-eglaim. The shores will be covered with nets drying in the sun. Fish of every kind will fill the Dead Sea, just as they fill the Mediterranean! But the marshes and swamps will not be purified; they will be sources of salt..." (Ezekiel 47:8 – 11)

New Zealand, I feel the Lord is saying to you that he is about to pour out His Holy Spirit upon you in a fresh way. It will result in a NEW ZEAL to preach the gospel and reach the lost. Where the pools have stagnated, and become as salt pans, the Lord will flood with new grace and love to wash the salt out of the stagnant pools and into the places where you are called to be salt and light. There will be a new and fresh anointing on those who follow the Lord wholeheartedly and His commitment to fulfill his promises to your nation is unfailing, persistent and strong. Not in your own strength will you boast, but in His Holy Spirit and in His Son Jesus Christ.

Dry Salt Pans Flooded with Freshness

Those who have found themselves in the salt pans, feeling dry and deserted, your prayers are about to be answered, for the Lord has caused your dryness to bring out the salt in you and your cry has reached heaven and reached maturity in the Spirit. The time has come for the dry salt pans to be flooded with freshness. It will be a time of great joy and release into corporate and individual destinies and you will be flooded out of your comfort zones – the temptation will be to stay where you are – be alert and resist this temptation - go with the flow of His Spirit! He will cause you to be salt in new places and places where you never dreamt he would take you to be salt and light. Go with the flow!!!

Some of you will be called out of New Zealand to take this New Zeal to other nations. The Lord will be very clear with his directions – he doesn't want the salt to lose its saltiness. Stay close to Him and be sure to heed his voice. If today you hear him, do not harden your hearts. You are a living sacrifice for His glory! Be accountable and test all things that you may not be wearied with red herrings and loose your saltiness (effectiveness). It is a day of warfare for God's purposes to be fulfilled. Stay awake, alert at all times, and wait for His direction.

Yours in Christ,
Clemy Gilmore (6 August '04)

Clemy Gilmore was born in Italy (1962) and was raised by her parents in the Roman Catholic Church. Clemy's parents relocated to South Africa when she was a young baby, and she grew up in South Africa. She met her husband Jonathan (of Northern Irish parents) in South Africa and was married in 1988. They have two lovely children, Gabriella (14) and Sean (11). Clemy works part-time for a local college as a language tutor, teaching Italian. On 9/9/1991 she became a born-again believer and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. She immediately started to prophesy and had pictures, dreams and visions from the Lord from then on. In different seasons over the 8 years, Clemy has helped with the elderly, the youth, led a ladies home group, helped with the Alpha course, led worship for small groups, was part of an intercession group that was praying the "New South Africa" into being and was available generally to serve where ever she was needed. Clemy now ministers in the prophetic alongside the leadership (pastor & 4 elders) at her church, Caterham Community Church (in Caterham, Surrey, England).

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"The God Chasers"
by Tommy Tenney
$12.00 Book
What is a God Chaser? A God chaser is an individual whose hunger exceeds his reach.

A God chaser is a person whose passion for God's presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch him. A child chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. The pursuer becomes the captive; the pursued the captor. Paul put it this way: "I chase after that I may catch that which apprehended me" (Phil. 3:12)

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"Visitations - Gateway to the Throne Room"
by Jill Austin


Seldom heard on tape, this is an incredible account of a New Zealand pastor's experience "behind the veil." He describes visions of the Throne Room and God's heart for the Body of Christ, which will stir your heart and enlarge your vision for the glory of God.


Purchase on $6.00 Audio Cassette

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