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Chuck Pierce
Jan 21, 2002
LET THE LION OF JUDAH ROAR Chuck Pierce Monday, January 21, 2002 January 21, 2002 God has an order for victory. There is a great inheritance that He has for each one of us individually. He also has a corporate inheritance that He is calling the Body of Christ into that will affect each territory throughout the nations of the earth. The time is NOW to war for our inheritance. There are personal promises God wants to manifest. This is a year of the preparation and shifting of the mantle of authority for the next generation. How do we proceed? Judges 1:1-2 says, "Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the Lord, saying, 'Who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them?' And the Lord said, 'Judah shall go up. Indeed, I have delivered the land into his hand.' Judah was selected as the tribe of divine preeminence in Jacob's patriarchal blessing." Genesis 49:8-10 says, "Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down before you. Judah is a lion's whelp; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; and as a lion, who shall rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people." ==================== JUDAH MUST GO FIRST ==================== Praise must take its preeminence within our lives, churches, cities, states, and nation. When Judah goes first, the scepter of authority is then in place for ultimate victory. This is a year that the Lion of Judah will roar louder than the lion that has sought to devour us! Judah means "Praise Yahweh." ============================================================= A MAJOR SHIFT IN WORSHIP AND ACKNOWLEDGING OF GOD--CORPORATELY ============================================================= In this year, a major shift is coming in the way we worship and acknowledge God corporately. The word praise originates from "value" and "price". Yahweh signifies the God of covenant. This is a year that God values our worship. Also, this is a year that we begin to value the covenant that He has allowed us to enter into with Him. What a price He paid to give us access to the throne room. Our worship will take on great covenant significance this year. Our worship will release great blessings into the earth realm. The redeemed of the Lord will "SAY SO" this year in worship. This is a year when the burning bush, "I AM," type of worship is coming into the midst of God's people. This is going to release a deliverance call across the earth. ============================= A YEAR OF MUCH CONFRONTATION ============================= Deliverers will rise up! Entire groups of people will begin to be delivered from the bondage and oppression that has kept them prostrate, and they will begin to stand before the Lord with great shouts of victory. This is a year of much confrontation. But when the confrontation of the enemy comes from intimate communion and worship, we are assured of victory. This is a year that we must give Judah (our praise and worship) the freedom to experiment until we come into the sound that will bring victory into the earth realm. We must distinguish the sound of Judah. "The Lord will roar from Zion ... the heavens and earth will shake ... the Lord will be a shelter for His people and the strength of the children of Israel." (Joel 3:16) God roars as He goes to battle. He will roar against His covenant enemies. His covenant people will also begin to roar and become a fearful, holy remnant to contend with in the earth realm. He will be a shelter and a strength to those who respond to His sound and call on Him. Worship this year will determine how the multitudes in the valley of decision begin to decide to follow God. There is an inherited roar within you. Let the Lord draw you near and develop that roar within you so that this sound is brought forth this year at the appropriate time in your life. ----------------------- THE BEST IS YET AHEAD ---------------------- My latest book with Becky, The Best is Yet Ahead, was released in December. In an uncertain time, this book lets you know that God is with us and will move us forward. This is a book on how to break down the power of hope deferred that has made your heart sick, removed your strength, and kept you from experiencing the fulfillment of God's promises in your life. There is not a prophetic book quite like this. The Best is Yet Ahead also shows how to war with your prophecies (1 Timothy 1:18). [ NOTE: THE ELIJAH LIST carries this book at: ] INTERCESSION STRATEGIES. I see two key strategies in the first quarter of this year. One is a 58-day prayer focus from Isaiah 58. This is a chapter about fasting that will please God and bring us into breakthrough. Remember, this is a year to PURSUE for BREAKTHROUGH. This call to prayer and fasting will break down defective worship and break open the heavens. I will send out a complete guide and schedule for this. The other prayer strategy is a three-day prayer and fasting strategy linked into Purim. I've encourage you to read and pray through the book of Esther. Please read this again to prepare yourself for the prayer time in February. These are key times. Find your new place in worship, and get ready to be clothed in a garment of war for victory. Blessings, Chuck D. Pierce ---------------------- A FEW ITINERARY DATES: ---------------------- Jan 24 - 26 Mid-Atlantic Leadership Conference, Lancaster PA (301) 864-1176 Jan 27 (AM) Glory Tabernacle with Dennis and Donna Pisani, Washington DC (202) 234-3716 Jan 31 - Feb 2 International Congress on Power Ministries, Colorado Springs CO (888) 965-1099 ____________________________ Other Chuck Pierce books and tapes can be found at: