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By Kim Clement and Matt Crouch
Nov 18, 2007

Kim Clement:

Steve Shultz

Looking for a warm, heartfelt movie to see with the family this holiday season? While it is NOT normally our practice to endorse a movie, Matt Crouch's latest movie, Noëlle is a MUST SEE! For those who are not familiar with Matt Crouch's work, his company, Gener8Xion Entertainment, has produced the movies: China Cry, The Omega Code, The Champion, Megiddo and most recently (my favorite so far, where my daughter played an extra on the set), One Night With The King. Even though I was on a part of the set as it was being shot, I found myself sobbing at the end of ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING.

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Both Kim Clement and I highly endorse this movie, Noëlle, in fact, Kim has seen this movie three times! We are behind quality and Spirit-filled movies that are God-ordained and influenced, and as Kim Clement shares below, "Show your support of God in Hollywood."

Speaking of California, we've also attached Kim's latest prophecy over California and God's love for that great state.

Please help us support Godly entertainment by rallying your families, churches and communities to go see this latest film, Noëlle.

Steve Shultz
Founder, ElijahList and ElijahRain magazine


kimclementKim Clement: October 25, 2007--Toledo, Ohio

Regarding the fires in California:

"No judgment," God said, "it's a sign that I'm cleaning things up in this Nation and I love California, but it's corrupt, so I'll start there. I'll begin to take away, clean up all the dross and all the muck and get it out. It will be a sign to America that this fire that's coming to this Nation--is going to destroy every powerful force that has endeavored to stop the miraculous and the supernatural and the resurrected power of Christ Jesus." He said, "This that is about to come to this Nation will be like a tornado and it will take everything that is not built on the Rock and destroy it and everything built on the sand will be taken down." God said, "This is the time for the greatest move of My Spirit ever and you are in the midst of it, this is your time," says the Lord!

And God said, "Once again, Ohio, you will be a deciding factor, Ohio, once again, the balance is in your hands." God says, "I will refresh you and I will refresh your memory." And God said, "Once again, from the soil of Ohio, there will be decisions made that will affect the politics of this Nation. But once again," God says, "your prayers will fan the flame of righteousness and justice, so that your President, your present President will not leave his office in disgrace, but with honor because of what I'm about to do and have done," says the Spirit of the Living God.

Kim Clement: "Go See Matt Crouch's Latest Movie, Noëlle"

Dear Warriors,

I would like to share something with you. I'm asking for just a minute of your time to read Matt Crouch's letter below and to give you a chance to show your support of God in Hollywood. I am a horrible critic when it comes to movies, and if I do not enjoy a movie, I would rather be silent than make any comments at all. I want to tell you about a movie called, Noëlle. Noëlle is beautiful and so easy to enjoy, that I watched it three times.

I personally think that this is Matt Crouch's best movie. It seems effortless and the choice of actors is perfect. It's deep and inspiring, while being light-hearted and witty at the same time. It's the kind of movie that makes you think, and it draws you into a small community with a huge message. I love the story behind Noëlle and it has brought a deeper meaning to Christmas. It's a great Christmas movie and if there was ever a time to support Christian movies, now is the time.

Take your family to the theaters and enjoy yourselves with this wonderful film.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions


matt and lauri crouchMatt Crouch: "Christmas Greetings!"

I know Christmas is still weeks away, but I bring you "good tidings" from Gener8Xion Entertainment and the announcement that our newest film, Noëlle, is coming to theaters December 7th. With a charming and quirky feel of Waking Ned Devine meets It's a Wonderful Life, Noëlle is like no movie you've ever seen. It's a parable of forgiveness and grace wrapped in an enchanting veil of eccentric small town characters and Christmas spirit.

Everyone who sees the film takes away something different, yet what so many find interesting is the film's ability to balance several very powerful themes. The film explores with both wit and pathos the differences between legalism and relationship, guilt and grace, and just why any of us do what we do.

matt and lauri crouch

The character, Father Keene, is an obedient but troubled young man who has buried himself in religion as a way to cover past guilt. He arrives at a snowy, Cape Code fishing village as a "hit man" for the local archdiocese to shut down a dying church with nary a care for its oddball assortment of parishioners or their lovable but seemingly inept pastor. It turns out, however, that Someone has a better idea. For Keene is haunted by visions of a little girl--"Noëlle"--a Dickens-like reminder of his unwanted child from a past relationship, the very reason he turned to the priesthood in the first place. She pursues him relentlessly, longing only to deliver a simple message, "All is forgiven." As he finally comes to embrace these words, it changes not only himself but the entire community.

What makes the film so powerful is that it's not simply festive and humorous with a pro-life subtext, but because it's set at Christmas, it becomes an allegory of Christ Himself coming to us as a child, sent to a world running from God in guilt and shame, to deliver the very same message, "All is forgiven."

Imagine how many people can be affected by a modern day parable built on the very foundation of what Christmas is all about--the good news that, "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." All of us have been burdened by condemnation and guilt in one form or another. Whether it be deeds of our past or those of others we wish we could have prevented, we all have been in need of experiencing this truth. And how many who have heard, believe in it, and even still feel they have no choice but to carry their burden forever?

In the past, Gener8Xion Entertainment has produced China Cry, The Omega Code, The Champion, Megiddo and most recently, One Night With The King. Noëlle, is unique, however, because it is the first film that we've acquired after its completion, then re-edited and made ready for theatrical release. As the major studios scramble to release anything with the word "faith" stamped on it, I receive countless films each year all in search of theatrical distribution, yet have never acquired a single one. Until now. The reason? Noëlle is the most faith-filled, yet non-churchy, non-"Christian-ese" film we've ever seen. Not only is "Noëlle" quirky and fun, but it says to us, "All is forgiven" in a way never before shown on film."

Please visit our website to see the trailer and learn more about the film. For a list of cities and theaters showing Noëlle click here. This will be an extremely limited release, opening in about 200 theaters across the country, and thus may not be playing in your area. If that's the case and you'd like to get it near you and can get your church to commit to buying out two or three showings (or getting other pastors in your area to team together) this would make it possible to bring it to your area by covering the cost of striking additional prints and buying the newspaper advertising required by the theaters. Churches can contact our offices directly at (323) 874-9888 for more info.

Please help support Noëlle in any way you can by purchasing group tickets, getting the trailer played at your church, and rallying your friends. I believe Noëlle will be a blessing to you, your congregation and your community.

For this generation,

Matthew Crouch
CEO Gener8Xion Entertainment

Kim Clement's Itinerary:

December 2, 2007
Secrets Hollywood
Mott Auditorium (7pm)
1539 East Howard Street; Pasadena, CA

December 7-9, 2007
New Life Metro Ministries (7pm)
20320 Superior St; Taylor, MI 48180
Contact: 734-287-8838

December 28-31, 2007
Jubilee Church
175 Nortech Parkway
San Jose, CA
Contact: 408-262-0900

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