The Spirit of Elijah is COMING FORTH NOW!!
I see a cloud coming into many regions. It is full and pregnant with the waters of the Holy Spirit...pregnant with flow...causing Anointing to be new and fresh!
I see following this cloud, surrounded by a stillness as if it were the mid of night. But not darkness--it is stillness. During this stillness, there will be a period of testing and stretching, in the spiritual and soul's realm.
I also see a large bull, a very large bull causing many to feel like they will need to become bullfighters, but God says, "I will fight that battle for you--DO NOT ENTER THE BULLRING UNPREPARED. I know who is to enter and who is not. You are safe in MY knowing," says the LORD.
God is challenging the Church right now to brush off the breastplate of Righteousness so we can declare the GLORY AND WORKS OF THE LORD!
I am seeing right now in the Spirit ...a cave. Yes, a cave! Many of His people are going to be placed in small places so they can hear that VOICE they hunger for. "Are you hungry?" asks the Lord.
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"Do not despise small beginnings," says the Lord. "Rejoice in them, for here, there is humility and less pride. I like small," says GOD, "but remember I am big, VERY BIG--doing big through small. Even in wee hours of the mornings, I am DOING BIG."
I am sensing a move of the Spirit of Elijah that will not turn back. This Spirit will look to Heaven--where help truly comes from. Many will do mighty exploits, MIGHTY EXPLOITS. This will cause many to ask "what is this?"
GOD says "Ok, look toward Me, only Me, and I will show you these mighty things. Just Look to Me. LOOK TO ME!!!"
I hear Him saying, "Church, do not get confused over the word 'Discouragement' and the action of 'Silence.' In the silence, I am building character I can trust," says The LORD.
"Gather now, schools of Prophets, and learn My ways," says the Lord. "Learn and Learn. Many new faces are about to come forth. I will call them forth," says the LORD. "Be ready and equipped for the Cloud is growing," says the Lord.
Theresa Forkins-Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice
Email: info@chicagopropheticvoice.net
God is releasing the restoration of rain
When we were in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, at an Amish revival, we went on top of a big hill and asked God for rain.
The time marked the end of 50 days of 24/7 prayer. Five Amish families had "kept the fire on the altar" night and day from Passover to Pentecost, praying for revival like the early disciples in Acts 2. On Pentecost, these leaders had gathered apostles, prophets, and intercessors from the region to pray on a hillside after receiving a word about redeeming the land.
These 50 days of prayer came to an end at 6:00 pm. As a prophetic act, water was poured from a container upon this "mountain of the Lord," symbolically releasing cleansing and consecration to Christ. Then one of the Amish leaders blew a shofar. As if in response, a mighty gust of wind blew through the trees. This was immediately followed by the most intense outpouring of rain I have ever experienced—a true "gully washer!"
Elijah had an experience like this. On Mount Carmel, he heard the sound of the restoration of rain. Only, he outran the storm. We, however, got soaked.
Before traveling to Ephrata, Jolene and I were praying with some friends when the Lord gave me a vision of a massive waterfall. This vision is the subject of the rest of this word. I want to emphasize that God is releasing the restoration of rain. The waters are released. The rivers are about to overflow again, and the Body of Christ will be cleansed and revitalized by their torrents, as we cross over in this season.
The Waters are Released
The vision began when the Holy Spirit showed me a stream of pure water gently flowing from Heaven. The water flowed into a tube connected to what looked like a plastic rainbow. The shape reminded me of an upside-down menorah, with water flowing from arched tubes connected at its base. Each tube was a separate color of the rainbow, and water poured from both sides of each tube.
By this, Heaven's water flowed through each colored tube of this plastic rainbow and then emerged as a small waterfall. The scene changed, and I saw the same plastic rainbow on the side of a rescue mission at twilight. The rainbow was partially illuminated by a white, neon sign above it that read, "Jesus Saves."
Then the scene changed back to the waterfall. The gentle stream from Heaven had intensified greatly, sounding like perpetual thunder. All of a sudden, the plastic rainbow gave way to the torrent, and tumbled down the waterfall. As I followed its descent, I saw that the bottom had dropped out of the waterfall, and it was actually much broader and deeper than when the vision began.
To my surprise, when I looked over this vast expanse, the rainbow was still right at the center of the waterfall! Though the plastic lid was gone, the water was still flowing according to its pathways, and its hues were more subtle, yet more clear, than ever before.
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Breaking Through Ba'al
While pondering the vision, the Lord spoke to me the phrase, "Breaking through Ba'al." I remembered David's victory at Baal-perazim, where he said, "The Lord has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters."
We have heard the Lord described as "Baal-perazim," or the Master of breakthrough, and I believe this to be true. In this season, our Master of Breakthrough, Jesus Christ, is displaying His strength by breaking through Ba'al. God is breaking through strongholds of Ba'al that have kept the waters of life from fully flowing.
In Elijah's day, Ba'al worship had provoked God to decree a drought in the land. Covenant rain was withheld, and harvest withered as a result. But when Elijah broke through the strongholds of Ba'al at Mount Carmel, the restoration of rain was released. In similar fashion, get ready for a deluge of cleansing streams from Heaven, because the Lord, in partnership with His people, is breaking through His enemies like the breakthrough of waters. New harvest will spring forth as a result.
We are in the beginning of a new season where God is moving us from Ba'al to Ishi—from the locked grip of the harsh taskmaster to the outstretched arms of Jesus, our Ishi, our tender Bridegroom.
As in Elijah's day, many in our nation, including Christians, have been seduced into following after idols. We mistakenly believed that these idols would provide the security, satisfaction, and pleasure that God alone can give. We sacrificed our innocence on the altar of idolatry, and were carried across the threshold into slavery to the very things we thought would bring us life.
This is why The Call Nashville is so vitally important to the move of God in our day. God wants us to divorce the "harsh taskmaster" and return to our covenant with Jesus Christ.
A Covenantal Flow
Biblically, a rainbow is a symbol of God's covenant with man. In the vision, the plastic rainbow represented our display of God's covenant. It represented a form of godliness that channeled Heaven's rain to His people, and was an effective distribution system for the season we were in.
But when the heavens shifted, and a greater flow of God's river came, the form gave way to the flow. Now, this is so important to note: as God releases a greater outpouring of His Spirit, our forms and structures must be allowed to give way to His flow.
Conversely, it is important to see that the waters continued to flow according to the same pathways, even after the form gave way. The Lord spoke to Jolene that this represents a covenantal flow. Beneath the façades of our church structures are godly, covenantal foundations which framed massive historical movements of the Spirit. These ancient, invisible pipelines are about to be reinvigorated with a fresh flood of the Spirit...a covenantal flow!
"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).
Releasing His Voice
The prophet Ezekiel and the Apostle John both experienced God's voice "like the sound of many waters." As streams begin to cascade together like a waterfall this year, particularly in the latter half, we will hear a new resonance of His voice over creation.
In the past, Jolene and I have written much about awakening, but this year God has been emphasizing union as well. The Lord is releasing an increased measure of what we like to call a "joining anointing"-- to join together what the enemy has divided asunder. This is also an aspect of "breaking through Ba'al." When the nation of Israel became divided, it was due to God's judgement on their idolatry. If idolatry empowers division, then repentance from idolatry can also prepare the way for the Body of Christ to be joined together in a deeper expression of the union He intended.
As this true union occurs—joined with Jesus, and joined with each other—the "sound of many waters" will penetrate through and call forth many underground aquifers. These ancient wells are strategically placed to resource the Body of Christ in the season ahead. As the sounds of revival break forth, and you hear His voice like a waterfall, let this sound awaken the depths of God within your own being, and the deposit of His resources within your field.
"Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls...All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me" (Psalm 42:7).
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Tell Them I'm Taking Back My Rainbow
Over the years, rainbows have become a symbol of homosexual union. I remember prophesying three years ago that God was going to release a "second call," and that "inconvenient intimacy was set by God to overthrow illegitimate intimacy." As this second Call movement emerges, the Lord is thundering that He's taking back His rainbow.
God's admonition to us all is to follow the rainbow of God. There's a covenant flow being released. As in the days of John the Baptist, many are about receive a fresh baptism in these freedom streams that will dislodge generational strongholds tied to Ba'al. Freedom is being declared, and a true Rainbow People will soon emerge to reach many nations for Jesus Christ. Because God is taking back His rainbow!
Sow Water, Reap Rain
So, let's end at the beginning—with the restoration of rain. In Elijah's day, the prophet prepared for rain in an unusual way.
As a prophetic act, Elijah called each tribe of Israel to pour pitchers of water on the altar to God he had just restored. Water in a time of drought was their most precious commodity. It represented their very life. Significantly, when the fire from Heaven came, this fire "licked up the water in the trench."
Then Elijah climbed further up the mountain and travailed for the restoration of rain. When the waters broke forth, God's people received a perpetual stream of their most precious commodity. They sowed water, and reaped the restoration of rain.
What is God asking you to sow? I feel like the Lord is saying to many of us, do not withhold any longer. Pour water on the altar. Give to Jesus Christ unreservedly, and let Him restore back to you a floodtide of provision that will awaken the seeds of your future. It is important now to sow—because the waters of revival are released!
Jon and Jolene Hamill
Lamplighter Ministries
Email: lamplighterjon@earthlink.net
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