The following word was released on December 18, 2024:
Reset and Rebuild
I will be sharing a few different words for 2025 in the next few weeks in smaller pieces that will help give language to what God is doing, where we are going, and the process we are walking out.
I recognize that I see in part, so I humbly present what I believe God is showing me for you to determine if it aligns with your inner witness and with the Word.
The first word I want to share is about the global and personal impact of the season where God is dismantling and rebuilding us.
A Season of Urban Renewal: Demolition Alongside New Construction
Have you felt the internal shaking?
Growing up, my father worked in the mines, setting up the infrastructure for the mining companies and then breaking it all down once they were done and moving to a new location. We tend to think of seasons where things that once worked and no longer do as a bad thing, but it's simply the effects of the ark moving and the Lord breaking down the old infrastructure for the new move of His Spirit.
We have felt the repercussions of this personally and globally. Over the last four years, there has been a window of mercy to let Him demolish what is no longer working. In many ways, the Church has become reliant on the infrastructure of man's methods, and the Lord, in His mercy, has allowed us to see how they no longer "mine for gold" in the way that is now available. He has allowed us to see the frailty and limitations of our own methods so we can let them go and let Him build His house.
We've seen this in mainstream churches and ministry empires, too, where it feels like many are running on the charisma and sales tactics of man. God has been inviting them to lay everything down to follow Him. When that doesn't happen, demolition begins. Things start to fall apart because the grace is no longer there to continue in dysfunction, compromise, or man's agenda.
"...Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain..." (Psalm 127:1)
In the midst of what is breaking down, God is building His house. This is what we are seeing right now: the tension of two extremes. It reminds me of urban renewal—demolition alongside new construction. God is leveling strongholds and uprooting spiritual assignments that have plagued the Church for too long (Jeremiah 1:10).
Let me emphasize this: While it may feel messy, it's the Lord's mercy and His desire to see the Church rebooted and rebirthed in purity. Here are the Scriptures He gave me for this season:
• "If you make an altar of stone for Me, you shall not build it of cut stones, for if you wield your tool on it, you will profane it." (Exodus 20:25)
The Lord is saying that we can't build anymore using our own methods and man-made tools.
• "You are therefore to make a distinction between the clean animal and the unclean, and between the unclean bird and the clean; and you shall not make yourselves detestable by animal or by bird or by anything that crawls on the ground, which I have separated for you as unclean." (Leviticus 20:25)
This rebuilding involves separating the unclean from the clean.
• "Then the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron at Mount Hor by the border of the land of Edom, saying, 'Aaron will be gathered to his people; for he shall not enter the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because you rebelled against My command at the waters of Meribah. Take Aaron and his son Eleazar and bring them up to Mount Hor; and strip Aaron of his garments and put them on his son Eleazar. So Aaron will be gathered to his people, and will die there.'
"So Moses did just as the LORD had commanded, and they went up to Mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation. After Moses had stripped Aaron of his garments and put them on his son Eleazar, Aaron died there on the mountain top. Then Moses and Eleazar came down from the mountain. When all the congregation saw that Aaron had died, all the house of Israel wept for Aaron thirty days." (Numbers 20:23–29)
This speaks of a changing of the guard and moving out of the old order.
Detoxing from "Marah"/Murky Waters
I believe the Lord is saying over the Body of Christ that we have been camping around Marah, the bitter waters, for too long (Exodus 15:23). We must take the Body of Christ to the sweet waters. That is our responsibility, because we've been camping in compromise, where the waters have been muddied and murky, and it's time to leave that place.
We have a responsibility to transition to the place of purity, the sweet waters. I truly believe this is a picture of a Church that is no longer compromised by culture and demonic influences, which we have allowed to have a seat at the table for far too long. (Photo via Pexels)
I believe that this is a part of a divine detox that the Body of Christ desperately needs to move into, the place where God is calling us. Over the next two years, I believe we will face critical decisions. Will we surrender to this detoxification process, or will we continue pretending the murky waters are sweet and clear when they are not?
A Personal Reset
The personal word I want to release over you is that the Lord is resetting you right now, back to your factory settings. The season you've been in has been one where you've acquired a lot of pain, trauma, and bondage, but the Lord is unyoking you from that past season. This is a personal dismantling.
The Lord, in His grace, mercy, and great love for us, dismantles us so He can rebuild us. In the natural, this process may feel cruel, like things are falling apart. But what it really is is the Lord delivering us and bringing us back into the freedom and joy that He wants us to have in our calling.
Picture yourself carrying a 100kg (220lb) backpack on your back, constantly bent over by its weight. That is what I believe the Body of Christ, as well as many individuals, have looked like—burdened by religion, Jezebel's influences, demonic lies, and witchcraft. These have weighed us down and prevented us from walking in the purity of our callings.
God is leading us into a reset, a detox from all of this. Understand that much of what is happening around you right now is not the enemy. Sometimes, when doors close, and you're removed from places or relationships, it's not the enemy. God is freeing your hand and delivering you from these weights.
God is rebuilding His Church—not the bricks and mortar, but His people. He is detoxing us from the things we've normalized and allowed within the Church. At the same time, He's rebuilding us from the inside out.
Many of you have been faithful to your calling, but you cannot continue in the same way because you've been burnt out, disillusioned, and frustrated. You can no longer operate on empty. God wants you to overflow.
So let Him reset and rebuild you as you go into 2025!
How to Rebuild in the Secret Place
How do you do this? You reset in the secret place and untangle from the drama of the public place. You reset by prioritizing your heart process and preparation over trying to build prematurely.
It's a blank-canvas moment.
But what we build will firstly be built in secret, on our faces, and in the fear of the Lord. Not in boardrooms or planning committees, but from the overflow of lives dedicated to prayer and fasting.
And He will inhabit the praises of His people and the train of His robe will fill the temple once again (Psalm 22:3; Isaiah 6:1). This will not happen in buildings but in the hearts of His laid-down lovers.
It's a time of fresh consecration and visitation. As the Lord uproots, so He plants. As He turns the page, a new day begins.
So this moment is holy, and an invitation to the original call as priests unto the Lord, and being an empty cup... so that He can fill us once again (Isaiah 61:6; Psalm 23:5). This process may feel overwhelming, but I encourage you, look beyond it. Ask the Lord to show you what to release and what to carry into the next chapter.
Let this hard reset bring you back to the simplicity of the Gospel and the joy of relationship with Jesus. Embrace the refining process, knowing it's the mercy of God preparing His Bride for her finest hour.
A Return to Acts 2
So, lastly, let me make this clear: We are leaving the era of the religious institution and stepping into a "return to Acts 2." Now the HOLY SPIRIT'S ways will come back to the forefront! (Photo via Unsplash)
This is a shift from man-made systems, traditions, and programs to a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led Church rooted in devotion to God, with unity among Believers, and supernatural power.
In this new era, the Church will no longer rely on charisma, methods, or structures built by human hands. Instead, we will embrace the simplicity and purity of the gospel, the centrality of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
It's a call to lay aside the old ways of striving and performance and step into the freedom and joy of living as a true Acts 2 community—a people united, walking in God's power, and carrying His presence into the world. This is where we are headed. The Church is being recalibrated, realigned, and rebuilt according to God's design. The old towers of man are being replaced by the humble and lowly move of God's nameless and faceless ones.
Let us embrace this moment and surrender fully to the process, trusting that God is leading us back to His original blueprint.
The following word was released on December 20, 2024:
2025 Is an Acts 2 Year!
2025 is going to be an Acts 2 year, because we're going back to simplicity. We're leaving behind the hustle and bustle of institutions and empires for the basics once again. We're choosing the humble over the proud and lofty. We're choosing the private over the public stage. We're choosing connection over a club mentality or even shallow community. We're choosing fellowship over programs. We're choosing true worship over performance. We're choosing the nameless and faceless ones over celebrity Christianity. And we're choosing the pure over the convoluted and tainted.
This is going to be an Acts 2 year because God is rebuilding our definition of the Church, and He's rebuilding us in the process.
We're coming back to the true foundations of the Church again. We're coming back to the simplicity and power of the fivefold, where people are built up into who God has called them to be.
We're going to see the breakdown of man's hierarchies and systems. We're coming back to the simple foundation of people gathering not around a man, but around Jesus and the finished work of the Cross.
We're coming back to signs, wonders, and miracles again. We're coming back to daily salvations and the pursuit of souls instead of preaching to the choir. We're coming back to baptisms and lives being transformed and rescued from darkness and addiction. We're coming back to being the hospital Church again, instead of a museum or a palace.
We're coming back to what looks small and insignificant but carries immense weight in the spirit. We're coming back to experiencing His face and His glory once again, instead of simply coming to a service to hear a cool cliché quote to take home. We're leaving behind the goosebumps of man's religion and trading them for true encounters and visitations with God.
So, this next year, watch as God leads you in a new direction. Watch as your appetites begin to change. Watch as the Lord leads you away from systems and places that look good on the outside but have brought you into bondage.
For many, this will mean breaking away from what you've been a part of for years. It may mean relocation. Shifting. Migrating. It may mean leaving behind compromises, false coverings, and shallow accountability in communities that resemble but are far from the Acts 2 Church God has destined for you.
It will mean stepping out of isolation to find the people God has for you. It will mean leaving behind dead works and performance to discover the fire of His Spirit and a fresh baptism that overhauls your life. And it will mean closing the door on "Act 1" so that we, as the Church, can step into "Act 2"—a season of power and baptism in the Holy Spirit that empowers us to walk in the fullness of everything Jesus made available to us at the Cross.
It's going to be a year of departing from the flesh and man's pursuit of building Babel and stepping into a year of building what looks simple but reaps eternal fruit. It's going to transform your family, marriages, and every area of your life as you realign with God's purpose and His original blueprint for the Church. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Watch, friends, as we leave behind decades, even centuries, of dysfunction as the Lord begins to build His house.
This is why you have felt the discontent in the last few years that has been growing inside of you. It's because of the desire to go back to the original plan, the longing for true connection with God and His people, and to build something pure and not of man's hands.
If this is you, pray this dangerous prayer with me: "Lord, do 'Acts 2' in my life in 2025 and onwards, in Jesus' name! And lead me to my Acts 2 people!"
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the Believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2:42–47)
The following word was released on December 26, 2024:
The Rebirth
I believe we are entering the era of the rebirth of the Church after being in painful labor for many years, and in a year of contractions.
Recently, the Lord gave me two dreams that tied together and painted a picture of what He is doing right now.
First Dream: The Snake in the Pipe
In the first dream, I saw a large pipe, almost like a garden hose, and people were standing around it, saying, "Something is stuck in the pipe." As I looked closer, I saw the tail of a snake clogging up the pipe.
I knew we had to get the snake out so the water could flow freely. So we gathered around the pipe and shook it violently. For what felt like forever, nothing happened; the snake wouldn't budge. Then, suddenly, it started to come out, and as it attempted to get away, the Lord crushed it and cut it into many pieces.
I believe this dream represents the Church and the flow of the Spirit. In order for the "snake" to get dislodged, we have to get uncomfortable and not only allow the shaking but PARTNER with it. We had to stop tolerating what had been clogging up the Spirit's flow and desperately desire the flow more than being comfortable or ignoring the problem.
This is what the Lord is doing in the Church right now. He's removing every blockage, every contaminant, and every area of complacency. He's exposing and dealing with the demonic influences we've allowed and getting us uncomfortable and craving freedom so badly that we will partner with His delivering work.
The Lord is saying to us that we cannot move forward with a clogged pipe. We cannot extend the borders of His Kingdom until every contaminant is removed. Where we're going, the river of the Lord has to flow freely once again.
The snake represents the serpent in the garden, the one who lied to Adam and Eve and led them away from the Tree of Life. That same serpent has lied to the Church, leading us into relying upon our own understanding, our own methods, and even our own versions of the gospel. It's made us weak and powerless as we suffer under the false covering of another gospel and serve a counterfeit savior.
But the Lord is dealing with the snake again. He's clearing out every lie, every hindrance—everything that's been blocking the flow of His Spirit.
Second Dream: The Woman in Delivery
In the second dream, I saw a woman on a birthing table, giving birth to what I knew in the dream was the Church. This was a rebirth.
But here's the strangest part: Under her foot, I saw the head of a crushed snake. It immediately reminded me of the Scripture that says, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel" (Genesis 3:15).
The Lord is saying that the Church is in a season of refining for rebirth. We are entering a fresh flow of the Spirit, a move of God unlike anything we've seen before. But in this rebirth we are being awakened to WHO we are and WHOSE we are. We are in the days where we will no longer tolerate the snake, but we will crush him underfoot. (Photo via Pexels)
This is a season of great victory and authority. We will see the finished work of Jesus come to life in the Church, and we'll rise up in purity, power, and dominion as God's conduits in a time of history where true disciples are needed more than ever before.
Back to Simplicity
We are stepping back into the simplicity of the gospel. The Church is returning to the days of Acts, where signs, wonders, and miracles follow those who believe. We're moving away from man-made methods, celebrity Christianity, and empty religion, and following the Holy Spirit wherever He leads.
We're about to see the greatest move of God the world has ever known. The harvest is coming, and God is raising up builders who will prepare for it. As the pipe is unclogged, there will be a hunger from the world for what God is pouring out. People will come running from the darkest places just to get a taste of the waters that flow out.
This Is Also Your Rebirth
But this isn't just a corporate word. It's also personal. Where has the enemy been clogging up the flow of the Spirit in your life? Has he been lying to you? Surrounding you with fear, hopelessness, or constant battles that make you feel stuck?
The Lord is exposing the snake in your life too. He's pulling it out of every place where it has been coiled around your joy, your freedom, and your peace.
That snake that's been trying to suffocate you is being removed. The heartbreak, the hope deferred, and the delays that have created strongholds and have made your heart sick are being broken. The Lord is uncoiling every bit of it. He's unclogging the pipe and removing from your life every remnant of the enemy's assignments.
This is your season of rebirth. And today the Lord is saying, "In this rebirth, watch, as I'm redoing what you thought [had] passed you by. I'm reshaping you, reviving you, and breathing fresh life into you."
Where you've felt stuck, you're about to move forward. Where you've felt powerless, you're about to rise up in authority. This next season will not only be one of rebirth but also one where you crush the serpent under your heel and begin to take back the ground that has been robbed from you.
I See the Waters Crashing Upon the Shores
The Body of Christ is stepping into the authority and simplicity of what God always intended. We're coming back to the Acts 2 days—a place of joy, power, and the purity of the gospel.
The Lord is lifting the weight off your shoulders and leading you into His presence again, where there is FULLNESS OF JOY. Let Him free you. Let Him refresh and renew you. Let Him begin the rebirth in your life.
I see it. I see the water crashing upon the shores, and the Church is running towards it. Many who are thirsty are quenching their thirst. Many who have been sick like Naaman (2 Kings 5) are running into the waters for healing.
The flow is increasing and the Church is running towards it again.
This is our rebirth.
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Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school, "Everyday Revivalists," he leads people from the basics of the gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Colorado Springs, CO.
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