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Steven Springer: "Justice Will Be Served! The Verdict Is Life!"

Steven Springer
Sep 25, 2020

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzIn this prophetic dream from the Lord, Prophet Steven Springer tells you what will be the RESULT as this dream is fulfilled upon the earth and in the United States of America.

God is moving and He's moving quickly. Take care not to try too hard to interpret what it means when the dream shows fires on Planned Parenthood buildings. Dreams can be very symbolic, so just pray in agreement with God's will for what is about to happen, as it relates to abortion and the prayers of the saints.

Here, then, is the result of what will happen:

"This will spark a revival and reformation that the planet has never seen! A generation will bring deliverance like Moses and Jesus our King! Billions of souls will be saved!"

Be encouraged, saints. It's finally happening! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Steve Shultz

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"Justice Will Be Served! The Verdict Is Life!"

Steven Springer, Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

Justice Will Be Served!

In a recent dream on 9/20/20, I saw a gavel, larger than the planet, in the heavenly courtroom. It struck the sound block and released a clap like thunder. I then heard the authoritative proclamation released simultaneously from nine angels as they pointed to the earth: "Justice will be served!"

As I looked at Earth from the heavenly courtroom, flashes of lightning like arrows were released, and then light and glory began to emanate from planet Earth. As I looked where the light was being released, hearts were set on fire and a mighty awakening began. It was the same fire that set hearts ablaze which also released a judgment. I saw buildings on fire.

The fires were not set by anarchists, but by God's fiery love for the unborn. I noticed each building had a Planned Parenthood sign on the front of it. As I watched, each one of the signs began to melt like wax and each building burned to the ground, and under the ground, until there was no foundation left!

My sense is that there is a judgment that is being released to the earth because of the innocent bloodshed of the unborn. The silent screams, the cries, prayers and the intercession of the saints have been heard; the bowls of intercession have tipped, and we will see the ending of abortion – the end of the genocide of the innocent, unborn ones! (Photo via Flickr)

It's Plowing Season!

I see the plow plowing through the United States of America. Things are being overturned as a season of uprooting and exposure takes place so that we can build and plant, and it shall happen quickly. God says, "Don't roll over and take it, but arise, shine and radiate the glory!" This will spark a revival and reformation that the planet has never seen! A generation will bring deliverance like Moses and Jesus our King! Billions of souls will be saved!

"Flash lightning and scatter my enemies; send out Your arrows and confuse and embarrass and frustrate them." (Psalm 144:6 AMP)

"'Behold, the days are coming,' says the Lord, 'when the plowman shall overtake the one who gathers the harvest, and the one who treads the grapes [shall overtake] him who sows the seed [for the harvest continues until planting time]; when the mountains will drip sweet wine and all the hills shall melt [that is, everything that was once barren will overflow with streams of blessing].'" (Amos 9:13 AMP)

"As the crowds emerged from the village, Jesus said to His disciples, 'Why would you say, "The harvest is another four months away"? Look at all the people coming – now is harvest time! For their hearts are like vast fields of ripened grain – ready for a spiritual harvest." (John 4:35 TPT)

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Steven Springer with the Elijah List
Global Presence Ministries


Steven Springer and his wife Rene are the founders and senior leaders of Global Presence Ministries. Steven has traveled the world sharing the love of Jesus and advancing His Kingdom through planting churches and houses of prayer, loving the poor – while imparting the power of a supernatural life – prophetic ministry, and being a burning, passionate friend of God. He works regularly with government, business and industry leaders at home and abroad, equipping, guiding and bringing hope solutions. Steven and Rene have two children and one grandchild. They make their home in the Dallas, TX metroplex.

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