"Birthing Manifestations of the Realm of Heaven on the Earth"
by Ryan Wyatt
have come to know Ryan's life very well and he is a very close personal friend of
mine. He is a man of integrity and the glory of God rests on his life. Ryan traveled
with me full-time for a season and continues on to this day as an Associate Ministry
with Fresh Fire Ministries. He has a strong prophetic and miracle-healing anointing
with many instantly healed and delivered in his meetings. He has worked along side
me in the prophetic, word of knowledge, and healing so I have personally seen the
anointing on his life and the dramatic affect and restoration his ministry brings
to people. Ryan also has an awesome anointing and call to train and equip the church
to live in intimacy with the Lord, live in the supernatural and manifest the power
of God. I whole-heartedly recommend Ryan's ministry and believe that there will
be a tremendous deposit of the glory of God everywhere he ministers." - Todd
Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries
"Birthing Manifestations of the Realm of Heaven on the Earth"
by Ryan Wyatt
web site:
recent months, the Lord has taken me up several times, in the Spirit, to a particular
place in the Heavenly realm. I call this place the land of promises. This place
was lush and flourishing with the life of God. The very atmosphere of this place
was radiating with the presence of the Lord. It had the feeling of Spring when all
things are new and refreshing. All around I could see rainbows reminding me of the
promises of God throughout His word and the personal promises and prophecies that
have been delivered from His mouth to His people throughout history. I instinctively
knew that this was the place where these promises were found, activated, and brought
down to the earth realm. God is currently speaking something at this time to the
Body of Christ about His promises and the fulfillment of them in these end-times.
In this experience I simply laid down in the grass in order to enjoy the heavenly
atmosphere of this place. While lying there I saw two angels approaching me and
they began to feed me with honey. Honey in the Bible is symbolic of revelation.
I believe, in this experience, the honey represented a spirit of wisdom and revelation
that was being placed upon me in greater measure in order to comprehend, in the
spirit, the things that were about to take place. The angels left and I then saw
Jesus approaching me from a distance. The light emanating from His being was blinding,
yet incredibly inviting at the same time. As He reached me and stood before me I
was undone within myself. There was such purity and holiness that emanated from
Him. It really is an experience that is impossible to describe in earthly terms!
While kneeling in His presence, I suddenly realized that the light emanating from
Him was encompassing me and I was beginning to glow with the glory of His presence.
The love and intimacy that we shared in that moment, even without spoken words,
was out of this world! The Lord then spoke to me with a voice that shook me to the
core. It was as if every fiber and cell of my being was shaken and awakened by His
voice. What He said surprised me: "Know My Holy Spirit!"
The Lord then turned and walked away, but as he left, this mist or glory cloud,
began to completely envelop me. I knew it was Holy Spirit! The atmosphere changed
when this other member of the Godhead moved in. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and
said that when He is present He brings with Him the atmosphere of creation. He then
said something that astounded me: "Ask what you will and it will be done for you!"
Without words being spoken, Holy Spirit began to communicate to me different scriptures
that verified the truth of this experience. How many of you know that you can read
certain scriptures hundreds of times throughout your life but when He, the Spirit
of Truth, comes upon you as the spirit of wisdom and revelation, He reveals and
uncovers hidden revelation. He took me to Gen 1:1-3, which begins the story of creation,
and then to Luke 1:26-45, the story of Jesus' conception in the womb of Mary. In
the same way that Mary was chosen to conceive Jesus within her womb and bring Him
forth into the world, so too, we as believers are chosen through intimacy and impartation
from heaven (conception), to bring forth the Son of God to the world through displays
of heavenly glory and power. Before diving into the story of Mary's visitation,
I want to present a key in the life of Jesus that I call "synchronization" because
it is a secret to bringing manifestations of heaven into the earthly realm.
I believe that Jesus came to this earth and lived His life as a prototype of what
is possible and available for each one of us. Jesus lived in a place of such intimacy
and fellowship with the Father on a daily basis that He just proclaimed and decreed
what he saw and heard His Father doing and the realm of heaven was immediately ushered
into every situation He touched. You see, Jesus did not do any miracles as God!
He was most definitely the Son of God, but He laid down His power as God and limited
Himself as a human in the very same way that we are limited. The only difference
between Jesus, in His human life, and us is that he lived a life completely yielded
to the Holy Spirit. Jesus lived out of John 5:19-20 - He simply kept himself in
constant communion with the Father and Holy Spirit. Then He did what He saw the
Father doing and said what He heard the Father saying. Jesus was one who synchronized
heaven and earth and therefore He was the very gateway for the power and reality
of heaven to come into our natural realm. What do I mean by synchronized?
Jesus lived with a higher reality than many of us have. He lived everyday with the
revelation that He had access to the supernatural realm and if He could just see
and hear what was going on in heaven with the Father and simply proclaim that on
the earth, then mighty demonstrations of power would be ushered into every situation.
The Lord at this time is emphasizing our need for the spirit of wisdom and revelation
in the knowledge of Him to be able to comprehend the supernatural realm around us.
The spirit of wisdom and revelation gives us anointed eyes and ears to be able to
access heavenly realms and to co-operate and co-labor with the plan of heaven for
each moment of our lives. This end-time generation is destined to be a generation
that manifests the King of Glory and His kingdom realm to a people blinded from
the truth of Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus synchronized heaven and earth and did mighty
miracles, signs and wonders, so also, we as believers are called to be the "gateways"
of heaven and manifest the Kingdom realm to everyone around us. Paul stated in Galatians
4:19, "My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed
in you." He also prays in Ephesians 3:19 that we would all be filled with the fullness
of God. You know, a cup is not completely full until it is overflowing! Likewise,
we are not completely full until Christ is so formed in us that He overflows through
our life with great demonstrations of heavenly power and glory! God has given each
one of us awesome promises, individually and corporately, through His word. Many
believers strive in the natural to see the promises of God brought to pass but it's
only as we access heavenly realms and enter into divine friendship with God that
our promises are fulfilled. Let's gain some additional revelation on the process
of birthing promises through the story of Jesus' conception in the womb of Mary…
Remember, the Holy Spirit told me in the experience mentioned at the beginning of
this teaching that the key to seeing promises birthed is found in Luke 1:26-45.
The first thing we read in verse 26 is that Mary has a visitation from the heavenly
realm by an angel. The first thing proclaimed from the mouth of this heavenly being
is Mary's identity in the sight of God! Gabriel says in verse 28, "Rejoice, highly
favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" The very next verse
says, "But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what
manner of greeting this was."
The angel then says in verse 31, "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and
bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS." You've got to notice the parallel
here between the physical conception and birth of Jesus and the spiritual birth
that you experienced the moment you were saved. Did you know that, at the moment
of your salvation experience, the Lord Jesus Christ was "conceived" in your spirit
and now your calling and mission in life is to know Him intimately and "bring forth
the Son" through your life for the world to see Him in all his majesty and glory?
For this reason, it is so important to the Lord that we receive a spirit of wisdom
and revelation in the knowledge of Him, and through anointed eyes and ears, learn
to access the realm of heaven. Ephesians 1:18 says that the reason we need illumined
eyes is so that we "may know what is the hope of His calling and what are the riches
of the glory of His inheritance in the saints." Notice that this verse says the
glory of "His" inheritance in the saints, not our inheritance. Jesus' inheritance
is to have a Bride madly in love with Him, without spot or wrinkle, which as His
body, manifests the glory of heaven just as He did through His own body while alive
on this earth.
The very beginning of the conception experience of Jesus is marked by a heavenly
visitation granted to Mary, the person chosen to "bring forth the Son!" Likewise,
if we want to bring forth the Son in our lives then we have to learn to access heavenly
realms, because that is where the seed of heaven comes from. The Lord is currently
raising up and training a remnant of people who will dwell in heavenly places, through
the spirit of wisdom and revelation. These ones, marked by Throne Room encounters,
will carry that atmosphere to the world with them! Anyone who has ever had an encounter
with the Lord in the heavenly realms is marked by that experience forever. There
will always be an element of heavenly DNA and atmosphere that these people will
carry with them. Can you imagine a people who learn to dwell in heavenly realms
and carry that presence with them at all times? This characteristic will mark each
member of the great and terrible army that the Lord is raising up in these end-times!
The first key to realize here is that the conception of Jesus began with an angelic
visitation from the realm of heaven! Our God is jealously seeking a people who will
ascend the hill of the Lord and dwell in the throne room of heaven. A couple years
ago I had an experience in Kansas City with Jill Austin and a group of about 50
other people. An intense atmosphere of the Holy Spirit moved into the room and there
were many laid out on the floor just soaking in His presence. Suddenly my spiritual
eyes were opened and I began to see what was going on in the spirit realm around
these people. I saw a whirlwind come down from heaven carrying multitudes of angels.
This whirlwind wrapped around the people lying on the floor and was pulling them
upward in the spirit. Meanwhile, the angels were going around sprinkling something
on the hearts of those on the floor. I asked the Lord what they were doing and He
said they were ministering spirits sent to carry His presence from the Throne Room
of heaven and impart it to these people. He said that He was imparting a fresh hunger
for heavenly things to their hearts. The direction of their heart's hunger and craving
was literally being redirected by the impartation from heaven!
Many of us try and try to see the promises of God's word fulfilled through some
rational ascent and belief in the Word of God. But the Word of God is simply meant
to lead us into an encounter with the Author of the book. John 5:39-40 says, "You
search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are
they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have
life." It's ludicrous to think that a husband and wife should expect to conceive
and give birth to a baby without first experiencing intimacy together. In the same
way, we as believers can't just go to the Word and see the Lord's promises (of a
great healing revival, for example) and expect to see it happen just because we
read it. Mighty demonstrations of God's power and glory are only birthed and manifested
on the earth "through" ones who have learned to encounter the Lord in intimacy.
Paul says in Ephesians 1:3 that we are "blessed with every spiritual blessing in
the heavenly places in Christ." The only way to see spiritual blessings in heavenly
places turned into manifestations of blessing in the natural realm is to access
the heavenly places and bring them back with you. Our promises are accessed in the
heavenly realm where we are seated with Christ! Each time we as believers have an
encounter with the Lord we are filled with more of His fullness and carry more of
His presence and we are changed from glory to glory.
Now, the next thing we see in the midst of Mary's angelic visitation is Gabriel
declaring to her the identity she has before God. Gabriel says, in Luke 1:28, "Rejoice,
highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" One of the
biggest reasons we aren't seeing more displays of God's power throughout the Body
of Christ, besides a lack of intimacy, is confusion over our identity. I recently
heard Bill Johnson make this statement: "In the world, before a person is saved
we 1) Do things, 2) in order to gain an identity, 3) so we will be accepted. However,
in the Kingdom, as born-again believers, it is backwards from the world. In the
Kingdom we 1) are accepted, 2) being accepted is our identity, and out of our identity
we 3) do things!" I find it interesting that in Luke 1:28 the Greek word for "highly
favored" is used only one other time in the entire New Testament. We find it in
Ephesians 1:6, "to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted
in the Beloved." The word "freely given" or "accepted" (NKJV) in this verse is the
very same word used for "highly favored" and this word is only used in these two
places. The word is "charitoo" and it means, "highly favored," "accepted," or "freely
given." Mary was the one person on the earth who was chosen to "bring forth the
Son of God" and she was called highly favored and beloved of the Lord. The one other
place that word is used in Ephesians 1:6 - it is talking about every born again
believer being accepted in the Beloved. Just as Mary was used to bring forth the
Son of God, so also, we will be used to bring forth the Son of God in all His glory!
This Bridal Paradigm message that is spreading across the earth is deeply rooted
in the heart of God. There are places all over the world beginning to teach out
of Song of Solomon and our identity as the Bride of Christ and as Sons of God. It
is no mistake that "Intimacy with God" is one of the most prominent messages in
the Body of Christ at this time. Without deep intimate fellowship resulting in heavenly
encounters with the Lord we will never know our identity and, therefore, never take
dominion and destroy the works of the devil by the power of God.
So how do we get to this place of intimacy and encounter? Mary wondered the same
thing. Gabriel lays out the plan and promise of God for her life and she responds
in verse 34 saying, "How can this be, since I do not know a man?" Don't we all respond
the same way when God calls us to something, yet see all the promises in the Word
of God that aren't being fulfilled in our lives? Every one of us could have any
number of excuses why God couldn't use us in the supernatural realm to see miracles,
signs and wonders in our day. In ourselves we are nothing and it would do some of
us a lot of good to realize that! But remember, we are highly favored because of
His grace and we are freely accepted in the Beloved! We've been given free access
to the Throne of Grace (Heb. 4:16) and encouraged to seek the things above (Col.
So what was the answer to Mary's question as to how this could all be accomplished?
Verse 35 says, "And the angel answered and said to her, 'the Holy Spirit will come
upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you.'" Let me take you back
to my heavenly encounter for just a moment. In my experience the Holy Spirit came
in and overshadowed me and He said to me, "Ask what you will and it will be done
for you!" It seemed that in that situation of being immersed in a place of intimacy
with Holy Spirit that anything was possible! Just like in the beginning in Genesis
1:2-3, the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters and in that atmosphere
God said, "Let there be light", and there was light. When Mary was overshadowed
by the Holy Spirit, conception took place and the impossible was made possible!
In my encounter, before Jesus walked away, with a voice that thundered and shook
my entire being in the spirit and the natural he said, "Know My Holy Spirit!"
I'm prophesying to you now that in the coming days there will be a renewed interest
in the Holy Spirit. Many in the Body of Christ are afraid to worship the Third "Person"
of the Godhead. They feel they should direct all their attention to the Father and
the Son. But it was Jesus that said He was going away and was sending the Comforter,
the Holy Spirit in His place. Holy Spirit is just as much God as the Father and
the Son. The bible says to worship "God" and God consists of Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit. For too long the church has prostituted the anointing! People want the service
and the acts of the Holy Spirit without the intimacy of the Spirit. So many times
people are operating out of the gift or the anointing within them but with no real
power from on high upon them. Some of the strongest anointings in history have rested
upon the people who developed an intimate relationship and exchange with Holy Spirit!
We need to be released to worship and adore the Holy Spirit because it is Him that
tells us of Jesus anyway. It's the Holy Spirit that brings the manifestation of
heaven to earth!
Years ago I had an experience that reaffirms my emphasis on intimacy with the Holy
Spirit. I was soaking in the presence of the Lord one day and telling Holy Spirit
that I wanted to know Him more. Suddenly the whole atmosphere in the room changed
and I was filled and overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. I immediately entered the
realm of the spirit and found myself floating in a river. I was weeping as waves
of His presence coursed through my body. Suddenly, this eagle mask appeared in my
hand and I heard the Lord say, "Put it on!" I obeyed and as soon as I put the mask
on my face, in my vision, wings started to sprout and grow out of my back. The wings
sprouted and I suddenly shot out of the water and began to soar in the heavenly
realms. I could literally feel the sensations of flying in my natural body! In the
midst of soaring I ran into Jesus and He was stunning! He reached out a scepter
and touched my forehead. My whole body instantly turned golden and I could feel
"purpose" enter my spirit like electricity. I was infused with the purposes of God.
This was one of the times when the Lord reaffirmed my calling and commissioning
to the ministry. When I left Him I began to fly over cities and regions and, with
great clarity, the Lord began to give me prophetic insight into these places. Just
as I was coming out of the experience, the Lord spoke to me and said, "You will
find this in Isaiah 40:31." Now this verse is a very popular verse and I knew it
well. But at the time I did not have the scripture reference memorized, so I quickly
went to it to find out what it said. I studied it out and Holy Spirit brought an
amazing revelation to me. The verse says, "But those who wait on the Lord shall
renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run
and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." The Lord directed me to the words
"mount up" and I discovered that the Hebrew word means "to sprout," just as the
wings in my experience sprouted. The Lord is bringing clarity to the body of Christ
on how to enter the realm of the spirit through the model of "waiting on the Lord."
My experience taught me one of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned and that
is how to engage the Lord. As we wait in the overshadowing presence of the Holy
Spirit, we are given eyes and wings through the spirit of wisdom and revelation,
to engage the realms of heaven and encounter the Lord! We are called the "Royal
Priesthood" in the Word of God and, as priests, we must learn to wait on the Lord
and minister to Him. We are also called Kings and Priests in Revelation, but it's
only as we learn to minister to the Lord as priests that we will attain the power
from heaven to rule and reign as kings over the works of the enemy!
Now we come to the fulfillment of God's promise to Mary. She has had a visitation
from heaven, received an impartation by the Holy Spirit, and was encouraged with
the reality of her identity and how she is seen in God's eyes. It's after all this
that she finally aligns and synchronizes herself with the plan and purpose of heaven.
In the creative atmosphere of heaven overshadowing her she proclaims in verse 38,
"Behold, the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word." Then
conception took place. A seed from heaven was planted within her and she "brought
forth the Son of God," the greatest gift and display of heaven ever brought forth
in all of history!
Allow me to dwell, for just a moment, on Mary's proclamation of agreement with the
plan and purpose of heaven. Mary did something that Jesus did everyday of His earthly
life. Jesus would hear and see what the Father was saying and doing in heaven; He
would simply go proclaim it and heaven would invade earth. Let me give you a personal
testimony of this in my own life. Several months ago I was in Australia ministering
at a church on Sunday morning. I heard clearly from the Lord that I was to step
up to the pulpit and, without any preaching, I was to immediately release a healing
wave. He said the altars would be filled with healing testimonies. I simply did
as He said and I never got to preach! I lined people up and listened to their testimonies
of healings and miracles for an hour and a half. The next week I was in Tanzania,
Africa and preached again at a church on Sunday morning. Just as I was about to
step up to the pulpit I felt a wind blow on my left hand and I heard the Lord say,
"My healing angels are here. Release a healing wave right away and I will do signs
and wonders in your midst!" I thought, "Yeah, I've clearly heard from heaven, so
this is gonna be fun." I simply decreed to the people what I heard from God about
the healing angels and I released the healing wave. For the next 2 hours I stood
up front and listened to the testimonies of God's power. All in all there was one
paralytic completely healed that was pretty much carried into the service because
her legs were paralyzed and her arm was shriveled up. I saw her walking and saw
her healed and outstretched hand! There were also over 5 blind people and over 5
deaf-mutes healed along with dozens of other healings and deliverances! Heaven had
invaded earth simply because I had a supernatural encounter with an angel, heard
from God, and proclaimed it to the people.
There is power in our decree just as there was in Mary's.
declaration of agreement with the plan and purpose of heaven, which came from her
visitation, is what eventually brought the conception of Jesus to pass. We are told
to do the same in Job 22:21-30. The scripture tells us to acquaint ourselves with
the Lord (Intimacy), receive instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in
our heart (hearing from heaven) and because of this we will lay our gold (our identity)
in the dust and the Lord will become our Gold (our new identity). It goes on to
say that we will have our delight in the Lord and make our prayers to Him and verse
28 says, "You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you." It
goes on to talk about how our declaration, out of intimacy with the Lord, will actually
bring freedom and deliverance to the bound and guilty (bringing heaven to earth).
I want to encourage all of you reading this that God is ready and willing to bring
His promises to pass in your life. However, it is through our co-operation and co-laboring
with Him that the supernatural is manifested in the natural. We are His vessels
and we are the gateways through which His glory will be displayed on the earth.
Press into Him more than you ever have before. Ask Him for a release of divine hunger
that will drive you deeper into Him. Like Mary, it is simply through intimacy, engaging
the realm of heaven, and declaring what you see and hear that brings heaven to earth!
The scripture in Luke goes on to say in verse 39 that Mary arose and went. As she
entered Elizabeth's house and simply greeted her, Elizabeth was filled with the
Holy Spirit. May we all lay down our gold and receive the Lord as the true Gold
in our lives and may we arise and "go" as we display the glory of heaven. The deposit
of heaven that will rest on you after engaging the revelatory realm will simply
overflow and people will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Mary called herself the
"Maidservant of the Lord." There was also a prophecy given in Acts 2:18 about menservants
and maidservants. It says, "And on my menservants and on my maidservants I will
pour out My Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy." That means you!!
"Father I pray that you would visit everyone reading
this with a heavenly visitation. One encounter with you can shake regions! I pray
for the spirit of wisdom and revelation to be released in greater measures so that
your people might really begin to engage the supernatural realms of heaven and experience
You. Holy Spirit, I pray that you would make yourself real to each one reading this
and cause a boldness to be released. Overshadow us, rest upon us, and fill us afresh!
May we be vessels who truly cause heaven to invade earth!"
by Ryan Wyatt
web site:
"When Heaven Invades Earth"
A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles
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"....This book not only describes the
supernatural wonders, but 'how to' experience them with the ultimate goal of imparting
a hunger for a closer relationship with Jesus." -Mary Goddard, Founder of CSA
"I love this book! I find the teachings
and guidelines a must for all who desire to experience the open heaven and the supernatural...."
-Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire Ministries
"Patricia skillfully teaches and motivates
through personal stories as she ministers to YOU in this book- showing how you can
both experience and understand the 'third heaven' -the very thing many of you have
been asking God to let you do!" -Steve Shultz,
The Elijah List
"As a gifted revelatory teacher, Patricia
King approaches this delicate subject with a sensitivity and creativity that unleashes
hunger for the supernatural. Her personal experiences coupled with her keen insights
into the Word make this a compelling book that will ruin you for the ordinary."
-Jill Austin, Master Potter Ministries
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"Desperation, Visitation and Anointing"
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Jill Austin moves in a catalytic
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fiery tenacity, and commitment to scriptural teaching have made her a popular conference
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prophetic words, imparting fresh hunger for intimacy with Jesus and demonstrations
of signs and wonders.
Are you desperate for a visitation from the Lord? Have you had radical encounters
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drama called The Empty Cradle, which dealt with the issue of abortion. During
this time she encountered heavy spiritual warfare, leading her to desperately cry
out for a touch from God. As the story unfolds you will gain confidence that even
when heavy opposition comes against you, God will open up the heavens and deliver
Jill had a 21-day visitation after this warfare, which dramatically changed her
personal life and ministry. It was an encounter in which the Holy Spirit manifested
Himself in many different ways. From three in the afternoon until six in the morning,
for three weeks in a row, eternity visited earth in her living room as she saw visions
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way she had never before experienced, which set a foundation through prophetic revelation
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In this new 4 tape series you will
learn about: the eyes and wings of the Lord, the seer anointing, "now" prophets
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them in intercession. You will also hear about several different angelic visitations
and how to release the angelic for God's purpose. In the seasons of Prophetic Destiny,
Todd will share revelations about the Book of the Future and Remembrance. On the
Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation teaching you will learn about prophetic wells connected
to geographical locations and how to increase words of knowledge.
Titles include:
- Reality of the Supernatural
- Angelic Hosts
- Seasons of Prophetic Destiny
- How to Stir Up the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation
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by Alberto and Kimberly Rivera
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Hear My Cry
Song for Emily
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by Jim W. Goll
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Heaven Declares: "You are a Chosen, Cherished,
Child of God."
by Catherine Brown
(Jun 29, 2004)
"Breaking the Bondage of a Passive Spirit"
by Francis Frangipane
(Jun 28, 2004)
"Forgiveness: It Just Ain't Fair!!"
by Philip Yancey
(Jun 27, 2004)
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