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"Getting Over Disappointment with God"

by Undrai and Bridget Fizer
Jun 12, 2004

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"Getting Over Disappointment with God"
by Undrai and Bridget Fizer

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Inside of you is an active, life-changing Vision of Hope, Promise, and Significance. It's inside of you - stirring, churning, and waiting for you to open the Door of Faith and let it out of its holding bin.

You were born because you were already made great and wonderful in the Father's eyes. You are not a failure, nor are you a disappointment. However, you must learn to handle disappointments that happen in life, some of which can cause you to be distracted from your pursuit if you are not careful.

Responding to Disappointment

You must learn how to pick up disappointment, and move it to another side of the room! You must learn how to handle disappointment. When you learn how to respond to disappointment when it stands in front of you, you will then move it out of the way and continue in the Path of Purpose that is drawing you like a magnet.

Yes, in this process of Vision, you will discover new things about yourself and your endurance. The Vision will make sure that all of the disappointments you have experienced in life from enemies and loved ones will produce a dimension of endurance, patience, direction, and consistency that you have never experienced before.

So it is imperative that you handle disappointment well. Especially disappointments from God Himself!

Stuck in the Mud

When you cannot get past a disappointment from God, you will find yourself stuck in the mud of complacency, routine, and hopelessness. But you may ask, "How does one get disappointed by God?"

God has a way of revealing and causing you to feel the power of Destiny inside of you. He has a way of releasing a stirring of action on the inside of you, one that causes you to be excited about your life and times. However, we have ways of creating a perception or an interpretation of the picture that WE THINK WE ARE SEEING, HEARING, OR PERCEIVING. *see II Kings 5:8-12

We hear God, and we also feel God. But the picture that we construct from what we feel and hear is not always God. So we find ourselves investing heavily into a project that has a God sound, but not a God Reality. The Picture we have made in ourselves was not the One that God made in Himself. About 85% of stagnation, depression, and discouragement is found in one's unprocessed articulation of a Promise or Vision from God.

So, we find it hard to recoup the losses that were made as a result of believing a sure thing that was not so sure. Disappointment. *see II Kings 4:8-28

Unknowingly Directed

Sometimes, in this process of seeming failure and misdirection, it would seem as though we missed God. However, when Purpose is on your life, you will discover that you did not miss God, but you were unknowingly directed into His True Intentions all along! So I guess it's safe to say that you were disappointed into the direction of your true appointment in the Father.

When you are established in the Promise, the Promise will begin to make you discover a dimension of your life that you may think you already know or maybe trying to escape. Believe me, you will find out who you really are as you begin to walk the walk with God! You will discover that the person you thought you were, nickname and all, is not the person that God spoke Significance inside of.

Chased from the Grave

Walking with God will call forth the True son out of the familiar person you have been all of your life. Inside of you is a True son of God that needs all of the issues and disappointments in life to chase you from the grave of familiarity.

God has created you to be a person that most of your loved one's have never met. He has created you to be a person that will cause men to love you, but some will also despise you. He has created you to be a person that you yourself have never met, seen, or heard of. As a matter of fact, that person is already in you.

And God is using various means and troubles to introduce you to who it is!

by Undrai and Bridget Fizer
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