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"The Ferocious Love of God"

by Victoria Boyson
Jun 11, 2004

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The Birth of Your Destiny
by Victoria Boyson
$12.95 Book


"The Ferocious Love of God"
by Victoria Boyson

Many years ago I endured a time of persecution by Christians in the church where my husband and I served in ministry at that time. I believe these dear people truly loved me, but were turned against me by one person's accusations and lies about me. So, believing the lies of another Christian in the church, they persecuted me. Their hatred for me was heated and their curses vile.

Because of all the gossip and slander that ensued, I came under depression. I felt emotionally numb and cut off from God. I knew in my mind that Jesus loved me, but I could not feel His love for me. Being so passionately hated by my brothers and sisters in Christ caused me to hate myself.


During this time of heavy oppression, I cried out to Jesus to show me His love for me. That night I had a dream:

I was in a beautiful garden with many different flowers and trees. The sun was bright and beautiful; it was a glorious place to be. But also in the garden were three demons. They talked amongst themselves until they saw me, then suddenly they attacked me.

They were all over me. One lunged at my legs, another at my chest and the third jumped on my back and was trying to choke me to death with his arm around my neck. I was startled awake by the intensity of the dream, but even as I woke, the dream continued like a movie in my mind.

The Lion Came After Me!

I saw the three demon spirits attacking me and could feel on my physical body the effects of their attack. I screamed out a rebuke in the name of Jesus. As I did two of the demons flew off of me, but the demon that was choking me remained.

I was terrified, yet I saw in the distance running towards me at a tremendous rate of speed an enormous lion. By earthly standards this lion was abnormally large. He was the height of a horse, but was much broader and his head was massive. As he bounded towards me his mane flew out from his face as his paws struck the ground. He was incredibly beautiful and was indeed an awesome sight. He ran so fast that the hair on his body appeared to make waves like a wheat field blown by the wind as he leapt and bounded towards me.

The sight of the lion was more terrifying to me than that of the demons. He ran towards me with such invariant ferocity that I was frightened. He was enraged, and his fury was terrifying.

The fierceness in his eyes sent a shiver up my spine...

His eyes were very large and beautiful, but fierce. He heaved and grunted as he galloped towards me, much like a warrior in the heat of battle. The fierceness in his eyes sent a shiver up my spine. I began to brace myself against his inevitable strike, but then I caught a glimpse of his eyes and saw that they were not focused on me. I was not the target of his rage, but his focus was on the demon that was on my back. All of his anger was aimed at the demon who was clutching my neck, whose grasp I could physically feel, though not see, around my neck.

As he approached in full gallop, I felt the ground shake as he landed again and again. In one final burst of energy he leapt high in the air, opened his mouth wide and lunged towards me. In an instant his mouth completely engulfed the demon creature, and then, as quickly as the lion had appeared, he was gone.

The dream was over, and I sat up in bed completely awake. I was sweaty and out of breath. I cried out to God, "What was that?" He spoke with the same fierceness as the Lion and said, "I love you ferociously!"

Your Enemies Shudder At The Sight Of Jesus!

I knew that I had seen the ferociousness of God. He was indeed, terrifying, but I had nothing to fear from Him because that terror was directed at my enemies, and His love enveloped me. My Jesus didn't just love me, but the driving passion He felt towards me was terrifying to my enemies.

Jesus loves you ferociously too, and your enemies shutter at the sight of Him! In Revelation 5:5, Jesus is described as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Yes, He is the gentle Lamb of God who surrendered Himself for slaughter for your sake, but He is also every bit the Lion of God, and His enemies tremble at His approach. He is driven by an all consuming passion for His bride. You are that bride!

I believe that in the days ahead we will see much more of the ferocity of the Lion of God, but His wrath will be directed at our enemies. It is His love for us that forces Him to manifest His anger, and this same love moves Him to devour our enemies.

Dear God, I ask You to pour out Your ferocious love on all who read this testimony and set the captives free.

Love in Jesus,



"The Birth of Your Destiny"
It Is Time To Give Your Life To Your Dreams

by Victoria Boyson
$12.95 Book

We are excited to announce the recent release of Victoria Boyson's new book, The Birth of Your Destiny.

God wants to give you a dream for your future and implant the seeds of destiny in your heart. Just like a baby hidden in the womb, so are the promises God has given to us. He speaks to us of our future, to conceive within us His will and purpose for our lives.

Giving birth to your destiny is a difficult and exhausting process, but inevitably your misery will turn into joy, and you will produce the product of grace that you have always dreamed of. You are much too close to the end to give up now. How do I know this? You have this book in your hands. Experience an impartation of God's grace and faith to fulfill all that He has for you.

"The Birth Of Your Destiny not only instructs you about theological facts pertaining to destiny, but the fact that this book is in your hands tells me that you are well on your way to the fulfillment of your destiny. It will provide important keys to unlocking the fullness of God's plan for your life." - By Francis Frangipane

Here Is Another Testimony:

I just finished reading your book. When I picked it up to read the back cover yesterday morning, a lump formed in my throat and tears came to my eyes. I knew God was going to do some work in me through this book. And He certainly is. I'm going through a very difficult time right now with many decisions to make, and I simply didn't know which way to turn. But thanks to your obedience to the Lord, I am assured that everything's going to be more than ok, and I can put the decisions in God's Hand and trust Him. - J.R.

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